Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 850 Who dares to kill me!

Two days passed quickly.

Luo Yan still stayed in this small town. On weekdays, he would lie on the rocking chair to bask in the sun, drink tea, or take Da Siming back to the house to discuss the origin of life. He lived his life as leisurely as he could, without any hesitation. He couldn't see the nervousness of being watched, and even the troops protecting him were dismissed.

It feels a bit like Zhuge Liang's empty city strategy in later generations, but no one knows whether this city is empty or not.

In short, Luo Yan's calm appearance made many people in the farm family feel a little nervous.

Without him, he was so calm.

If it were a normal person being bombarded, his first thought would definitely be to leave this place of right and wrong and head to a safe area as soon as possible. Luo Yan did the opposite. He would not leave. Not only did he not leave, but he would protect himself The elites of the Qin State were sent out, and dozens of killers in the net were left to protect him.

This situation undoubtedly gave Tian Guang and others the opportunity to assassinate.

But the key is who dares to rush forward at this time. God knows if there is an ambush waiting for them around Luo Yan. Looking at Luo Yan's past behavior, he is not the kind of person who will die.

"It's weird, it's really weird, it's too weird~"

On a high-rise building, Zhu Jia, the short and fat master of Shennong Hall, held his funny big head. The mask on his face had turned into a sentimental blue, and he shook his head and sighed.

Standing next to the Zhu family was Situ Wanli. He was adjusting his abacus and continued: "It is indeed a big problem. I have a hunch that the risks this time are extremely high and the returns are extremely low. This transaction is really not cost-effective~ "

At the end, Situ Wanli also frowned, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

In the past, he would never have agreed to this kind of thing. Without him, risks and benefits are not proportional. As for the so-called common people in the world, to be honest, Situ Wanli's consciousness is not that high. He is just a businessman. At most, add one in front. Farmer businessman.

"Xia Kui should know the risks. Now that the arrow is on the string, we have to take action."

Zhu Jia jumped slightly, fell down from the window sill, gently stroked the beard tied into a pigtail on his chin, and said in a low voice.

"It depends on how many people come from Chu and Wei. The burden is too heavy and it can easily crush someone to death if they are not careful."

Situ Wanli's eyes flashed slightly, he smiled, and said slowly.

After all, Luo Yan was the Marquis of Yueyang of the Qin State, with a very high status, and what Luo Yan had done in recent years also made him very famous in the world. Unlike Bai Qi's shouting and killing back then, Luo Yan's hatred among the people The value is extremely low, and many people even support it.

The appearance of Cassava gave Luo Yan a layer of gold, making everyone in the world dare not touch him easily, including King Qin Yingzheng.

Rather than letting farmers carry it, it is undoubtedly more appropriate for people from Wei and Chu to carry it.

Hearing this, the Zhu family was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "It depends on how much attention Chu and Wei both attach to him, but compared to these, I am more curious about what he wants to do. Knowing that he is being targeted, he still behaves like this. Are you confident, are you confident, or are you just pretending?"

"I don't know, but this Marquis Yueyang of Qin is not a simple character. I always feel that things will not go smoothly this time."

Situ Wanli shook his head and said softly.

Zhu Jia said slowly: "Act according to the opportunity, if something cannot be done..."

He didn't finish his words, but just looked at each other and Situ Wanli. The two of them had a tacit understanding and did not continue talking. After all, this matter was organized by the farm boss Kuitian Guang. They, the bosses of the gang, had to give face, but they just had to fight to the death. Yes, they have no interest in exchanging their lives for Luo Yan's.

It's icing on the cake, but forget about providing help in times of need.

There was a little silence.

Situ Wanli spoke again: "What do you think of this woman Tian Mi?"

"Tian Mi? Is Brother Situ also interested in her?"

When the Zhu family heard this, they laughed and said a little playfully.

Situ Wanli's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: "You know me, I am not interested in women. This woman Tian Mi is extremely beautiful and has a voluptuous figure. She can be called a peerless beauty. But in my eyes, this woman is more beautiful than those men." It’s terrible, you and I have witnessed the fate of Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang, and I don’t want to make the same mistake again.”

"This woman is indeed very scheming. She also had a romantic relationship with the Marquis Yueyang of Qin back then."

The Zhu family said calmly.

"Wu Kuang doesn't mind, but it's a pity that he fell in love with the wrong person."

Situ Wanli shook his head and sighed, with a bit of pity in his tone. After all, he had been in contact with Wu Kuang. He was a good-looking young man. Unfortunately, he fell in love with the wrong woman and fell in love with a woman he shouldn't have liked.

