Spending $100, Lin Tian tried to conduct a level 2 recruitment.

Immediately, a tall and fierce man wearing sunglasses appeared.

He was dressed in camouflage military uniform with black body armor over it.

In hand, an AK47 rifle is even more eye-catching.

[Consume 100 US dollars and successfully recruit subordinates: one mercenary! ]



:Excellent】【Protective Gear:Body Armor

】【Weapons: AK47 Automatic Rifle, Grenade, Incendiary Bomb

】【Combat Experience: Excellent】Level

2 recruitment for 100 US dollars to recruit

a mercenary for Lin Tian.

Whether it is equipment or personal qualities,

the level of mercenaries is far above street gangsters!

"Not bad, only 100 US dollars, very good value!"

Lin Tian reached out and patted the mercenary's strong shoulder.

With more than 50 street gangsters and a mercenary

, Lin Tian wandered the streets, looking for ways to make money.

After a while, I came to a park in a somewhat remote location.

In the park, several gangster-like people stood separately, and

after seeing Lin Tian's big gang approaching, the gangsters all raised their vigilance.

In front of Lin Tian's eyes, a prompt popped up again at this time.

[You have explored the side quest: Clean the park

] [Mission level: one star] [Mission

content: Kenny Park is a trading gathering place for the Falcon Gang drug dealers, if you lack money, you may as well loot the drug dealers here to earn some extra money, but... Beware of the Falcon Gang's revenge! 【

There is no time limit for the mission, you can do it at any time when you are ready】"

One-star mission? It seems that this can be done! "

Is this the territory of the Falcon Gang?"

Lin Tian groaned slightly, recalling

some information about Luo Shengdu that was injected into his mind when he entered the game.

In Los Santos, there are many gangs large and small.

The most famous are undoubtedly the three major families that have stood for many years,

and the four major gangs that have risen rapidly in recent years.

The three major families are the

Johnson family, the Temple family, and the Sewell family.

The three major families, although in recent years, have begun to whitewash.

Nowadays, on the white road, there are a large number of legal industries.

However, the foundation is still black.

They still control a large number of illegal industries and control the situation in the entire underground world of Los Santos.

As for the four major gangs, they are

the speeding party, the dark hand party, the iron-blooded gang, and the Baal gang.

As the name suggests, the

speeding party started by smuggling vehicles.

The Dark Hand Party became famous through assassination and kidnapping.

The Predator Gang is the most numerous and has a great record in street dogfights.

The Baal Gang owns a large number of nightclubs, entertainment industry and is

the richest of the four major gangs.

Another level of gangs

, Lin Tian probably knows a few, but this Falcon Gang is definitely not among them.

There is no doubt that in this hidden dragon and crouching tiger Los Santos,

the Falcon Gang, which can only do some drug business on the street, is just a small minions.

"Refuse pornography, gambling and drugs, and sweep away the great cause of eliminating evil forces..."

"Let's take this Falcon Gang!"

Lin Tian smiled slightly and raised his right hand.

Immediately, a group of street gangsters behind him raised their pistols!

The mercenary stood beside Lin Tian and picked up the AK47.

Lin Tian's right hand fell.

Bang bang!


Gunshots rang out!

Several drug dealers in the park did not have time to react,

and in an instant they were covered by a dense bullet net and shot into a sieve!

Almost at the same time, a hint that the side quest is completed appears.

[You completed the side quest: clean the park

] [Rewarded: 20 experience points, 2000 game points]

"It is worthy of being a D-level cartridge world, and you have 20 experience points for doing a mission!"

Lin Tian's eyes lit up when he saw the prompt.

He remembered that in the world of Plants vs. Zombies, even

in the late stage, players could only gain 3 experience points for each wave of zombie attacks


If it weren't for the Easter eggs, the worldview was cracked.

Lin Tian's experience reward for clearing the entire Plants vs. Zombies is only 100 points!

Here, just by doing a simple task,

20 experience points will be credited.

