Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 949 Remember

Shao Yu respected Luo Yan more than he feared him, because Luo Yan had a high prestige among the people and an excellent reputation. He was so influenced by what he heard and saw that he naturally didn't have that much fear and fear towards Luo Yan.

In fact, this matter is quite normal. After all, there are only a few people in the world who know Luo Yan's dark heart.

Either they have been tricked by Luo Yan, or they were deliberately kept by Luo Yan, and the rest are his own, and Luo Yan's image among the people is still very good, such as being highly respected, serving the country and the people, etc., plus Luo Yan With his good appearance and temperament, the first impression is quite good.

Shao Yu is a young man, and he doesn't have much scheming, so when he meets Luo Yan, he naturally focuses on his first sense.

"The Xiang family... who are you, Xiang Yan?"

Luo Yan looked at Shao Yu twice and asked knowingly.

Shao Yu pondered for a moment and did not choose to hide it. He said in a deep voice: "Xiang Yan is my grandfather."

"You are sincere, aren't you worried about your identity being exposed and being hunted down by the empire?"

Luo Yan chuckled and said.

Tianming on the side couldn't understand the conversation between the two, but he understood the meaning of chasing. He couldn't help but look at Shaoyu, wondering if the other party was the same as himself.

Shao Yu remained calm and looked at Luo Yan firmly: "I believe that King Yueyang is not that kind of person. Besides, if the Qin State really wants to hunt us down, I won't be able to escape even if I lie today."

You really have confidence in me, reputation can kill people.

Luo Yan muttered in his heart, looked at the young man in front of him, and reminded him kindly: "The war between Qin and Chu is a war between two countries. This matter does not involve personal grudges. The war back then had little to do with a child. Now Chu The country has been destroyed, and the nine states in the world are unified. As long as you do not violate the laws of the empire, the empire will not make things difficult for you.

There are descendants like you everywhere. If the empire really wanted to be liquidated, it would not wait until today. "

There was one more thing Luo Yan didn't say.

That is, if you really want to seek death, the empire will not be stingy with the knife in its hands.

Peace in the world is hard-won, and neither Ying Zheng nor Luo Yan would want Kyushu to be swept away by war again, even if another group of people were slaughtered for it.


Shao Yu clenched his fists, and the scene of the war that year appeared in his mind. Countless Chu soldiers fell in a pool of blood, and the entire Chu country flowed into rivers of blood. How could he forget this.

How can the hatred of a country destroyed and a family destroyed be overcome with just one or two sentences?

Sure enough, he couldn't be persuaded... Luo Yan naturally noticed Shao Yu's mood swings, but he didn't intend to say anything more. He casually mentioned that he didn't expect a child to think through these things, similar to a wise man like Zhang Liang. You can't even see through it, let alone a young man like Shao Yu.

"Then why are you chasing me and uncle?"

Tianming suddenly asked at this time, staring at Luo Yan with big eyes in confusion. He had lived in the Northern Desert area close to the Western Regions since he was a child. He didn't even know what the empire was. As a result, he was confused by the empire. chased and fled all the way.

Because there is something wrong with your uncle's brain circuit... Luo Yan felt a little helpless. Looking at Tian Ming who was full of confusion, he said calmly: "You can ask your uncle about this. He is the main person targeted by the empire. You are just being targeted." It’s affected.”

It's just a child. Even if he has a special status, he is not worth the effort of the empire.

Ying Zheng was willing to let him go back then, so it would be impossible for him to attack him again.

In the final analysis, Gai Nie's behavior went too far.

Luo Yan also wanted to talk to Gai Nie about this matter to see what was going on in his head.

"What do you mean, I'm being implicated by my uncle?"

Tianming scratched his head and said in confusion.

Luo Yan shook his head and said slowly: "It's true, it's not true. Ask your uncle for the answer to this question. It's not convenient for me to answer it for you."

Hearing what Luo Yan said, Tianming's head became even more confused, and countless question marks appeared in his mind.

However, Luo Yan had no intention of continuing to chat and returned his attention to the fishing rod.

Instead of chatting with the two children, he should think about how to coax Duan Murong well now. This is the top priority.

Shao Yu noticed that Luo Yan had no desire to chat, so he immediately raised his hand and pulled Tian Ming away, who still refused to give up. He was not a kid with no eyesight like Tian Ming. As a noble of the Chu State, he had basic etiquette. There is still education.

Yue'er, who was leaning next to Luo Yan, watched the two of them leave, her eyes lingering on Tianming for a while.

"Dad, is that person named Tianming related to the Yin Yang family?"

Yue'er looked up at Luo Yan and asked. She felt the breath of Yin Yang spell on Tianming's body.

"No, he was just cursed by the Moon God, sealing part of his memory."

