Any evil has a small probability of being brought to justice!

Any crime, there is a risk of being killed by the victim!

Adhering to these two principles

, as a villain who went to the crime city of Los Santos to develop, as a villain

whose goal is to become the boss of the criminal gang.

Lin Tian decided to work hard and

rely on legal work to earn his first pot of gold.



hours later,

Lin Tian walked out of the pizzeria with the twisted smile of the migrant worker on his face.

He urged the plug-in again.

[Subordinate recruitment plug-in

] [Level 1 recruitment: 10 US knives each time] [Level 2 recruitment: 100 US knives each time] [Level 3 recruitment: 1000 US knives each time] [Level 4 recruitment: 10000 US knives every


...... [Level 7 recruitment: 10,000,000 US knives each time]

Spending 10 US dollars, Lin Tian tried to conduct a level 1 recruitment.

Immediately, a man with a strong figure and

the appearance of a gangster appeared in front of Lin Tian.

In the waist of this gangster, there is also a black pistol.

[Consume 10 US dollars and successfully recruit subordinates: a street gangster! ] 】【

Street gangster


:General】【Protective gear:None

】【Weapon: butterfly knife, pistol

】【Combat experience:General】Information

about street gangsters pops up.

Lin Tian's eyes suddenly lit up: "10 US dollars can recruit a 180-pound little brother, this is also worth it!" It's cheaper than pork! "

Street gangsters: .

As soon as his mind moved,

Lin Tian directly spent all the wages earned by working for two hours and recruited 5 street gangsters to come out!

Subsequently, he took 5 vicious gun-wielding gangsters and went straight to the commercial street of Dongqiao District.

With 5 little brothers with guns,

Lin Tian can be regarded as having some capital to break the law and commit crimes.

When passing by an alley, seeing a child with a lollipop in his

hand, Lin Tian raised his hand slightly and smiled: "Children, eating sugar is not good for your teeth!" For your health, hand over the money for candy! "


Five pistols are neatly loaded!

The child was scared at that time and directly handed over all the money on his body.

【Get $20! Lin

Tian patted the child's head with satisfaction, and

then, he recruited two street gangsters again!

Not long after, I passed a dark alley.

A scantily clad woman said: "Handsome guy, do you want to play?"

Lin Tian raised his hand and reprimanded: "I am most unaccustomed to shameless people like you, it's a good girl, it's not good to do something, I have to be so degrading myself!"

Hand over all your ill-gotten property and don't do such things in the future! "


Seven pistols neatly loaded!

The exposed woman trembled and handed over a handful of banknotes, and then promised that she would find a serious job from Liang in the future, and

Lin Tian let her go.

[Get 210 US dollars! ] 】A

full 210 US dollars were in hand,

Lin Tian opened the plug-in and recruited 21 more street gangsters!

With 28 street gangsters,

Lin Tian and his party continued to walk forward.

As soon as I reached the entrance of the dark alley, another girl dressed as a college student appeared.

Lin Tian raised his hand and said, "Beauty, it's time to return the flowers." "

Duh! Duh!

28 pistols neatly loaded!

The female college student was dumbfounded, took out the money in her pocket and said with tears in her eyes: "This is my living expenses for this week, I don't know how to live without this money..."

Lin Tian frowned when he heard this, and he turned around and pointed to the location where the woman had just been exposed to pick up the customer:

"It just so happens that there is a vacancy in the job here, you go to the top!"

"It's time to learn to be self-sufficient when you're so old."

Under the muzzle of 28 black holes

, the female college student stood in the position where the woman had just been, and began to solicit customers with a confused look.


Grab all the way, expand your troops along the way.

When Lin Tian came to the commercial street,

he was already followed by more than fifty street gangsters with pistols pinned to their waist.

Find the shop at No. 15 North Street, Commercial Street, Dongqiao District, and

a crowd of gangsters poured into the store, almost filling the store.

Lin Tian raised his hand slightly, explaining his intentions.

Duh! Duh! Duh!

More than fifty pistols loaded!

