Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 948 Arrangements one after another

Mirror Lake is beautiful and picturesque.

Luo Yan took Yue'er fishing by the lake, and did not interfere too much with the arrival of Gai Nie and others. Even the fact that these people came here was his deliberate indulgence. He knew Duan Murong very well, no matter how disguised she looked, She is still the kind and strong girl, and the rules at the door are just for him to read.

If she really refuses to save her, Duan Murong will no longer be Duan Murong. Compared with her master Nian Duan, Duan Murong's heart is still too soft.

His outward indifference cannot be concealed.

This is also the reason why Luo Yan likes her. People with complicated hearts always like pure people. Of course, the main reason is because Duan Murong is beautiful and has outstanding temperament. This is the premise of everything.

The so-called liking, in the final analysis, is caused by lust.

If Duan Murong had the appearance of Aunt Gongsun...

"Dad, do you know those people?"

Yue'er sat obediently next to Luo Yan, holding her chin with her hands, staring at Luo Yan with her big bright eyes, and asked curiously.

Luo Yan raised the fishing rod, glanced at the curious daughter, and said softly: "It has nothing to do with you. After convincing your Aunt Rong, you will return to Qin with them. If you don't go back, your mother It’s time to worry, I’ll come and take you back in person when the time comes, dad won’t be able to help you.”

Luo Yan had no intention of letting Yue'er get involved in the matter in the government city, and he didn't even have such an idea in this matter.

If this girl hadn't run out willfully, he wouldn't have even planned to show up.

After all, my identity is special, and appearing rashly can easily cause some uncontrollable changes.

"Daddy~ tell me~"

Yue'er looked at Luo Yan pitifully with her big watery eyes and said softly.

What's there to say about a group of dead people... Luo Yan stretched out his hand and flicked Yue'er's head, and chuckled: "Don't do this, I've let you play here for so long, and I've put a lot of pressure on you. Now, if your mother gets angry, I can't do anything about it."

"Daddy knows how to sell things, Yue'er is no longer a child."

Yue'er covered her forehead, pouted her mouth and muttered.

Luo Yan looked at Yue'er and smiled: "That's not an adult~"

Yue'er rolled her eyes, as if she had thought of something, and asked, "Dad, are those people in Sister Rong's backyard disciples of the Mo family?"

She had read some records about Mohist disciples in Luo Yan's study, so she recognized their services, followed by Old Man Ban's mechanism arm, which only Gongshu and the Mohist family could build.

"Want to tell a story?"

Luo Yan glanced at Yue'er and asked.

Yue'er made a face at Luo Yan: "If dad doesn't tell me, I'll just ask Sister Rong."

She planned to go to the medical village to see the excitement.

But before taking two steps, Yue'er's collar was grabbed by Luo Yan. With a slight lift, Yue'er's feet flew into the air.

"Be obedient, this is no joke."

Luo Yan's expression became more serious, he looked at Yue'er and said seriously.

Many people were destined to die this time, and he didn't want his daughter to be involved.

When Yue'er saw Luo Yan's expression, she knew that her father was not joking. She immediately felt like a deflated balloon and whispered, "I know."

Luo Yan let go, looked at Yue'er who was standing obediently, and softened his tone: "Daddy will make fish soup for you tonight."

"I like to eat braised."

Yue'er made a request.

Luo Yan raised the fishing rod and chuckled: "It depends on today's harvest. Your Aunt Rong likes to drink fish soup."

Yue'er rolled her eyes at her father. In order to coax Sister Rong, her daughter stopped coaxing her. She immediately supported her chin with both hands and looked at the scenery of Jinghu Lake, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

In the medical village, the scene was a bit awkward.

Duan Murong could tell at just one glance that Gai Nie's injury was caused by a weapon, and the sword beside him also represented that he was a swordsman. It can be said that the most important rules of the medical village have been broken. As for what follows Those rules were written just for someone to read, so they were of little significance, and it was impossible for her to investigate other people's identities.

"You should know the rules here. I can't save this person."

Duan Murong's eyes were indifferent and she spoke calmly. Her tone was calm. She obviously did not intend to treat Gai Nie. She was just a swordsman. All the injuries on her body were caused by fighting with others. She did not want to participate in these struggles.

Over the years, the medical village has been secretly protected by people in the net. She knows this, and therefore, she does not want to cause too much trouble to Luo Yan. She treats patients based on their circumstances and injuries. This is obviously a fight. It was caused by a fight and she didn't want to treat it.

