Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 872 Lord Changping’s Betrayal

The Armored Gate is located in a valley in the southeast of the Wei Kingdom. As the general of the Wei Kingdom was secretly disposed of by the King of Wei, this sect's stronghold also fell into ruins. Now only some shadows of the past can be seen.

A group of disciples from the Armored Sect were gathering in the courtyard at the moment, discussing farm matters.

Some disciples feel that there is no point in continuing to stay here, and the other party is right. With the grudge between the Pijia Sect and the Qin State, once the Wei State is defeated, the Wei soldiers who killed countless Qin soldiers will inevitably be liquidated. As for the Surrendering to the Qin State did not even cross the minds of these reckless men.

Wei and Qin are neighboring countries. They have been fighting each other for nearly a hundred years, and there are countless grievances between them.

Surrender is absolutely impossible.

As a result, there are very few paths left to choose from. Either stay here and wait for the Qin army to come to the door and fight the opponent to the death, or find another way.

The tall and thin man asked Mei Sanniang: "Sanniang, what do you think? The master has been dead for so many years, and the old King Wei has also passed away. We don't want to continue to work for the powerful people in Wei State. Farmers are indeed A good choice, but as for staying here, I don’t think it makes much sense.”

The main reason is that the farmer has a good reputation and is trustworthy. As for the armored door... it is a thing of the past after all.

They actually wanted to promote the Armored Sect.

However, it is impossible to popularize the practice method of Armor Sect. If you want to practice the most powerful skills of Armor Sect, you must first have a strong body. The second step is to spend money, use various secret medicines to beat the body's muscles and bones, and refine the qi and blood until the qi The energy circulates throughout the body to form Gang Qi, and this is just the beginning.

Without the support of the Wei State, it would have been impossible for the Pijia Sect to develop, let alone the reputation of the Wei soldiers.

But in this way, countless money was spent, nearly half of the Wei family's wealth was emptied, and it took nearly a hundred farmers to support one person to raise Wei Wu soldiers, who were the best in the world at that time.

Despite this, Wei Wuzu was just a flash in the pan.

It is simply impossible to revive it again.

"If everyone has no objections, then we will go to the farm to have a look."

Mei Sanniang looked at everyone's faces and understood what they were thinking. She pondered for a moment, but did not choose to persist and said slowly.

Although the Armored Sect has memories of the past, the reality here is that these people have to eat after all, not to mention that many senior brothers and family members need to be supported, so how can they ignore it.

During this period of time, they lived a miserable life. For nothing else, a group of people who practiced external martial arts were all big eaters. It was too difficult for them to eat enough, and the wild beasts in the mountains were almost eaten out.

This group of people is what Zuoshan is talking about.

"Should we inform Senior Brother and the others?"

Someone suddenly asked.

Mei Sanniang's eyes turned cold and she said dissatisfiedly: "It doesn't matter what they do, we agreed when we left that everyone would go their own way."

Although her tone was dissatisfied, everyone could tell that Mei Sanniang was just being soft-spoken and soft-hearted. After all, we were brothers in the same sect, and we had been together in the ranks of Wei Wuzu. Even if there were conflicts, how could their relationship be so different? It can be broken if it is broken.

Everyone made eye contact and immediately decided to go to see the ceremony secretly. As for Mei Sanniang, there was no need to notify.

Everyone knows that Mei Sanniang has a hot temper and an upright personality, and will never bow her head.

At the same time, outside the armored door, Tian Hu, Tian Zhong and others gathered together to discuss the future matters.

They came this time not only to recruit masters from the Armored Sect, but also the farmers were very interested in the strong men in Wei State. Such young men could become disciples of the farmers with a little training. With dozens of people paired together, it would be possible It's a pretty good fighting force.

The farmer's family has claimed to have one hundred thousand disciples in recent years, but the real number of farmers' disciples does not exceed ten thousand, and even five thousand is not enough.

This time, with the help of the dispute between Qin and Wei, we may be able to have a good time and grow stronger.

Tian Zhong said with a smile: "Second uncle, don't worry, I will handle it properly in Wei State and there will be no accidents."

Tian Hu nodded, then looked at the mountain gate of the Armored Gate, and said in a deep voice: "Do you think they will agree?"

"Do they still have a choice?"

Tian Mi took a puff of cigarette gracefully, and with the smoke lingering, she looked into the distance with charming eyes, and said quietly.

Many people have never been able to choose their own lives, and can only follow the trend and be led by the general trend.

Of course, you can also choose other options, but those options will undoubtedly accelerate your demise and put you on a path of no return.

