Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 764 Long time no see

Recently, Mr. Changping has been cultivating himself, and he is no longer messy. He goes to work on time every day, handles official duties, does things when he has something to do, and goes home to drink tea when he has nothing to do. He is living a comfortable life.

It's not that he lacks ambition, but that he has already done everything he needs to do.

As the saying goes, it is up to people to make things happen.

At this point, it is useless to be anxious, especially after Tian Guang's accident, Changping Jun is more and more afraid to continue to cause trouble. He has already felt that Ying Zheng is suspicious of him, and he cannot live up to his previous trust.

With Luo Yan watching eagerly from the side, Lord Changping is now walking on thin ice.

Changping Jun is practicing calligraphy in the study at the moment. Ever since Luo Yan invented paper and Xiaozhuan, he likes to practice calligraphy alone when he has nothing to do. Regardless of other things, Luo Yan can be remembered in history just because of the emergence of paper and Xiaozhuan. A heavy blow.

Of course, Lord Changping had no appreciation for Luo Yan, because the appearance of Xiaozhuan made him more clearly aware of Qin's ambition to swallow up the six countries.

Writing is the carrier of a country's culture and spirit. The Qin State wanted to destroy the writing of the Seven Kingdoms, leaving only small seal script in the world. This was no less than destroying the roots of the Six Kingdoms.

"For text alone, Xiaozhuan is indeed much simpler... It's a pity."

Mr. Changping put away his pen and looked at the dozens of lines of fonts on the paper. He was deeply moved, but after a moment, he shook his head and sighed.

Nothing in this world is ever perfect.

From the perspective of the State of Qin, everything Luo Yan did was for the future, but Lord Changping not only stood from the perspective of the State of Qin, but also from the perspective of the State of Chu, and even from the perspective of the royal family of the Chu State. Look at all this with eyes.

Thinking of this, Mr. Changping was not in the mood to write anymore.

Just at this time, the servant of the palace came quickly and stood at the door, holding a secret letter in both hands and said: "Your Majesty, a message is sent from the palace."

In the palace?

Changping Jun frowned, walked over, took the secret letter and read it. After just one glance, his eyes froze, and a dazzling number directly blinded his eyes.

The yield per mu is forty stones!

Changping Jun's eyes instantly became serious, and he read the entire secret letter completely. He was not even sure about it once. He read it again, and his Adam's apple rolled a little. It can be seen that he was in a mood at this moment, and he was not sure about this period of time. Cultivation of one's moral character and character has obviously become a waste of time, and one's mind should be in a state of confusion.

It's not that he lacks characterization, but that the content of this secret letter is too exaggerated.

Luo Yan unexpectedly found a crop with a yield of forty shi per acre, and had successfully cultivated it. He was now waiting for King Qin Ying Zheng and other important officials in the court to come and watch the ceremony.

To put it more simply, it is to witness this era-changing scene!

Neither Luo Yan nor Ying Zheng thought about keeping this matter secret, because it cannot be kept secret at all. Now with the help of Yin Yang Family Young Master Siming, such crops will inevitably be planted on a large scale in Qin State in the early spring of next year. In addition, After the construction of the Zhengguo Canal is completed, Guanzhong will become a "land of abundance" where it is extremely easy to grow crops!

At that time, the impact will be huge. It is impossible to hide it from the six countries. It is better to tell everyone openly.

Even if the six countries need it, Qin can buy and sell some cassava seeds. They are not allowed to plant them. Without the assistance of the Yin and Yang family, it will take at least five years to develop into large-scale planting.

There is no need to worry about being stolen by Six Nations.

You can even use this to plan your layout in the six countries, saving you trouble in the future!

"The sky has changed!"

Chang Pingjun's lips trembled and he spoke slowly. At this moment, his hands were trembling a little, but he didn't know it.

The attendants on the side were a little frightened when they saw their master like this for the first time.

After a while, Chang Pingjun said: "Prepare the car!"

Even if you are convinced of this in your heart, you still have to take a look!

At the same time, Lord Changwen, Han Fei and others also received the news. Their reactions were the same as Lord Changping, they were all shocked.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Ying Zheng and his ministers are on their way.

However, Luo Yan took his eldest son Siming to study the life and death curse. This curse is a domineering curse that favors the wood attribute among the yin and yang arts. It is extremely cruel. The person who is cursed will survive in a very short time. As the internal flow passes, oneself will also fall into a manic state, which is a bit like taking a shot of chicken blood.

Just like the death row prisoner who was cursed at this moment, his skin was slightly red and hot, his energy and blood seemed to be boiling, his strength increased sharply, and his eyes gradually lost his senses, as if he could not control the surge of power in his body.