Although Luo Yan didn't care about this, Duan Murong did.

After all, she had a strong heart and didn't want to rely too much on Luo Yan, but there were some things she just didn't want to say.

Xiang Liang took a step forward, hesitated, and said in a rather polite tone: "Miss Duanmu, can you make an exception? This person's injury was caused by saving others, and it did not violate the rules here."

"He's a swordsman."

Duan Murong said indifferently, and when she finished speaking, she planned to turn around and go back to the house.

Tianming took a step forward at this moment, glared at Duanmu Rong, and said: "What about the swordsman? Uncle is a good man, why do you, a bad woman, have so many rules..."

Before he finished speaking, Shao Yu on the side reached out and covered Tian Ming's mouth. He knew very well how special the woman in front of him was.

"A good man? Anyone who uses a sword will definitely have a lot of blood on his hands. Do you know how many people your uncle has killed?"

Duan Murong paused, looked at Tianming, and said coldly.

Tian Ming blinked, and his struggling movements slowed down. He inexplicably thought of those Qin elites that Gai Nie had killed. But just for a moment, his eyes became firm. Even if he killed someone, he was still killing a bad person. The other party was the first one. Hands on.

At this moment, Luo Yan'er walked out. Her elegant and elegant temperament was pleasing to the eye. She folded her hands on her lower abdomen, walked slowly to Duan Murong, glanced at the confronting group, and whispered in Duan Murong's ear: "Rong Auntie, this man is Sword Master Gai Nie, and he is friends with his godfather."

"Sword Master Gaine?"

Duan Murong's eyes moved slightly. She was certainly not unfamiliar with this name, but she had no communication with Gai Nie in the past, and he also lived in a simple life in Qin State, so she naturally had no friendship with him.

However, she had heard about the relationship between Gai Nie and Luo Yan.

"Why didn't he tell me?"

Duan Murong glanced at Luo Yan, who was fishing by the lake in the distance, frowned and said.

When this group of people came in, Luo Yan happened to go out from the gate. If he had a good relationship with Gai Nie, there was no way he wouldn't tell her.

Luo Yan'er whispered: "My godfather may be worried that Aunt Rong won't agree."


Duan Murong frowned and glanced at Ge Nie lying on the body. After a moment, he changed his words and said, "People will carry it in."

After saying that, Duan Murong walked towards the house.

Luo Yan'er looked at the confused people with a smile on her lips, and said in a gentle tone: "What are you still doing? Carrying the person in, the injuries on his body cannot continue to be delayed."

"Thank you sister."

Tianming heard this and immediately thanked Luo Yan'er in surprise. He could naturally see that Duan Murong changed her words because of the beautiful elder sister in front of her.

Luo Yan'er nodded slightly, glanced at Tianming, then turned around and entered the house.

This sudden change also made Xiang Liang and others slightly stunned. They immediately sent people into the house. After everything was ready, they went to the backyard. There were two wooden houses there. Occasionally, Mohist disciples would come over for treatment. But today, this place has become a meeting place for anti-Qin forces.

The old man from the core group of the Mo family and the Xiang family are all people on the empire's list.

"Master Ben, why is that person here?"

Fan Zeng stroked his beard gently, stared at Old Man Ban with a serious look, and asked in a deep voice. If he hadn't known that this place was special, he would have even thought it was a conspiracy, but thinking about it, it seemed impossible.

How could the majestic King Yueyang of the Qin Kingdom personally plot against these people?

"It should be an accident. This person comes here to stay for a period of time every year, but this time is a little special. It seems that not only he is here, but also his daughter. If the information is correct, the girl should be Qian Qian. Princess Long."

Old Man Ban said slowly.

Xiang Liang continued: "It may not be an accident. The boy that Gai Nie is protecting seems to know him. There is also something wrong with Miss Duanmu's attitude just now."

"Do you think he might be here for Gai Nie?"

Old Man Ban looked at Xiang Liang, frowned and asked.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Xiang Liang nodded heavily.

Fan Zeng shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Even if there is this possibility, Gai Nie can't look back. Some time ago, Gai Nie defeated Qin's 300 armored elites. This incident touched Qin's counterattack. The laws of Qin will never tolerate him."

Although the laws of the empire have been reformed, they are still strict when it comes to human life. Similar to Genie's behavior of killing soldiers, there is no chance of death. Even if he had outstanding achievements in the past, he could not cover up this matter.

Unless Ying Zheng makes an exception for him, this will definitely be a huge blow to the empire, and may even shake the foundation.

