Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 873 Changes in Mentality

The back-up force of Lord Changping was indeed not only the army of Yingcheng, the old capital of Chu State. Almost at the same time, a rebellion also occurred in Wuguan of Qin State. Some generals suddenly turned against Qin State and betrayed Qin State. In addition, several Qin State officials The old lands of Han and Wei occupied ten years ago also experienced rebellions one after another.

The originally harmonious border was suddenly ignited by the flames of war, which instantly caused turmoil in the Qin State.

After all, the war between Qin, Chu, and Wei was in full swing. A sudden rebellion like this, and it was in the rear area, had a huge impact on the morale of the Qin army, and had a series of consequences.

Even if Wang Jian and Wang Ben were notified in advance, there would still be some impact, especially on the battle situation.

These bad news were successively delivered to Xianyang Palace and handed over to Ying Zheng.

Inside Yong Palace.

Ying Zheng's face was cold and stern, his brows furrowed as he read the news above. A sense of oppression enveloped the entire hall, making everyone so silent that no one dared to express their anger.

"Sir, you guessed it."

Ying Zheng looked at Luo Yan, and the coldness in his eyes slowly faded, until he became calm and indifferent, without a trace of ripples, and said slowly.

Luo Yan smiled bitterly when he heard this, shook his head and said, "I didn't expect Lord Changping to be so hidden. There were so many Shadow Guards who didn't stop him. The rebellion in Wuguan and the old land of Han and Wei also exceeded my expectations." Prediction."

As he finished speaking, Luo Yan felt deeply that Lord Changping had hidden so much that he had left backhands in the land of Han and Wei. It was even very possible that these backhands were laid when Ying Zheng had just succeeded to the throne.

As for the rebellion of the Wuguan generals, Luo Yan shook his head a little. Fortunately, he had made preparations in advance, otherwise Li Xin and the 200,000 troops he led might really have been deceived and annihilated.

No wonder Ying Zheng did not blame Li Xin in history.

Who can stand this, let alone Li Xin, not even Wang Jian can withstand someone playing like this behind him.

Finally, there is the strength of Lord Changping.

Zhang Han personally went out and failed to capture him. If he had known this, he would have sent more experts. However, this would most likely alert Lord Changping in advance. This is why Luo Yan did not send Gai Nie and others there. reason.

Six Sword Slave Gai Nie and others have a strong sense of presence, and Lord Changping will definitely receive news once they are dispatched.

However, judging from the intelligence, even if Gai Nie Liu Jiannu and others are sent there, they may not be able to keep Lord Changping. After all, the Chu State's old capital Yingcheng has a large number of troops, and the Chu State has also sent masters to respond.

Of course, there is no use thinking about this now.

"It has nothing to do with sir."

After the words fell, Ying Zheng paused, looked at Meng Yi, and said in a deep voice: "Send an order to Nei Shi Teng and order him to lead 50,000 troops to the land of Han and Wei to suppress the rebellion. Anyone who participated in the rebellion will be killed. Three tribes!”

The tone was extremely decisive, without the slightest hint of mercy.

Regarding the rebels, Ying Zheng had only one word of killing, killing them until no one dared to jump out and resist Qin's orders.


Meng Yi responded with his hands raised.

Ying Zheng continued: "Where is General Wang Jian now?"

"At this moment, there should be a rebellion near Wuguan. As for the situation, we still need to wait for news."

Li Si took a step forward and said calmly.

Luo Yan was silent. His original plan was to stage a show with Lord Chang Ping to see if there was a chance to trap Xiang Yan and his army of 500,000 people. However, he never thought that Lord Chang Ping had so many back-ups and beat them up. Caught off guard, now we can only wait for news from Wang Jian.

If Wang Jian can pacify Wuguan in a short time, then this great drama can continue.

If not, then you can only change your strategy.

However, this time it can be regarded as forcing out all Chang Pingjun's backhands. It can clean up the troubles within the Qin State at once, including the forces of the Chu family.

There is a reason.

Chang Wenjun and others can also step down. From now on, everyone in the court will have to look at Luo's eyes to act.

Students in the academy can also make arrangements. This is the situation that students and former officials all over the world are talking about.

Almost as soon as Luo Yan's thoughts fell, Ying Zheng's voice sounded.

"Check, anyone whose official career promotion is related to Lord Changping will be dealt with strictly. Anyone involved in rebellion, the Yi tribe!"


Li Si responded with his hands raised.

Luo Yan suddenly thought of a question at this moment. Changping Jun didn't seem to take his wife and daughter away this time. His cheap brother was really a ruthless character.

Is this the person who does big things?

You really can't learn it.

With the official rebellion of Lord Changping, the entire Xianyang City also became turbulent. Everyone was in chaos because of Lord Changping. The first to suffer was Lord Changwen and others, who were directly arrested by the people from Dongchang. He got up and threw them into the dungeon. Whether he was guilty or not will be discussed later.

At this stage, everyone who has anything to do with Lord Changping has to go to Dongchang. As for whether they can come out completely, it depends on what Luo Yan and others want.

Is this what it feels like to be in power?

Luo Yan was sitting in the carriage and suddenly felt a little numb. He felt that his one thought could determine the life and death of countless people, and even Ying Zheng could make a move.

The moment this idea arose, he was suppressed by Luo Yan. At the same time, there was a little cold sweat on his back. He felt a little drifting, because this just meant that he was in danger now. It was cold at high places. Don't look at Ying Zheng. I trust him now, what about later?

Will Ying Zheng always trust him so much and delegate power to him?

As for killing Ying Zheng and becoming the emperor, Luo Yan had no idea. His family knew about his family's affairs, and he was not the material to be the emperor.

"Power can really lead people to fall into the abyss."

Luo Yan murmured in his heart. Ambition seems to be easy to breed. Some things suddenly feel different when you reach a certain position.

He felt that he needed to talk to Lu Buwei about his experience again, but he was still not stable enough.

After all, he is still too young.

Immediately he shook his head and asked Mo Ya to drive the carriage to the east factory. He planned to explain to Li Si and let Li Si take it easy. He would let out those who were not guilty or had little to do with it. There was no need to do anything too extreme. Ying Zheng After all, I'm watching from above.

Ying Zheng might not care now, but in the future, the court will be filled with people belonging to him and Luo. Will Ying Zheng have no idea?

Maybe not now, but what about later?

It's really hard to figure out the right measure, but fortunately Luo Yan is sober enough.

Some things can easily lead to problems if done too much.

It's time for him to hide his talents and bide his time... With this idea in mind, Luo Yan stepped into the headquarters of Dongchang.

This time, he also wanted to meet Lord Changping's wife and daughter.

PS: shorter

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