After straightening his collar a little and wiping the blood on his body,

Lin Tian stepped forward and pushed the door in with a smile.

At this time, in the conference room on the highest floor of the building, almost all the leaders of illegal forces organizations with heads and faces in the city of Impossible were all gathered here, and some matters were being discussed fiercely.

Seeing that the door of the conference room suddenly opened, a

young man with the smell of blood on his body and an evil smile stepped in.

The big guys in the conference room were slightly stunned, but they didn't think much about it, just regarded Lin Tian as the boss of some evil force... After all, Lin Tian's temperament was too similar to the leaders of this illegal organization in the conference room, and even more so.

Therefore, the discussion was not interrupted by Lin Tian's presence.

The two black-clothed men in charge of managing the order of the meeting even stepped forward and respectfully guided Lin Tian into the venue: "Please here, you sit first, tea and snacks will be delivered immediately."

Lin Tian, who killed all the way to the conference room, also scratched his head, a little confused, but everyone seemed to welcome themselves, he also nodded and sat down, intending to drink tea and eat some snacks before looting the people in this room.

Tea and snacks are served soon.

Outside the conference room,

the bones of the black-clothed people and pocket monsters who had just been killed by the Benlei Saint Leopard were not cold.

In the conference room

, Lin Tian looked comfortable and began to eat and drink, watching this conference drama.

The three people sitting in the high meeting seat were the heads of the three forces of the Dark Moon Fleet, the Evil Fleet, and the Ghost Fleet, and this meeting was mainly led by these three people.

The head of the Dark Moon Fleet pointed out the current situation and pointed out the main contradiction today: "All of you here are the most prestigious gray industry bosses in the world, and we use the impossible city as a base to develop industrial business everywhere in the world.

"This way of operation has been maintained for tens of nearly a hundred years."

"In the past ten years, even the Ministry of Law Enforcement and the Monster Fighting Alliance have begun to acquiesce to our existence, and I think that many of the bosses here should have secretly cooperated with the official to a certain extent."

"With this development, our future should be prosperous."

"However, the resurrection of the demon fleet has changed the situation."

"Unlike us businessmen who only want to pursue some profits, the ultimate goal of the Demon Fleet is to destroy this world, and we are in a completely different position."

"The various excesses of the Demon Fleet have also angered the Law Enforcement Department and the Monster Fighting Alliance, and now the officials have also begun to focus on our side, which has caused the business of many of our colleagues to not be able to operate normally."

"I believe that for everyone here, this period of time is not good, and now the Demon Fleet has also made it clear that it wants to compete with us for control of the Impossible Capital..."

"At this critical time node, how to make the right decision and what attitude to deal with the existence of the official and the Demon Fleet is the main content that we need to discuss in this meeting."

The head of the Dark Moon fleet pointed out the current complexity.

In the conference room, there was a sudden noise.

The leaders of the various forces began to state their views separately.

These many views and ideas are mainly divided into two factions.

One of the factions, with the head of the evil fleet as the backbone, hopes to solve the most pressing economic problems first, concentrate on dealing with the official picket forces, and restore the business scattered around the world.

Another faction, headed by the head of the ghost fleet, hopes to give priority to dealing with the demon fleet and ensure that the major forces as a base will not get out of control.

The personnel on both sides were constantly arguing

, the voices were noisy, and the scene was chaotic.

At this moment, Lin Tian, who had just swallowed a mouthful of snacks, said casually: "In this case, you send people to dress up as members of the demon fleet and kill thousands of civilians in the city, won't the problem be directly solved?" Hearing

Lin Tian's words

, in an instant, the people around Lin Tian quieted down.

Then, like the spread of the virus, everyone

in the entire hall fell silent.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Lin Tian coughed, simply stood up and explained his thoughts: "At present, our main problem is the official restrictions and the threat of the demon fleet.

"If, in the name of the Demon Fleet, we carry out a large-scale indiscriminate slaughter, causing the contradiction between the Demon Fleet and the official to intensify significantly, will the official side focus on dealing with the Demon Fleet, so that there is no energy to distract people to control our business?"

"On the other hand, after the demon fleet carries the black cauldron of large-scale indiscriminate slaughter on its back, it will also be surrounded and suppressed by the official with all its strength, and naturally it will have no spare power to seize control of the impossible city."

"Isn't this the best of both worlds!"

Heard Lin Tian's remarks.

All the leaders of the illegal forces present were completely sluggish.

After thinking for a moment, the head of the Dark Moon Fleet said a little stumbling: "This, this is indeed a miracle strategy, but the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians... Isn't that a bit too much?

The head of the ghost fleet had his eyes lit up, waved his hand and smiled: "What we are doing is originally an illegal business, which of you here does not have two lives on their hands?" I think this is a feasible strategy!

The head of the evil fleet stared at Lin Tian with a look of appreciation: "Such a ruthless, inhumane, and bad young man, you are the first I have seen!" Not bad, promising! The

other illegal organization bosses in the conference room also gave a thumbs up to Lin Tian:

"Cruel enough, poisonous enough!"

"This is the boldness that the boss of an illegal organization should have!"

"Compared to his evil, my sin is like a child's household!"


A call of praise, so that Lin Tian was a little embarrassed to be said, there was a feeling of standing on the podium, he scratched his head and smiled: "Low-key, low-key!" I can have today, I can't do without the cultivation of my parents and the teachings of my teachers, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone here for their help to me..." The

head of the evil fleet stepped down from the high conference seat, made a gesture of invitation to signal Lin Tian to step forward and sit down, and asked at the same time: "Young man, do you have any other good ideas?"

Lin Tian was also not polite, sitting in the center of the highest part of the conference table, and thought for a while: "I just heard you say that many members of the Demon Fleet Organization were recruited from the Impossible Capital. "

In that case, the families and friends of the members of their organization should still be in the Impossible Capital, and I think we can disassemble some parts from them and send them to the members of the Demon Fleet to control them."

As soon as these words came out, there was another uproar at the scene!

"Lying groove, why didn't I expect it!"

"There are even dirty and shameless tricks! It's really bad!

"This young man, what kind of evil devil is crooked?!"


Seeing that the atmosphere of the scene was fully mobilized by himself, and many people even cast admiring eyes towards him, Lin Tian also felt good, this was the first time since he was born that he was recognized by so many like-minded people.

Lin Tian was very moved.

I was so moved that I almost wanted to keep these people alive.


almost time to play, it's time to get down to business.

Lin Tian reached into his pocket and took out the Spirit Ball with a smile.

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