Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 763: Forty stones per mu

The manor was sited by Li Si specifically for cultivating cassava. The buildings inside were transformed by two disciples of the Mohist family and turned into something like a greenhouse. Even in winter, there is no need to worry about the cultivation failure due to low temperatures. The roof It is made of hundreds of huge pieces of glass to ensure sufficient sunlight.

When Luo Yan entered it, he saw the grown cassava plants. Their branches and leaves exposed outside the soil were stretched out, lush and full of life.

Looking around, there are no fewer than thousands of plants, neatly arranged, and even the height of their growth is exactly the same, like replicas.

You must know that it has only been more than a month since Luo Yan handed the seeds to Li Si. During this period, most of the time had to be used to build a greenhouse. It would take at least three to five months to plant the seeds to this point, but the scene before him was undoubtedly Something supernatural.

What is science?

I believe in theology now!

Luo Yan looked at this scene and thought to himself

It was outrageous that Black and White Shao Siming was able to successfully cultivate cassava in three or four days, and that it had grown to this point.

If there were hundreds of onmyoji sorcerers of Black and White Shao Siming's level, would they still need to carry provisions when going out to fight?

The Yin and Yang family was indeed ruined in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi. They were chasing Canglong Qisu all day long. It was a waste of resources to have such a big treasure beside them without knowing it.

Forget it, we can't always criticize the Yin Yang family. After all, it is also Concubine Yan's natal family... Luo Yan stepped forward and pulled out a cassava plant. As his inner breath circulated, the soil broke open, revealing The whole picture of cassava is revealed, and it looks a bit like an inferior version of ginseng.

The branches and leaves are like shrubs, extremely rough, and the fruits below are even more exaggerated, like dozens of rough radishes piled together.

"That's what it is."

Luo Yan looked at the thing in his hand, compared it with the short video in his mind, and then made sure. He put it on the mat. One cassava plant grew about five or six kilograms, and eight cassava plants were planted on one acre of land. There are about a hundred plants, and the harvest is about four thousand kilograms.

Even if the weather is good and the harvest season is good these days, one acre of land can only produce four to five hundred kilograms of rice ears. This is still a favor from God. If the weather is not good, it is normal for one or two hundred kilograms or even no rice ears to be harvested.

After all, this is ancient times, there is no scientific breeding and there are no chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It is a great effort to have so many.

"Ten times, it's not bad."

The corners of Luo Yan's mouth turned up slightly and he smiled.

Li Si, who was standing aside, couldn't help but swallowed when he heard the words, feeling that his mouth was a little dry.

He was not the kind of rich and powerful person who didn't distinguish between grains and grains. He was from a poor family and had farmed when he was a child. He knew very well what Luo Yan meant. In fact, after seeing the cassava pulled out by Luo Yan, Li Si had already pressed his patience. I couldn't help but feel excited.

He saw the old farmers planting the cassava in front of him with his own eyes, and he knew exactly how much land there was in one acre.

"It's truly a divine thing!"

Li Si's lips trembled, but he couldn't help it and sighed.

Even though the cassava is troublesome to eat, it is easy to store. As long as it is handled properly, it will not be a problem to store it for two or three years.

As long as I can eat, what's the trouble?

No matter how difficult it is, can it be compared to chewing tree bark?

Yi Zi eats each other?

Once this thing becomes popular, how many people can be saved?

The biggest problem of Qin's unification of the world seems to have been solved.

It can keep the lower class civilians full, and this alone is enough to make Qin look down upon them!

When Luo Yan heard Li Si's words, he looked at the black and white young Siming with burning eyes: "Although this thing is magical, the Yin Yang family's magic is even more magical. It can actually bring about the birth of seeds in three or four days." To this point, it’s unbelievable.”

It's one thing to know it's useful, but it's another to see it with your own eyes. This ability alone is a treasure for Black and White Young Master Siming!

Luo Yan could even try to ask Black and White Shao Siming to cultivate hybrid rice. He didn't lack theoretical knowledge. What he lacked was practical ability. He couldn't do anything before. Now that he has a pair of cheating sisters around him, many problems seem to be solved.

Black and white young Siming doesn't seem to know how exaggerated his abilities are.

Sister Hei noticed Luo Yan's gaze, frowned slightly, and said: "It is not difficult to induce plants, but it takes too much time and energy. My sister and I cannot do this often. I hope Marquis Yueyang understands."

This sentence is equivalent to this one time, never happen again.

"I have to trouble you two to induce the birth a few more times. I hope that in the spring of next year, this plant can be planted on a large scale in the Qin State. Once it becomes popular, there will be no need to trouble you two."