The news from the Armored Sect was sent to Xianyang City five days later and handed over to Luo Yan.

Luo Yan glanced at it and forgot about it. For him, the entire armored sect, except for the celebrations that needed to be paid attention to, the rest of the people didn't need to care at all. Letting the farmers and others recruit them was just to prevent them from running around and taking them with them. To destroy the hatred of Qin.

It's better to gather them all at once and cook them all at once.

Luo Yan also figured it out now. Just as Ying Zheng said, since the hatred cannot be cut off, then kill them until they dare not think about it.

Violent Qin?

To these people, Qin may be a devil and an inhumane country, but to the people at the bottom, Qin can give them a peaceful and contented life.

Luo Yan felt that these were enough.

Those in power can satisfy the needs of most people, while the remaining people are destined to become victims.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

As time goes by, the war between Qin, Wei and Chu has also entered a white-hot stage, and the fighting has become more and more fierce. Naturally, the people who have been most affected are the people of Chu and Wei. The most miserable people in the war are always the common people at the bottom, and countless people will As a result, his wife and children were separated.

In early February, the offensive and defensive battle between Li Xin and Xiang Yan officially began. Li Xin led his army to attack Pingyu to attract Xiang Yan's main force. Meng Tian led his army to attack Qinqiu and defeated the two armies of the Chu army. It only took half a day to defeat them. After taking the enemy, Xiang Yan was forced to divide his troops and attack with snipers.

With the speed of the cavalry.

Li Xin suddenly changed his route to conquer Yanying and penetrated into the hinterland of Chu State, forcing Xiang Yan to be in trouble.

In terms of dispatching troops and horses, Li Xin was almost out of his mind, spinning Xiang Yan around, and 500,000 people were led by Li Xin like headless flies.

But Li Xin hadn't realized yet that the 200,000 soldiers and horses he led seemed to have been trapped in a large net, and the position where he rushed in was the entrance to the net.

at the same time.

Lord Changping, who was in Yingcheng, the old capital of the Chu State, also took action. Without any warning at all, the old people of the Chu State here rose up in rebellion. They gathered tens of thousands of troops and directly killed all the Qin soldiers and Qin generals guarding the place. , and suddenly the originally dull city became chaotic.

The residence of Lord Changping.

At this moment, Lord Changping, who was wearing the robe of a prince of Chu State, was standing with his hands behind his hands, listening to the sounds of fighting in the city, with a faint smile on his lips.


As dozens of figures flashed, Zhang Han led the secret guards to seal off the entire perimeter of the mansion.

Zhang Han held a long sword in his hand, stared at Lord Changping, and said coldly: "Your Majesty, I really didn't expect you to betray Qin!"

"Since you are here, it means that King Qin Yingzheng has already begun to doubt me. Is he Marquis Yueyang? Sometimes I am curious, how does he know so many things? Every time I feel that I have a good plan Sometimes, all kinds of troubles will happen, as if he can predict what I want to do."

There was a smile on Mr. Changping's lips, and there was calmness and relief in his eyes, as if everything he had suppressed over the years was released at this moment.

He is the real him now, not some Changping Lord of Qin.

He is the prince of Chu State, Xiong Qi!

Lord Changping slowly spread his hands, as if enjoying the freedom of this moment, and said slowly: "Listen, the hatred and anger contained in this voice, Chu people will never give in!"

This seemed to be his answer.

The sound of fighting outside the city seemed to be responding to him.

At this moment, Lord Changping seemed to be explaining one thing to everyone, that is, the bear people will never be slaves!

Zhang Han didn't answer, but his eyes were slightly cold, and he said slowly: "According to the king's order, take Lord Changping back to confess his crime. If there is resistance, he will be killed on the spot!"

As the words fell, the surrounding shadow guards tightened their weapons one after another and looked at the several personal guards protecting Lord Changping.

The next moment, the two sides were fighting together, their figures intertwined, and their moves were deadly.

Zhang Han ignored the guards. His target was only Lord Changping. He walked in front of Lord Changping with steady steps. All the guards around him who wanted to stop him were stopped by the secret guards. For them, Zhang Han saw nothing. Without a glance.

"Your Majesty, do you want to go with me, or should I ask you to go?"

"I can leave by myself, but I am just returning to Chu State!"

The smile on Lord Changping's lips remained undiminished, and he spoke softly. The next moment, the long sword at his waist was unsheathed, and a sharp sword light streaked through the void at an extremely fast speed, forcing Zhang Han to retreat.