And Chen Sheng.

Thinking of this matter, Situ Wanli also lowered his voice and asked tentatively: "How much did you know about this back then?"

"I don't know much about it. Brother Situ, don't ask so many questions. This matter is decided by Xia Kui, and you and I can't say anything."

Zhu Jia slowly shook his head, the mask on his face changed, and ended the conversation.

Xiakui, how much do you know about this matter... Situ Wanli kept a smile on his face, but started to think about it in his heart. He always felt that what happened back then was very strange. With Chen Sheng's personality, how could he molest his sister-in-law on her wedding day? Bride, even Tian Meng can't do this kind of thing. Even if he wants to do it, there will be opportunities in the future. Why rush it and have to do it on the wedding night.

This incident highlights something outrageous.

But in the end, when the facts were put in front of them, no one was allowed to say anything.

The farm family is not peaceful either... Situ Wanli felt a little uneasy.

In another courtyard.

Tian Hu was reporting the situation outside to his elder brother, and the focus of the report was naturally on Luo Yan's side.

Tian Hu looked a little excited, with a cruel and murderous light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Brother, the Marquis of Yueyang of Qin is simply asking for his own death. He actually sent back all the elite soldiers of Qin. Such a good opportunity , how can we miss it, why not do it tonight!"

"Do you think he's seeking his own death or luring you into taking the bait?"

Tian Meng frowned, looked at his impatient brother, and said slowly.

Compared to Tian Hu, who has an upright personality and a hot temper, Tian Meng has a darker temperament and a deep scheming mind. He is like a wolf hiding in the dark. He will slowly look for an opportunity and then give the opponent a hard blow.

Tian Hu was not stupid. Hearing this, he said: "Brother, what do you mean, is this a trap?"

"It's possible. It's better not to act rashly for the time being until Xia Kui decides on the matter. Besides, that old guy from the Zhu family is still watching from the side. If you act rashly, you might give him a handle, and the gain outweighs the loss."

Tian Meng said in a deep voice.

In his eyes, this mission can also be regarded as an assessment. Whoever can perform better will be more likely to be the hero in the future.

Farmers also pay attention to merit.

Tian Hu snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes, and said with murderous intent: "The Zhu family? Sooner or later, we will kill this old guy."

"Don't worry, sooner or later you will have a chance to deal with him."

Tian Meng said calmly.

After speaking, he paused, looked at Tian Hu, and asked, "What did Tian Mi say?"

"What can this woman say? She doesn't want to offend either side, huh."

Tian Hu snorted coldly, obviously looking down on this woman Tian Mi.

Tian Meng narrowed his eyes, feeling a little unhappy, and said slowly: "Remind her again that we are a family after all, all named Tian, ​​and the wealth will not flow to outsiders. She wants to secure her position as the leader of the hall. Without our support, that old guy from the Zhu family won’t trust her.”

Today, the Sixth Hall of the Nongjia is divided into two factions. One faction is naturally Tian Meng and Tian Hu, and the other faction is the Zhu family and others. In particular, the Zhu family has a good relationship with Situ Wanli, and his adopted son Zhu Zhong even climbed to the position of leader of the Gonggong Hall. position, this way, the other party will occupy half of the farmhouse. If Tian Mi also joins in, this will not be a good thing for Tian Meng.

However, Tian Meng is not worried about this matter. Tian Mi is a smart person. After all, this farmer's family name is Tian, ​​and she knows how to choose.

I have to say that the farmers know Tian Mi very well.

Tian Mi is a woman who really has no principles and likes to cling to dragons and phoenixes. She relies on anyone who can bring her a sense of security. And can these farm bosses compare to Luo Yan, the Marquis of Yueyang in Qin?

After all, the gangsters are just gangsters. What's more, they have not yet become real gangsters. How can they compare with Luo Yan, who holds a high position in the Qin State? Not to mention that the Qin State is about to destroy the six countries and unify the world. Luo Yan's future The power can be imagined. Just thinking about it makes your legs tremble and something seems to be gushing out from inside your body.

So Tian Mi decisively sold everyone in the farm.

A secret letter was delivered to Luo Yan at this moment. The content of the letter was very brief, roughly stating that the Nongjia Kuai wanted to kill him and had gathered masters from the Nongjia Sixth Hall. At the same time, Chu Wei would also send killers to snipe him.

The scene was quite big.