Luo Yan naturally would not let the two sisters go, and said in an extremely gentle manner.

Although there are still tens of thousands of Hu captives who can be used as tool men and use their lives to ripen them, it will obviously take time to transform them and make them cooperate.

Such a gentle attitude made Da Siming look sideways and curled his lips in disgust. He felt a little resentful in his heart. Luo Yan had never treated her like this before.


The two sisters looked at each other, and sister Bai looked at Luo Yan and responded softly.

Because this matter is not difficult, and the vitality of cassava is very strong. The rhizome only needs a small piece to induce growth, and the growth rate is extremely fast. There is no need to control the details. It is enough to roughly draw the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and instill it. It is far less effective than to induce flowers and the like. It's so troublesome, and the only bad thing is that it's a waste of time and energy.

However, this matter involves Luo Yan, so they are naturally willing to sell a favor to give face to Luo Yan, the new Xiangjun, and also to Dongjun.

Li Si stood next to Luo Yan, calm down now, looking at Black and White Young Siming with equally burning eyes. If Luo Yan hadn't spoken, he would have been a little impulsive and ordered people to tie up Black and White Young Siming and induce labor day and night. plant.

I had heard of Yin Yang magic in the past, but I wasn’t very interested in it, but now the combination of cassava and Yin Yang magic has produced such a miracle!

How to keep people calm.

"Li Si, please go to the palace and report this matter to the king, and then invite the king and all the ministers in the court to come and watch."

Luo Yan turned to look at Li Si, reached out and patted his shoulder, smiling.


Li Si was stunned when he heard this and looked at Luo Yan in disbelief.

Luo Yan smiled and continued: "It's time to move your position. This is what I promised you. In the spring of next year, this thing will definitely spread throughout the Qin Kingdom. I will recommend you to the king for this matter. As long as you do it Okay, within five years, I will guarantee you the position of prime minister."

"Li Si thanks Marquis Yueyang for his kindness!"

Li Si pursed his lips, then took a step back, folded his hands respectfully, bowed deeply to Luo Yan, and said in a deep voice.

"I've said it before, Li Si, you don't need to do this. You deserve all this. I still say the same thing. Don't let the heart of power lose your eyes. The future of Qin is not just the six countries, but the world is also very big. Qin still has a long way to go in the future, don’t forget what I told you about the road to becoming a king, that’s what we should do, fighting in a nest is sometimes too petty.”

Luo Yan helped Li Si up and said softly.

"Li Si, remember this!"

Li Si responded in a deep voice. Regarding the Tang Dynasty that Luo Yan said, he now had some ambition and courage. Especially after seeing that cassava was actually grown, he no longer had any doubts about what Luo Yan said.

The Seven Kingdoms are indeed too small, but the outside world is still very big, and there are still many things waiting for him.

He also wanted to take a look outside.

"Go ahead and deal with this first."

Luo Yan said and handed his jade token to Li Si.

Li Si then bowed his hands and stood up and strode towards Xianyang Palace.

Luo Yan looked at Li Si's retreating figure with a smile in his eyes, then continued to look at the cassava in his hand, and asked the black and white young Siming: "As you said last time, this birth-promoting technique can be activated by its own vitality, even if People without talent can still perform it, but I don’t know how to perform it? Can a death row prisoner also do it?"

"Yes, you just need to plant a life-and-death curse seal on him to let the vitality in his body leak out, which can promote the growth of plants."

Hei's eyes were cold and he said with emotion.

Equivalent exchange?

Using life force in exchange for plant growth, the Yin Yang family's magic is really evil, but I like it... Luo Yan doesn't think this is a big problem. Qin will not lack enemies in the future, let alone prisoners. These people killed It would be a pity, as waste utilization is more in line with Qin's interests.

If you want to build a beautiful Qin State, sacrifice and death are indispensable. Someone has to be the executioner, and Li Si is very good.

As for Luo Yan, as the dean of the Academy, he is naturally highly respected. In the future, he will take the lead in criticizing Li Si for being too cruel and disrespecting life!

"Mo Crow, go to the dungeon and bring a death row prisoner over."

Luo Yan's mind was racing, but he ordered directly to Mo Ya.

"The Seal of Life and Death is a death curse. Once it is planted, the life in the body will pass away at a speed dozens of times faster than that of ordinary people. Those with weak bodies will die within months or even days. And if you want to plant the Seal of Life and Death, you will have to The loss will not be small. If you want to plant curse seals on a large scale, it is simply unrealistic."

Da Siming supported his small waist, looked at Luo Yan coldly with his beautiful eyes, and reminded him.