Zhang Han narrowly avoided the sword, and when he stood firm, he stared at Lord Changping in surprise.

"I haven't used a sword for a long time, I feel rusty."

Lord Changping saw that this sword had not achieved anything, and he shook his head with regret, stretched out his hand to caress the blade of the sword, as if caressing an old friend, and said with some emotion.

He can use a sword, and his sword skills are not weak, but few people know about this.

Zhang Han's face became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty has hidden so much."

"You don't have much time. My people will be here soon."

Lord Changping's expression remained calm, as if everything was under control. He was not afraid of how many people Zhang Han brought, because no matter how many people there were, they could not compare to the tens of thousands of troops in the city. As long as he joined them, no one could touch them. he.

As Lord Changping finished speaking, all the Dongchang killers and Luowang killers hidden around him jumped out and joined the siege.

Zhang Han also attacked Lord Changping again, but Lord Changping resisted with ease without any difficulty.

For people like Changping Jun, it is really easy to practice martial arts. As long as you have good talent and are willing to work hard, your strength will naturally improve over decades. It is rare to keep pretending to be stupid, but now it seems , everything is worth it.

Zhang Han became more and more frightened as he fought, because Lord Changping was not that strong. Even in the arena, he was definitely among the top few, and it was impossible to win him in a short time.

At the same time, the sounds of fighting outside the house were getting closer and closer. They were obviously the old citizens of Chu who came to pick up Lord Changping!

"I thought Marquis Yueyang would come in person, but I didn't expect that you were the only one who came. It's such a pity."

Changping Junge blocked Zhang Han's stabbing sword and chuckled.

Zhang Han looked ugly and said in a deep voice: "Do you think you can escape? The turmoil here will soon be known to the Qin army stationed around, and you can't escape!"

"As expected, they should be busy taking care of themselves now."

Chang Pingjun said softly with a smile on his face.

Zhang Han's heart sank slightly, and he had a bad premonition. He immediately attacked more fiercely, and even tried to trade his life for his life. However, Lord Changping's swordsmanship was very experienced. Although his offensive was weak, his defensive was extremely strong. It seemed like he was practicing his sword just for this moment.


Suddenly, a figure joined the battle. His movement was extremely fast, and his two swords were able to overcome the obstruction of the Shadow Guards, and arrived in front of Lord Changping, forcing Zhang Han to retreat.

His turquoise robes fluttered with the wind, and he held a three-foot green sword in his hand. He had a handsome demeanor, like a humble gentleman.

"Ji Bu, the last general, has been ordered by the general to escort the young master back to his country!"

The visitor stood in front of Mr. Changping, nodded to Mr. Changping sideways, and spoke softly.

Zhang Han also recognized the other party and said in a deep voice: "Ji Bu, the commander of Chu State's Shadow Tiger Army, I didn't expect you to sneak into Qin State!"

"Your Excellency, you are Zhang Han, the commander of the Shadow Guards? I have long admired you!"

Ji Bu nodded politely to Zhang Han and said softly.

The smile on Lord Changping's lips did not diminish. He looked at Zhang Han and said softly: "It seems that the general can't take me away today. You might as well bring a message to Marquis Yueyang for me."

Zhang Han clenched the sword in his hand. Although he didn't want to admit it, in the current situation, he seemed to be unable to prevent the other party from leaving.

"Thank you for taking care of him over the years. We will see you soon."

Lord Changping said slowly.

This sentence seems not to be spoken to Zhang Han, but to Luo Yan who is far away in Xianyang City.

The words fell.

Mr. Changping also chuckled and said, "It's time for you to leave. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave later."

The sound of fighting in the distance is getting closer and closer. It is obvious that the army in the city is approaching, and the Qin troops guarding Lord Changping have fallen one after another, and they can no longer prevent Lord Changping from leaving this cage.

For Lord Changping, Qin was a prison that bound him.

"You can't run away!"

Zhang Han said something in a deep voice, and then raised his hand to signal the surrounding shadow guards to retreat.

Rather than dying in a meaningless battle here, it is more important to pass the news back and monitor the movements of Lord Changping and others.

The most important thing is that Zhang Han had a bad premonition. He always felt that what Changping Jun just said was not a joke. He seemed to have done a lot of tricks within the Qin State.

After all, Changping Lord has been in Qin for decades and is deeply rooted. He has had too much time to plan these years, and even Tian Guang doesn't know many of them. After all, in a sense, a person like him can be regarded as a natural born person. The emperor is destined to be a loner!

For your own purposes, you can sacrifice everything, including your wife and children.

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