Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 849 Without him, Luo Yan gave too much

gunpowder? !

Luo Yan raised his eyebrows. Of course he knew what happened just now, but he didn't expect that anyone would dare to really bombard him. He, Luo, was always the only one who bombarded others. It was never anyone else's turn to bombard him. This was because of his It was a matter of principle for a man, but after thinking for a moment, he also considered who had done it.

Yan Dan is still Lord Changping, or he is from Wei State, he can't be the people from Han and Zhao.

The latter two are very unlikely.

The civilians of South Korea and Zhao are living quite well now. Luo Yan also takes great care of the people of the two countries, basically ensuring that they will not starve to death. Even South Korea has begun to plant cassava, which is undoubtedly better than in history. Too many. As long as there are no natural or man-made disasters, there will be no large-scale famine.

This is considered extremely preferential treatment in this era, even better than when Han and Zhao were not destroyed.

You must know that these days, the exploitation of the common people by the powerful is extremely terrifying, and class is deeply rooted in the bones. One percent of the people control 99% of the materials and wealth. If the people below have not rebelled, it is just deep-rooted. This idea is somewhat similar to that of India in later generations.

I feel mentally inferior to those above.

"It's possible that he is a best friend from various countries, but you shouldn't kill me if you want to. Forget it, I really can't find anyone. The blame will be placed on Lord Changping."

Luo Yan's eyes moved slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he started to record the accounts. Regardless of whether tonight's incident had anything to do with him, he would just put the blame behind him first, not to mention that Mr. Changping was very suspicious. He, Mr. Luo, had always been with Mr. Luo. When people are on good terms with each other, he is the only one who is on bad terms with them, let alone this time.

Da Siming, who was being held by Luo Yan, was curled up in the bed with his head buried in it. His pretty face was red and he felt an indescribable sense of shame.

There are some things that can be done, but they shouldn’t be too ostentatious.

Da Siming feels very bad now.

However, Mo Ya and others didn't pay much attention to this. In their hearts, Da Siming was Luo Yan's woman, but she didn't have a title. However, with Luo Yan's care for women, the title was not very good. That's all that matters.

What's more, compared to this matter, catching the assassin is more important.

Mo Ya cupped his hands and said, "Sir, please move to another place first, just in case."

He was also worried that the other party had back-ups. There were casualties in the round of bombing just now. Even Luo Yan was blown up and his hair was disheveled. Of course, if he wanted to kill him, the power of gunpowder in this era was still far behind. After all, the destructive power of black gunpowder is weaker, and the destructive power increases exponentially when it is upgraded to chemical gunpowder.

"I'm really looking forward to their next move."

Luo Yan stretched his neck and sneered.

One thing to say, this round of bombing just now was so powerful that it made him tremble!

Immediately, he didn't refuse and walked directly to another courtyard with Da Siming in his arms. After all, Da Siming was still naked curled up in the bed in his arms, and he didn't want others to see it.

But tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Luo Yan arranged Da Siming, washed himself, and walked out neatly dressed. The scowl on his face had subsided, and he looked at Mo Ya with a smile on his lips, waiting for Mo Ya to report the situation.

This is really angry... Mo Ya looked at Luo Yan's expression and knew what he was doing, and his attitude became a little more serious. He raised his hands and said, "We have already investigated, the other party has escaped in advance, and Luo Net's people who are good at tracking have been sent out. , there are only three throwers left in place, the opponent should have ambushed here in advance."

"So, I'm being targeted now?"

Luo Yan touched his chin and said softly.

Mo Ya didn't respond, because this matter was already obvious. If he hadn't been targeted, who could have transported the thrower here in such a short period of time. It was obvious that the other party had already planned it. This time's failure was It may be just an attempt, and it is not ruled out that the other party may continue to act.

These days, there are only a thousand days of thieves, and there is no one who can guard against thieves. Especially when you don't even know who the other party is, the road back will obviously not be peaceful.

Luo Yan thought for a moment, then a curve appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he whispered: "Let those soldiers withdraw tomorrow."

"Isn't this... a bit risky?"

Mo Ya couldn't help but said.

Luo Yan curled his lips disdainfully and said calmly, "I'm just afraid they won't come out."


Luo Yan wouldn't have escaped without three master-level masters. There were only so many master-level masters in the world at that time. He could count them on both hands. Luo Yan knew half of them, and the rest were impossible. Join forces to assassinate him. In this case, no matter how many times the other party comes, they will be killed.