There are only two black and white masters, and even if they are exhausted, they cannot meet Luo Yan's needs. What's more, Yin Yang magic is inherently risky. Even if they are talented, they cannot infinitely consume the power of the soul.

"Is this spell difficult to learn?"

Luo Yan asked with a frown.

"It's not difficult, it's a basic spell. Many disciples of the Yin Yang family have gone to extremes and tried to use the life and death curse seal to stimulate their body's potential, but in the end they all died."

Da Siming said softly.


"There's no risk, but people who don't have a strong spirit can easily become useless."

Da Siming chuckled.

"Then select a group of disciples to specialize in practicing the life and death curse seal."

Luo Yan thought for a while and then said directly, behind him was the entire Qin State, and the most indispensable thing was people. If he couldn't learn the advanced Yin and Yang spells, wouldn't he be able to learn the basic spells?

As for the risk... it really doesn't work. He chooses from among the prisoners and takes a group of prisoners. Luo Yan doesn't believe that everyone wants to be a prisoner for the rest of their life. If they have the opportunity to become a leader, they will let it go. As long as they learn the life and death spell, they can control other people. Whether a person lives or dies, he believes that there will be people who are willing to risk their lives and give everything for it.

Besides, this is just a stage. Once the needs are met, this cruel method will naturally be abolished.

But at this stage, Luo Yan thinks this method is great!

There are too many Hu and Baiyue people, and there will be an entire Mauryan Dynasty in the future...

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Just when Luo Yan was testing the life and death curse seal, Li Si had already entered the Yong Palace with Luo Yan's jade tablet.

Li Si, this is just the beginning...

Li Si walked into the Lama Temple and took a deep breath. His eyes were firmer and more transparent than before. Following Zhao Gao's footsteps, he soon saw Ying Zheng, who was handling government affairs, and beside him. Gai Nie, the descendant of Guigu, helped.

"Your Majesty, Li Si, pay homage to the King!"

Li Si stood still, bowed his hands, and said in a deep voice.

Ying Zheng slowly raised his head and looked at Li Si. A strange color flashed in his dark eyes, because Li Si was a little more haggard than before, but his eyes were more energetic and seemed to be more pleasing to the eye.

"What's the matter?"

Ying Zheng asked calmly with a cold and serious face.

Li Si kept the gesture of cupping his hands and said concisely: "The cassava planting was successful. Marquis Yueyang sent his subordinates to inform the king and invite the king and everyone in the court to come and watch the ceremony."

"Watch the ceremony?"

Ying Zheng frowned and said doubtfully.

He naturally knew about the cassava matter, and he also knew that Li Si was in charge. People from the East Factory would report the situation every few days, but weren't the seeds just planted?

It has just sprouted now, so what’s there to see?

"The grand occasion of yielding forty stones per mu!"

Li Si lowered his head and spoke word by word.

Forty stones per mu?

After the words fell, the atmosphere in Yong Palace suddenly became a little solid. Ying Zheng's eyes narrowed, staring at Li Si, and said in a deep voice: "Li Si, do you know the consequences of talking nonsense in front of these people?"

Forty stones, converted to more than four thousand kilograms, nearly five thousand kilograms.

What is this concept?

You must know that even in a good harvest year, the yield per mu is only two or three stones.

Even if Luo Yan had said in advance that cassava was very productive and could weigh several thousand kilograms, Ying Zheng was only half-convinced. What's more, the seeds could only be planted for more than a month, so it would be a good harvest?

No one would believe it.

"Your Majesty, if you don't believe me, don't you still trust Marquis Yueyang? At this moment, Marquis Yueyang is waiting at the manor. If your Majesty doesn't believe it, go and take a look and you will know the truth."

Li Si said extremely calmly.

Gai Nie and Zhao Gao also looked at Li Si, and they were also a little shocked. Li Si's words were really exaggerated. The yield per mu was forty stones. What about the Book of Heaven?

But Li Si was so sworn that they couldn't help but not believe him. Besides, Li Si also moved out of Luo Yan. Li Si might be crazy. How could Luo Yan go crazy with Li Si, unless Luo Yan was hit in the head by a woman.

"Zhao Gao, prepare the car, Li Si, tell me all the causes and consequences, and don't hide anything."

Ying Zheng stood up suddenly, gave instructions to Zhao Gao, and then looked at Li Si.

Just as Li Si said, he didn't believe in Li Si, but he had 100% trust in Luo Yan. Luo Yan asked the Mo family to bring cassava, and he had already said in advance that it could produce a thousand catties per mu, but it grew so fast that it surpassed him. I didn't even dare to think about it.

The yield per mu is only a few thousand kilograms, and the growth cycle is still so short. How is this possible? !

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