The black and white young Siming made seals on the left and right, and the flower hands were very beautiful. There was a light green halo flowing on the fingertips, pulling the Qi in the death row prisoner's body, and slowly suppressing this restless power. , a moment later, the death row prisoner woke up a little, and at the same time looked at Luo Yan and others in horror. Unfortunately, his acupuncture points had been tapped at this moment, and he did not even have the right to speak.

"We have temporarily suppressed the spell in his body, but his vitality will still slowly flow away, and the flow will become faster and faster, and finally he will be destroyed. Just like before, his blood will boil, he will lose his mind, and finally he will fall into madness, until Exhausted."

Shao Simingbai looked at Luo Yan and explained softly.

Compared with her sister Hei, her character is more decent and generous, giving people a very good feeling.

Berserker... Luo Yan murmured in his heart. The effect of this spell is somewhat similar to the Six Soul Terror Curse, but compared to the Six Soul Terror Curse, it is obviously more crude and crude, like a weakened version, and it is based on vitality. The price is irreversible.

"Is this okay?"

Luo Yan didn't care about the effect of the spell. He only cared about whether it could ripen the cassava.

“You’ll know if you try it~”

Da Siming said something for Young Siming, glanced at Luo Yan, and then pinched a seed and placed it on the forehead of the death row prisoner.

Luo Yan looked at Da Siming's movements, the seeds fell, but there was no reaction at all, and he immediately looked at the black and white young Siming in confusion.

"He has never practiced yin and yang magic, and can only rely on his own vitality to induce birth. Just now, my sister and I suppressed the spell in his body, and now it is released."

Shao Si Minghei said coldly and arrogantly, forming a seal with his hands, folding them into a unique posture, and then slowly flipped over, as if turning on some switch. Suddenly, the death row prisoner who had just calmed down for a while opened his eyes in anger again, and groaned in pain. Humming, his body began to turn red again.

This time, the seeds on his forehead reacted, taking root and sprouting at a speed visible to the naked eye. The roots directly pierced the death row prisoner's eyebrows, which made Luo Yan tremble in his heart.

Soon, the seeds took root and sprouted, turning into a blood-red monster flower in just ten breaths.

At the same time, in Luo Yan's perception, the aura of the death row prisoner decayed at a terrifying speed, as if all the vitality in the body had been sucked by this flower.

Shao Siming's black fingers crossed again, cutting off the connection between Qi and Qi. Immediately, the death row prisoner's aura stabilized a little and did not continue to decline.

"With the vitality in his body, up to ten such plants can be ripened at one time, and they will die. If it is done slowly, it may be prolonged. I have not tried this beforehand and cannot be sure."

Shao Si Minghei looked at Luo Yan and said slowly.

The people of the Yin Yang family are really cruel... Luo Yan pondered for a moment: "Then try slowly. There are a lot of death row prisoners in Qin State. I need to extend their life span as much as possible, at least for one or two years. They die in one go. It's too It’s such a waste, I still expect them to build roads for Qin!”

While building roads, it uses its own energy to ripen cassava, making it self-sufficient and equivalent to a perpetual motion machine.

Even though the durability is not high, it can't withstand any wear and tear.

However, this matter is a bit inhumane and will have a bad impact if word spreads about it, so Luo Yan plans to let Li Si manage it. Anyway, Li Si's methods are quite ruthless.

The black and white young Siming looked at Luo Yan with a strange look in his eyes. He could kill with no more than a nod. Even if the method was more brutal, he would still die on the spot. However, Luo Yan's death method was a bit torturous and he did not treat people as human beings.

Da Siming glanced sideways at Luo Yan. She knew better than anyone how dark his heart was.

In the eyes of outsiders, Luo Yan is a highly respected Mr. Luo.

In the eyes of my wife, Luo Yan is not a good person, he is very bad, but he is very good at pretending.

"Let's try."

Black and white young Siming looked at each other and said.

Luo Yan said calmly: "Just try, I only ask about the result."

Can a death row prisoner be considered a human being?

After the matter was settled, about half an hour later, Ying Zheng arrived here first. Judging from his expression, he was a little impatient and lost his previous calmness, but it was normal. It is impossible for an emperor to remain calm.

No matter how powerful Ying Zheng is, he is only a human being. He can do the things of gods, but he cannot turn himself into a god.

A person will have seven emotions and six desires.


Luo Yan was just about to salute, but he was helped up by Ying Zheng, and he spoke a little faster: "Sir, there is no need to be polite. Where is Cassava now?"

"In this room."