Luo Yan naturally didn't mind giving them a chance to eliminate the thunder around him.

But be afraid of surprises in everything.

Luo Yan narrowed his eyes and said: "Send an order to Zhenri and ask him to escort me back to the country first. Put aside the affairs of the Wei State for the time being, and then send a message to Dongchang and the Shadow Secret Guard, saying that I have been assassinated. Let him They immediately sent help."

He planned to stay in this small town for a few days, give the other party a chance to assassinate him, and then kill the other party in one go.

Luo Yan was also curious as to who dared to disturb Tai Sui and assassinate him.


Mo Ya answered with cupped hands and immediately went down to make arrangements.

. . . . . . . .

In a tall building in the town, a figure was holding a bamboo tube towards the courtyard where Luo Yan was. After a long time, he slowly lowered it, revealing Tian Guang's rough and resolute face. Then he looked at the telescope in his hand. I couldn't help but sigh: "Such good things can be created. Sometimes I really want to meet this teacher of Marquis Yueyang and see what kind of person he is."

This telescope naturally came from the state of Qin and was given to him by Lord Changping.

This thing is very popular in the military, and external control is very strict, but it is not difficult for Lord Changping.

There were several figures standing next to Tian Guang. They were the masters of the sixth hall of the farmhouse. Even Luo Yan's old friend Tian Mi was here. However, Xiaomi Guan knew how to hide her clumsiness and kept a very low profile during this period. She even He didn't even participate in the conversation, he just stood aside silently and listened to everyone's chatter.

"You also know now that our target is Luoyang Hou Luoyan of Qin State. If you have anything to say, please tell him in advance."

Tian Guang's voice was bold, he looked at the people with different expressions, and said slowly.

He did not inform everyone about this matter in advance, but only informed everyone to come and carry out a mission. Only after they dealt with Luo Yan tonight did everyone know what Tian Guang's so-called mission was, to assassinate Luo Yan, Marquis of Yue Yang of Qin State. It must be said that this incident would bring everyone to They were so shocked that several people's expressions changed slightly.

Tian Mi is naturally among them, but she is pretending. This is also her way of survival.

Zhu Jia, the leader of Shennong Hall, held the fat face wearing a blue mask and said in a low tone: "Xia Kui, this matter is too hasty. The Marquis of Yueyang of Qin is not so easy to kill, and This person’s reputation in the world is extremely good. If the world knows that my peasant family assassinated him, it will be a big trouble for the peasant family. It’s not appropriate, it’s not appropriate~”

If the Zhu family had known about this matter in advance, they would have definitely persuaded Tian Guang to give up. This matter was too difficult and the consequences would be too great. Unless Luo Yan could be killed quietly and all those who knew about it were silenced, it would definitely be a disaster for the farmer's family. A big disaster will kill many people.

As the leader of the six farmhouses who likes to use his brain the most and dislikes killing the least, he prefers to use negotiation to solve problems.

"What are you afraid of? No matter how difficult it is to kill, he is still a human being. Killing him with our strength is not enough."

Tian Hu, the leader of Chiyoutang, sneered and said directly with a fiery temper. His straightforward personality made him not like to use his brain to think about problems, and preferred to use force. In his opinion, the top management of the farm family sent out collectively, and the Xia Kuai was in charge, killing one For the top brass of Qin State, this is definitely not a difficult task.

His eldest brother Tian Meng didn't say anything, and his face was slightly dull. He didn't agree with this matter very much. The risk was too great, the benefits were too little, and if he didn't do it well, he would be targeted by the Qin State, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

But the initiator of this matter was Xia Kuai Tian Guang, and Tian Meng could not express his objection directly. He had been coveting the position of the next Xia Kuai for a long time.

If he took the initiative to stand up and object at this time, wouldn't it be a slap in Tian Guang's face?

Situ Wanli, the leader of the Siyue Hall, silently moved his abacus. He waited for everyone to speak, and then he slowly said: "I dare to ask the hero, why did he suddenly plan this matter? This is what Marquis Yueyang of the Qin State did. It is beneficial to everyone in the world, and my farm family will also benefit from it. Now that he is suddenly assassinated, once this matter gets out, it will definitely be a loss-making business for the farm family."

Even if this matter is successful or not, it is a meaningless thing in Situ Wanli's opinion.

Everything you do must be beneficial. Doing things that harm others but not yourself is too stupid.

Tian Mi, who temporarily took the position of the head of Kuei Hall, had a complicated face, with soft eyes and a hint of sadness in his eyes. It seemed that the image of himself being tortured by Luo Yan was resounding, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes for a while.