That's the benefit of the high-level cassette world!

Lin Tian turned off the prompt with a smile and looked at the several corpses in the park in front of him that fell in a pool of blood.

In Los Santos, there is a clear rule that

the official will not intervene in the war between gangs.

As long as the location where the fight is taking place is on the illegal territory of the gang.

Even if the fighting results in a large number of civilian deaths,

officials will only classify the deaths of civilians as being involved in natural disasters.

This is the spiritual and cultural construction of the crime city of Los Santos.

So in the face of these drug dealers of the Falcon Gang

, Lin Tian didn't need to talk nonsense, just start it and finish.

A group of drug dealers fell to the ground.

Lin Tian immediately asked people to step forward and go to loot the cash on them.

Not long after,

a small pocket of bills arrived in his hand.

[Get 3025 US Dollars]

Looking at the bloodstained American knife on his hand,

Lin Tian couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart: "It's still faster to sweep away evil and get money!" "

As soon as the mind moves, open the plug-in.

[Consume 100 US dollars and successfully recruit subordinates: one mercenary! ] 】

【Consume 100 US dollars and successfully recruit subordinates: one mercenary! 】 】

【Consume 100 US dollars and successfully recruit subordinates: one mercenary! 】 】


Lin Tian directly recruited 30 mercenaries with these more than 3,000 US dollars!

Thirty fierce mercenaries held AK and surrounded him, and

Lin Tian suddenly felt that his sense of security was much satisfied.

However, he was still a little afraid, afraid that the Falcon Gang would retaliate.

Although the Falcon Gang is not strong,

Lin Tian is afraid.

Therefore, he decided to go directly to destroy the entire Falcon Gang in the next step.

A few gangsters were sent to the neighborhood to inquire about the Falcon Gang

, and Lin Tian was a little hungry, so he took the remaining people to the pizza shop where he worked before, and used the remaining money to buy some pizza for the brothers, and replenished a wave first.

As soon as Lin Tian's gang entered the pizzeria, the

other customers of the entire pizzeria ran away.

When he was working hourly before, the manager who had also reprimanded Lin Tian came forward tremblingly, and said with a snort: "This boss, I didn't know Tarzan before, I offended you, this meal is mine, I invite you!"

Lin Tian smiled and waved his hand when he heard this: "Come out to mix, you have to talk about the rules, I'm not a person who eats white food, rest assured, I will definitely pay the money, moreover, I will give you all my money!"

Saying that, he took out the remaining 25 dollars in his pocket and stuffed it into the manager's hand.

Looking at the more than 100 pizzas on the table, and

then at the 25 US dollars knife in his hand, the

manager was moved to cry: "You are so interesting!"

The crowd was eating

, and one of the street gangsters who had been sent out to inquire about the news suddenly rushed in covered in blood, panting and coming to Lin Tian's side: "Boss! Find the Falcon Gang's lair! Their people are now all in the nine-o'clock nightclub! are planning to take revenge on us!

"We were looking for information near the Nine O'Clock nightclub when they found out!"

"Several brothers died at the door of the nine-o'clock nightclub!"

Lin Tian suddenly became angry when he heard this.

A brother 10 US knives, died several, that is dozens!

If converted into pizza, it is enough to eat a meal and a half!

He slammed the table and yelled, "Pour me a Coke!"

On the side, a mercenary hurriedly stepped forward to pour Coke to Lin Tian.

After drinking the coke

, Lin Tian got up and waved, and said domineeringly:

"Go, follow me to the nine-o'clock nightclub and kill the Falcon Gang!"

The task prompt also reappeared at this moment.

[You have explored the side mission: Slaughter the Falcon

] [Mission level: two stars] [Mission

content: The contradiction between you and the Falcon Gang has developed to the point of irreconcilability, it's time to get rid of the Falcon Gang and kill it! 【

There is no time limit for the mission, and you can start it at any time when you are ready】

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