It was really the grandson of Lord Chang Ping who did this... After Luo Yan read the letter, his inner energy circulated and crushed the secret letter directly. A coldness flashed in his eyes, but he calmed down after a moment, and he was not angry, because there was no need. He has always wanted to kill Changping Jun. Isn’t it normal for Changping Jun to want to kill himself?

There is no need to be angry at this moment, just be more ruthless in the future.

"Who sent it?"

Luo Yan glanced at Mo Crow and asked.

Mo Ya cupped his hands and said: "I picked it up on the side of the road. Someone must have deliberately thrown it on the ground and deliberately discovered it by us."

"Didn't you alert anyone else?"

Luo Yan nodded and asked.

Mo Ya shook his head and said slowly: "I sent it directly after I picked it up. I never searched for the person who sent the message."

"well done."

Luo Yan gave Mo Ya a thumbs up. He had already guessed who sent this letter. Who else could it be besides Tian Mi, the little honey jar? He had never thought that Tian Mi had been living in a farm for the past two years. Quite good, he has already reached the top, but he didn't give the other party much help. This is undoubtedly Tian Mi's own ability.

This woman does have some abilities. He didn't love her so many times in vain. Maybe she can support Tian Mi to rise to the top and become the new hero.

Tian Guang should stay this time.

A coldness flashed in Luo Yan's eyes, and he planned to cut off one of Changping Jun's arms first.

"Sir, do we still have to wait?"

Mo Ya looked at Luo Yan and asked.

The scene was getting bigger and bigger, and he was gradually losing his mind. Masters from the Nongjia Xiakui and the Nongjia Sixth Hall were coming, plus the coming masters from Chu and Wei, the situation might not be stable. Dongchang and Yingchang It will take time for the secret guards to arrive, and it may not be possible in time.

"Why panic? I know it well."

Luo Yan leaned in Da Siming's arms calmly, patted her big cutie, and motioned for her to continue the massage.


Luo Yan didn't panic at all. Even if something went wrong and he couldn't defeat the opponent, he was 100% sure that he could escape. He cherished his life very much and never made fun of his own life.

His current worth is not cheap. The dignified Marquis Yueyang of the Qin Kingdom may be crowned king in the future. How can he risk his life with a bunch of gangsters?

Is it worthy of a group of gangsters? !

Mo Ya looked at Luo Yan's calm expression and stopped talking. He raised his hands in response and then retreated.

Da Siming looked at Luo Yan in his arms and said in a deep voice: "You'd better be really sure."

She also didn't understand what Luo Yan was thinking, but she didn't understand either. Luo Yan would never make fun of his own life.

"Are you worried about me?"

Luo Yan squeezed the big cutie in front of his eyes, looked into Da Siming's eyes, and joked with a smile on his lips.

Da Siming's oval face looks very beautiful and charming from this angle.

A hint of discomfort appeared on Da Siming's pretty face, and he pretended to be calm and said: "I just don't want to die with you."

Duplicity... Luo Yan smiled, half-squinted his eyes, and silently calculated the time in his heart. It would take a few days for Dongchang and the Shadow Guards to arrive. He didn't know if Tian Guang and others would give him a chance. If not, He could only choose to run away.

That's the only bad thing about gang fights. It doesn't even have the spirit of a gangster. The Young and Dangerous guys also know how to arrange fights and ask people to show off. This group of people is good. They called a group of people and didn't say hello in advance.

There is no moral spirit.

"It seems that this empty city plan will last another two days."

Luo Yan muttered in his heart.

The next day, Luo Yan directly sent away the killers in Luo Sheng, and only asked Da Siming to accompany him, playing the piano in a small yard. However, the music was a bit boring and not really suitable for the stage, but this scene brought the six members of the farm family to the stage. Everyone was shocked. They couldn't understand what Luo Yan wanted to do. !

Nowadays, Luo Yan has no one else around him except Da Si Ming.

What is this for? !

A civil servant dismissed all the people who were protecting him, leaving only a maid by his side. Even if they were extremely confident in their own strength, this was too conceited.

When Tian Guang learned about this, he remained silent and confused. He couldn't figure out what Luo Yan was doing. Could it be that the other party was extremely confident in his own strength or had some conspiracy?

Fishing? !

In short, this group of people was frightened and did not dare to act rashly for a while. They continued to wait for the troops from Chu and Wei to arrive.

Another day passed like this.

On this day, Luo Yan hung a sign directly in front of the door with four big characters on it: Who dares to kill me!

Tian Guang:......

The leader of the sixth farm hall:...

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