This scene naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Tian Guang also took advantage of this and said: "What Qin Marquis Yueyang did was not beneficial to the people of the world, but only beneficial to Qin. Only with him could Qin devour other countries so quickly. Han and Zhao have been destroyed. The State of Yan almost died in his hands, followed by Chu and Wei.

Do you think it is really a good thing for the people of the world that Qin destroyed the six kingdoms?

As for the Marquis Yueyang of the Qin State, he originally intended to cooperate with him, but Tian Mi should know very well what kind of person he is. "

Hearing this, Tian Mi even wanted to cry, her eyes were red, she bit her thin lips lightly, her eyes showed a bit of sorrow and sorrow, and she said softly: "The Marquis Yueyang of Qin is indeed not a human being, to the Nu family...嘤嘤嘤~”

Although the words were not finished, everyone understood what he meant.

Tian Meng looked at the voluptuous and sexy Tian Mi, and a trace of covetousness and desire appeared in the depths of his eyes. He has also had thoughts about Tian Mi in the past two years. There is a saying that there is a lot of trouble in front of the widow, especially when Tian Mi, a pretty widow whose husband-in-law died just after she passed away, is really full of charm.

Especially in the past few years, that enchanting and charming charm can really suck people's soul away.

If Tian Guang hadn't been pressing on him, and if Tian Meng had ideas about the position of the leader of heroes, he would have taken action against Tian Mi long ago.

"It's not that easy to kill him, especially without revealing your identity. Xia Kui, I suggest you contact Chu Wei to do it together. It's not right to rely on the farmers alone. It's just a success. If it fails, it's okay. For farmers..."

The Zhu family was silent for a moment, the mask changed to red, and he said in a low tone.

Tian Hu snorted coldly and said with a bit of disdain: "It's not that troublesome to kill a Qin dog. You help me contain the others and leave him to me."

After speaking, he shook his fists and was full of confidence. It was obvious that he was quite conceited.

Tian Meng frowned and shouted angrily: "Tian Hu, it's not your turn to make the decision in this matter!"


Just as Tian Hu was about to say something, he was pushed back by Tian Meng's eyes. It was obvious that he still respected his elder brother very much.

The Zhu family narrowed their eyes and said nothing.

Tian Guang raised his hand, his tone still bold and confident, and said: "Don't worry, I have contacted the helpers from Chu and Wei. Naturally, this matter cannot be just a farmer's matter."

As for today's alarm, it was just to delay Luo Yan's return to China. Secondly, it was to explore the truth and see how many masters Luo Yan had around him. Obviously Luo Yan did not bring many people with him when he went out this time. Apart from those elite soldiers, Only the killer in the net is left.

Among the killers in Luowang, except for the Tianzi-level killers who are very threatening, they are not afraid of the others.

In fact, Tian Guang was a little helpless in his heart. He actually wanted to invite the elders of the previous sixth hall of the farm. With the help of the six of them, he would undoubtedly be more sure of killing Luo Yan. However, the six elders directly rejected him and chose to continue the death test. .

The status of the six elders is somewhat special in the farm family. They are considered to be at the level of supreme elders and are responsible for the inheritance of the farm family.

Tian Guang didn't want to use his status to suppress them.

"With the help of Chu and Wei, this business can be done."

Situ Wanli's eyes flashed when he heard this, his beard trembled at the corners of his mouth, and he chuckled.

If it was just a farmer, Situ Wanli would definitely choose to refuse. This transaction was too loss-making and of no benefit. It might be targeted by Qin. If it failed, it would be even worse. But with the support of Chu and Wei, the situation would be different. If something goes wrong, these two countries can help.

The Zhu family also nodded in agreement.

Tian Meng said in a deep voice: "Xia Kui can make up his mind."

Tian Hu glanced at his elder brother and nodded, indicating that he had no objection.

Tian Mi said in a low voice: "I have thanked you all. If I can get my revenge this time, I will work hard for you in the next life."

That delicate look makes people's hearts burn when they really look at it.

However, Tian Mi was already planning how to leak the secret. Her wealthy life had not yet begun, how could it be ruined by these gangsters? Then wouldn't her efforts over the years have been in vain? Why did she try so hard to please Luo Yan? ?

Tian Mi doesn't want to do a loss-making business, so as to please other men.

After seeing Luo Yan's price, how could she like anyone else?

Without him, Luo Yan gave too much

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