Of course, there is another way, which is to let Ge Nie change his name and live with another identity from now on.

But this is obviously impossible.

"The giant also had this consideration in mind, so that's why this happened."

Old Man Ban said softly.

"It may cause trouble. When we responded to them this time, we encountered an ambush from Niliusha. Gai Nie and others may have been targeted by Niliusha's people. I just don't know if this was Niliusha's own intention or Qin's. The meaning of country.”

Fan Zeng said with a solemn expression.

"Reverse quicksand? Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie are both from Guigu. It's hard to say."

Old Man Ban stroked his beard, pondered for a moment, looked at Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang, and said in a deep voice: "It's okay, it's safe here for the time being. As for you, I have arranged for manpower to take over, so you can go to the government city first."

Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang looked at each other, and naturally they had no objection to this arrangement. There is no place safer than the government city in this world.

"Are those masters planning to wait for Gai Nie to recover from his injuries before returning to the city?"

Xiang Liang hesitated and asked.

"This is my mission. Genie is related to whether this plan goes smoothly."

Old Man Ban said slowly.

Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang nodded and immediately started chatting about the plan.

. . . . . . . . . .

the other side.

Tianming and Shaoyu came to Luo Yan. The main reason was that Tianming came and Shaoyu came to take a look. How could he not be curious about the only king with a different surname in the empire? The legend about Luo Yan was too More importantly, Luo Yan's reputation has always been very good, so there is no need to worry about him suddenly taking action.

At least for now, Luo Yan doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards them.

Compared to Shao Yu's restraint, Tian Ming was a little carefree. He stared at Luo Yan with his big eyes, frowned and asked, "Uncle, you and I are friends, and you also know that evil woman, why don't you help us."

Yue'er, who was a little bored at first, looked at the arrival of Tianming and Shaoyu, and her eyes suddenly brightened up. After hearing Tianming's words, she immediately looked at Luo Yan curiously.

My father actually knew the uncle lying dead.

"I've explained this before. Your uncle and I are not the same person. We were only friends in the past. We may be enemies in the future."

Luo Yan glanced at the child and said calmly.

When Shao Yu heard this, his heart tightened. He felt that the other party seemed to recognize his true identity. The glance from the corner of his eye just now was a bit meaningful, which made him feel a little stressed.

The main reason is that Luo Yan's title is too heavy, so heavy that it makes people breathless.

There was a pause.

Luo Yan continued: "Besides, if it weren't for my fault, do you think your uncle could be cured here? There are many people watching you and your uncle outside, so cherish this time."

Part of this game of chess is played on the bright side, with the intention of willing those willing to take the bait.

It is certain that Gai Nie betrayed the Qin State, and the only way the Qin State could deal with him was to kill him. In this case, Gai Nie would become a target that the anti-Qin forces needed to win over.

Sword Master Gai Nie~

With such powerful combat power and gimmicks, it was impossible for Luo Yan to let the opponent go.

With the help of Gai Nie, he can lure out the hungry boy Wei Zhuang, let him bite Gai Nie, and use his hands to destroy the city. In this way, Luo Yan can stay out of the matter and wait for the city to be resolved. , Qin State can close the net, and take care of Confucianism as well.

Confucianism has always been a big problem, and it is even more deeply rooted in the Seven Kingdoms. Even if the latecomers to the academy come to the fore, it is still difficult to compare with it in terms of literature.

This takes time to settle.

Confucian Zhang Liang and others were the stains Luo Yan deliberately left behind.

Luo Yan was good at pouring water, framing people, etc., not to mention that Confucianism was not clean, but kindness still needed to be given, after all, Xunzi was still alive.

What Luo Yan wants to do is not to destroy Confucianism, he needs to annex Confucianism.

The empire does not need to only respect Confucianism, nor does it need a hundred schools of thought that are aloof from the rest. Everything needs to be carried out within the rules, and those who are disobedient need to be beaten.

When Tianming heard this, he immediately stopped talking. He was not good at talking nonsense, and he was also a little stressed when facing Luo Yan.

"Young Yu from the Xiang clan has met King Yueyang."

At this time, Shao Yu on the side took a step forward and bowed to Luo Yan with great respect and courtesy.

King Liyang?

Tianming blinked his eyes, a little confused, not understanding the value of this name.

Luo Yan's eyes fell on Shao Yu. This person in front of him was the Chu Overlord in history. Unfortunately, he was only a young boy now and could crush several people to death with one hand.

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