Luo Yan didn't give in and took Ying Zheng directly towards the hot house.

Inside the house?

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about how it was possible to grow crops in this season since it was winter now. Thinking of this, his eyes also glanced at the black and white young Siming who was hanging his head slightly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. I really didn’t expect that the Yin Yang family could do such a thing.

God really bless Qin!

Ying Zheng calmed down his thoughts and followed Luo Yan into the greenhouse. He soon saw a lush field of cassava. Even the growth was the same. It was pleasing to the eye and good news for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

So, the girls from the Yin Yang family are all great!

Unique talents can be discovered if they are developed properly!

"Please see, Your Majesty, this is cassava. Its rhizome is thick and edible. Although it contains toxins, it only needs to be soaked in water and dried in the sun to remove the poison, making it easier to store..."

Luo Yan handed a cassava he had pulled out earlier to Ying Zheng, and at the same time broke off a piece of cassava and explained it to Ying Zheng.

At this time, the short video in my mind began to be introduced simultaneously.

"Its nutritional content is not low, and it tastes soft and glutinous, with a very solid texture. I ate it once with my teacher when I was a child, and it has been more than ten years since then~"

Luo Yan sighed with melancholy in his eyes.

Don't ask, asking is just to remember the past. As everyone knows, Luo Yan is a person who respects teachers and Taoism.

"Sir's teacher is really a strange person. It's a pity that I didn't get to meet him."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he sighed softly. He had also heard Luo Yan talk about Luo Yan's past, so he was naturally familiar with it.

When Luo Yan heard this, he chuckled and said, "I will complete the road that my teacher has not completed back then. I will also help him realize his unfinished dreams and get a glimpse of the vastness of this world."

Luo Yan is still full of curiosity and passion for this world.

"I will accompany you to complete this journey."

Ying Zheng smiled.

For a moment, Luo Yan and Ying Zheng looked at each other with passion. Don't ask, just ask because they share the same goals.

Of course, only Luo Yan himself knows how much of it is true.

However, this scene caused Gai Nie and Zhao Gao not far away to take a few more glances. Zhao Gao was naturally concerned about Luo Yan's favor and trust, which was related to whether his friendship with Luo Yan could last forever. But obviously, The answer Luo Yan gave him was perfect.

Gai Nie was concerned about the future of Qin and how far Ying Zheng and Luo Yan could go. Then he looked at the thousands of cassava plants. He had already seen the one in Luo Yan's hand just now. If every plant was like this, The yield of forty stones per mu is by no means an exaggeration.

Genie knew what this meant.

The world is really going to change!

If the Six Nations knew this news, I don’t know how they would react. A few decades ago, there might have been a joint attack on Qin by the Six Nations. But now, the Six Nations obviously do not have the courage and confidence. Maybe there is a fight. However, all countries are seeking to protect themselves and have no intention of entering.

King Zhao Yan is seriously ill and is close to death. Prince Qian is even more dissolute and incompetent than his father.

King An of Han was drunk and dreaming of life and death, and he no longer cared about state affairs.

King Yan was happy not to talk about it, and most of the affairs in the court were controlled by Yan Chunjun.

A bastard from Qi State.

The situation in Chu State is too chaotic, and the King of Chu is also old and has no willpower.

Wei Guo can still struggle for a while.

This kind of situation is not to mention Gai Nie Weizhuang. Even in the era of Su, Qin and Zhang Yi, no one could take the lead in reuniting. After all, half of the six countries were defeated by Guigu Zongheng. The harder you play, the more you toss and the more ferocious you become.

While Ying Zheng and Luo Yan were chatting, Zhao Gao received news from the Dongchang guards and immediately stepped forward to inform Ying Zheng that the ministers had arrived.

"Then let's get started. I'm also very curious, how much can this cassava yield per acre?"

Ying Zheng nodded and looked expectantly at the lush plants in front of him. The things under them were all treasures.

As Yingzheng's order was issued.

The group of important officials from Qin State passed through the guards and entered the house one after another. The first to arrive was Luo Yan's old acquaintance, Lord Changping. He was as personable and gentle as ever, with a smile on his lips, as if he was really in a good mood. .

But the smile froze the moment he saw Luo Yan and didn't stretch.

"Your Majesty, long time no see!"

Luo Yan walked over to greet him and said with a smile.

Lord Changping's face stiffened, but he soon regained his composure. He looked Luo Yan up and down and said, "It is rumored that Marquis Yueyang was infected with the cold. Is he cured now?"

"Your Majesty is really well-informed. I clearly only informed your Majesty of this matter."

Luo Yan said pointedly.

Ying Zheng also looked over at this moment...

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