Heading west, Lin Tian went straight to the City of Impossible.

The City of Impossible is not far from the Flaming Mountain, only about twenty kilometers.

That evening,

Lin Tian came to the edge of the city.

Unlike ordinary cities, there are no passes, let alone sentries and patrolmen, collecting a few pocket monsters that are a little too large into the Spirit Ball, and letting his undead legion and base car stop in the distance,

Lin Tian swaggered and entered the city in an upright manner.

This city is much more prosperous and formal than Lin Tian imagined, and after entering the city, there are also many high-rise buildings and all kinds of shops, but many shops sell illegal goods and services.

"Well, these shops and illegal markets... It should feel good to grab it. Lin Tianyu's DC hara immediately planned his favorite robbery in his mind.


, with his current strength, it should not be a big problem to directly attack and plunder the city head-on.

However, considering that the vast majority of the wealth in this city should be concentrated in the hands of a few top illegal organizations, in order to avoid these top illegal organizations escaping with money and causing unnecessary income losses to Lin Tian,

he decided to find these top illegal organizations first and steadily earn the big head.

Come to a larger bar in the heart of the City of No Sight.

Lin Tian sat down at the bar and ordered a glass of wine,

wanting to ask the bartender about the city.

Who expected, as soon as he sat down,

a rush of urine rushed up.

Lin Tian hurriedly rushed to the bar toilet.

Finding that there was someone in the toilet

, Lin Tian knocked on the door again and again and urged: "Hurry, I can't hold it!" Inside

the toilet, a fierce man's voice came out: "Don't urge it!" Lao Tzu is a ghost fleet! Believe it or not, I came out and killed you! "

Ghost fleet?!"

Lin Tian's eyes immediately lit up when he heard this, the ghost fleet is an illegal organization that can rank high in this world and has a great reputation.

If he was really a member of the ghost fleet, the man in the toilet might be able to provide Lin Tian with effective information about robbing several large illegal organizations in this city!

But right now the pee is heavy

, he still knocked on the door first and urged: "Hurry up, buddy, my bladder is going to explode!" The

fierce man inside the toilet said impatiently:

"Little one? Then you just find a random place to solve it? When

Lin Tian heard this, he felt that it also made sense, so he left the toilet to look for another place to pee.

Back in the bar

hall, Lin Tian saw that the hall was dimly lit and the crowd was chaotic, so he casually took a half-drunk beer glass from the table and put it under him, and began to relieve the pressure on his bladder.

"Oh... Comfortable!

While peeing, Lin Tian looked down and

found that there was a note pressed under the cup.

The note reads: Go to the toilet and don't move.

After peeing,

Lin Tian quickly put the note back in its original place and pressed the cup up.

Sit next to you, whistle, and

pretend that nothing happened.

Not long after, the man who had just occupied the toilet walked out of the toilet, sat down next to Lin Tian with a body of alcohol, picked up the wine glass, and he saw that there was no less wine in the cup, and even seemed to have more, and he immediately smiled with satisfaction.

Looking up, he took a sharp sip.

Lin Tian, who was watching from the side, asked curiously: "Dude, how does it taste?" The

ghost fleet man was stunned, smacked his lips and replied, "It's a little tumultuous."

Lin Tian shrugged: "Beer is like this, if it is not ice, it is the same as horse urine."

"Hmph, you little devil knows what, such a beer has another flavor!" The ghost fleet man snorted, raised his head and took another big mouthful, and then looked at Lin Tiandao, "You were the one who just knocked on the toilet, right?"

Lin Tian nodded.

The ghost fleet man took another sip of wine, and looked at Lin Tian with some playfulness: "People who know that I am a ghost fleet dare to take the initiative to make small talk... Little ghost, I admit that your courage is commendable!

Lin Tianqiang endured the twitching corners of his mouth and said, "I also admit that you have a heavy taste... Then I came to you to inquire about something. The

ghost fleet man frowned and took another sip of wine: "What happened?"

Lin Tian asked, "What are the main forces that control this unforgiving capital?" Also, where are the headquarters of these forces? The

ghost fleet man smiled and took another big sip of beer: "Even this most basic thing is not clear, you dare to run to this impossible city to dangle?" "

It's not a secret message

, the ghost fleet man drinks by himself, idle is also bored

, simply, he told Lin Tian about the city.

At present, this city is basically under the control of the three forces of the Dark Moon Fleet, the Evil Fleet, and the Ghost Fleet.

In addition to these three, the ancient evil organization Demon Fleet, which has recently begun to reappear, seems to be secretly eyeing this unsafe city.

Tonight, the Dark Moon Fleet, the Evil Fleet, and the Ghost Fleet are meeting in the conference building in the center of the city to discuss how to resist the invasion of the Demon Fleet and suppress the rise of the Demon Fleet.

Receiving such important news,

Lin Tian's eyes suddenly lit up!

"The high-level leaders of the Dark Moon Fleet, the Evil Fleet, and the Ghost Fleet are all together tonight, isn't this just convenient for me to kill them all?"

Getting up,

Lin Tian walked towards the conference building in the center of the Impossible City.

Beside him, the ghost fleet man who had drunk the beer in the cup pulled Lin Tian down, and said with a strong smell of alcohol and urine: "Little ghost, since I helped you, it's not too much for you to invite me to a drink, right?"

Lin Tian asked: "Yes, which one do you drink?" The

ghost fleet man smiled and said, "Just like that."

Lin Tian tilted his head to feel it when he heard this, and felt that the inventory was insufficient, so he poured a large glass of water and said, "You wait for me to brew it." "


After leaving the bar,

Lin Tian immediately rushed to the conference building in the center of the City of Innocent.

When I came to the entrance of the building

, I saw a large number of men in black with pocket monsters guarding the door, wandering and patrolling.

Lin Tian stretched out his hand and took out the Spirit Ball, taking the lead in summoning the smaller and relatively fast Benlei Saint Leopard, and gave it the order to quickly wipe out all the life in front of him.

The pocket monsters of these black-clothed bodyguards are all garbage-colored, and their combat power is incomparable to the monsters in the black warning area, and there is not even a full level of monsters.

Such combat power is

naturally powerless in front of LV200, which has undergone a large number of cheating shop reinforcements and two types of skill cultivation.


The thunder flashed,

just a few seconds later.

Before they could even react to what was going on,

the black-clothed men and monsters guarding the door quickly fell to the ground and died.

Lin Tian walked leisurely into the building.

Along the way, there are many guards.

However, the moment they appeared in Lin Tian's field of vision, they were killed by the Benlei Saint Leopard's throat.

Lin Tianshun smoothly arrived outside the conference hall on the highest floor unimpeded.

After straightening his collar a little and wiping the blood on his body,

Lin Tian stepped forward and pushed the door in with a smile.

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