Looking at the muzzles of more than fifty black hole holes in front of him

, the shop owner Lakedo was directly frightened and shouted: "I'm still there, I'm still there, I'll pay it back right away!" Didn't I owe 1,000 US dollars? You don't have to fight such a big battle! [

Get task props: 1000 US dollars (not usable)]

Without moving a punch and kick,

Lin Tian got 1000 US dollars and successfully completed the task.

With 1,000 US dollars and more than 50 people,

Lin Tian returned to his cousin Sannia's villa.

On the way, pass a jewelry store.

In front of Lin Tian's eyes, a side quest prompt popped up.

[You have explored the side quest: Jewelry Thief

] [Mission level: four stars

] [Mission content: Plan a robbery and rob the jewelry company

] [There is no time limit on the mission, you can carry it out at any time when

you are ready] [Tip: If you are short of manpower, you can ask the speeding party for help]


Lin Tian probed, glanced at the two bodyguards in the jewelry store, looked back at the more than 50 subordinates behind him, shook his head and said, "This task is still too difficult for me at present."

"To be on the safe side, let's wait until it's strong enough."

Ten minutes later,

return to cousin Sannia's villa.

Lin Tian threw 1,000 US dollars on the table: "Cousin, the matter is done." "

Good." Sannia, who was playing cards, replied, looked up at Lin Tian, and just wanted to say two words of praise, but seeing a large group of people following behind Lin Tian, he was stunned for a while.

Sanya asked blankly: "Cousin, these people behind you are..." Lin

Tian introduced:

"These ah, these are my new little brothers."

"Come, call cousin!"

"Hello cousin!!"

Under Lin Tian's command, a group of street gangsters shouted in unison.

Sanya and his younger brothers were completely dumbfounded.

Sannia looked confused and asked, "Cousin, cousin, didn't you just come to Los Santos?" How did you accept so many little brothers so quickly?

Lin Tian scratched his head: "Maybe it's because I'm more lewd!"

Sannia cried and laughed: "So many people, it's enough for you to form another gang alone..."

A prompt popped up again in front of Lin Tian's eyes.

[You have explored a series of side quests: creating a gang

] [Mission level: two stars] [Mission content:

Recruit at least twenty subordinates to purchase or seize a base area

] [There is no time limit for the mission, and it can be carried out at any time after preparation]

The first condition of this mission, Lin Tian has been achieved.

The second condition

, if you want to achieve, should not be difficult.

[Get the main quest bonus:

100 US dollars] After completing the first task of the main story,

Lin Tian got a reward of 100 US dollars.

Immediately afterwards, cousin Sannia released the second main quest.

"I just received a call from above here, it is said that a batch of locomotives we smuggled was intercepted by people from the Ministry of Public Security, we need to find a way to steal this batch of locomotives back, I may need your help, cousin."

[Current main quest: Go to the Ministry of Public Security garage with cousin Sanya and steal the locomotive

] [Mission location: West Bank District Public Security Department Treasury Management Branch

] [Time limit: three days]

Lin Tian's heart tightened when he heard this: "Is the second task to fight with the official Ministry of Security?" It's really a speeding party!

Sanya waved his hand again and again: "It's not a fight, we just went to steal the car back, if it goes well, we shouldn't have to alarm any police officers from the Ministry of Security."

Lin Tian thought more cautiously: "But if it doesn't go well, we may have to fight the entire Ministry of Public Security, and even the entire federal official

, perhaps, the military may also join the battle, if it develops in the worst direction, we have to consider the possibility of triggering a nuclear war..."

Sannia nodded: "Okay, but within three days, we must act, and in three days this batch of locomotives will probably be transported from Los Santos."

Lin Tian: "No problem!" With

the little brother in his 50s,

Lin Tian turned around and left the villa.

"Now the situation is weak, it is inconvenient to do things, you have to find a way to make money first!"

Lin Tian sighed and opened the plug-in.

He happened to have 100 US dollars rewarded by Sannia, and

he planned to try what level of subordinates could be recruited by level 2 recruitment.

[Level 2 recruitment: 100 US dollars each time].

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