Luo Yan's eyes flashed and he said softly.

Tianming lived in Xianyang Palace when he was young and met Ying Zheng. Naturally, this memory must be sealed.

Moon God... Yue'er was slightly stunned, and a touch of curiosity flashed in her smart eyes. She knew the Moon God, but why would the Moon God take action against Tianming? Moreover, it seemed that this was planted a long time ago. That's very interesting. There must be a secret in it.

"This matter involves some matters in the palace, so don't be curious. Follow your Aunt Rong home in a few days."

Luo Yan reached out and knocked Yue'er on the head and said softly.

Yue'er nodded when she heard this and didn't ask any more questions, because she knew that even if she asked, her father would not tell her, but her father was sure that Sister Rong was still ignoring him.

The fish in Jing Lake are as difficult to catch as ever... Luo Yan looked at the calm lake and sighed in his heart.

He planned to ask Mo Ya to go to the nearest town to buy two.

Anyway, there is no breeding these days, so Duanmu Rong should not be eaten.

. . . . . . . . . .

The Xiang clan did not stay in Jing Lake for long. After sending Gai Nie and Tian Ming to them, they left.

The people of the Mo family have never left. Different from the past, every time Luo Yan came to Jinghu in the past two years, the people of the Mo family would leave wisely and did not want to provoke Luo Yan, the King of Yueyang of Qin. But this time Once, he was too timid to move. Even Old Man Ban, the core of the Mo family, walked out and met Luo Yan face to face.

"Master Ban, I haven't seen you for a long time. I wanted to meet you in the past, but I always missed it. People from the Mo family seem to be unwilling to have more contact with me."

Luo Yan looked at the fat old man in front of him, showed a kind smile, and asked curiously.

Of course you don't want to. The previous master and most of his disciples were kidnapped by you... Master Ban thought to himself. Thinking of this, his thoughts wandered a little far.

He was also involved in what happened back then, and knew that the Six-Fingered Black Man and others went to an unknown place to pave the way for those who came after them. Over the years, the world has undergone tremendous changes, and many magical crops have appeared one after another. This is obviously related to that generation of Mohist disciples. It is a pity that the empire has kept the news about that generation of Mohist disciples sealed, so outsiders have no way of knowing.

To be honest, Old Man Ban didn't have very good senses about Luo Yan.

"King Yueyang is joking."

Old Man Ban stroked his beard and said.

Luo Yan looked at the other person, chuckled, and said, "Would you like to have a chat?"

Old Man Ban's eyes flickered, and the machine arm stroking his beard stiffened for a moment. He looked at Luo Yan and hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded. He actually wanted to ask Luo Yan, how are the Six-Fingered Black Man and the others doing now? , whether he is still alive.

"Master Ben!"

Seeing that Luo Yan was about to take Old Man Ban to chat, the two Mohist disciples behind him called out worriedly.

Old Man Ban waved his hand. He was not worried about anything. If Luo Yan really wanted to take action against them, it would be the same wherever they were. After all, Jinghu Lake was their territory.

Soon, the two came to a courtyard inside the medical village.

Luo Yan'er brought tea and cakes from the house, and then stood quietly to one side, acting as a maid. Her elegant behavior was very similar to her mother's, but compared to the coldness of Jingli, her temperament was gentler. , very much like the warm-hearted big sister next door, which is related to the fact that she has taken care of Luo Chen and Luo Yue'er since they were young.

"Yan'er, look at Dian Yue'er, I have something to talk about here."

Luo Yan glanced at the room and said softly.

"I know, godfather."

Luo Yan'er naturally noticed the two children peeping in the house. She nodded slightly, turned around and entered the house. After a while, she caught the two little guys, and Yue'er's fawning voice suddenly came from the house.

"Made Master Ben laugh."

Luo Yan pushed the tea in front of Old Man Ban and said softly.

Old Man Ban shook his head, looked at the extraordinary man in front of him, and said in a low voice, "I wonder what King Yueyang wants to talk to me about."

"There are many things I want to talk about, such as persuading Master Ban to serve the empire. The Mohist's mechanism skills should not be buried, but should be widely used to benefit people all over the world."

Luo Yan gently touched the tea cup with his fingers and said softly.

"If that's the case, King Yueyang's goal should have been achieved."

Old Man Ban's expression remained unchanged, he stared at Luo Yan and said in a deep voice.

When the Six-fingered Black Man divided the Mo family, a large number of Mohist disciples followed the Six-fingered Black Man to clear the way. Among them, several core Mohist disciples were sent to Luo Yan. Although they had not mastered the core mechanism skills of the Mohist family, they could master the basic mechanisms. His technical attainments are definitely not low.

This point has been confirmed in Xuanhuang Academy. There is even a discipline in Xuanhuang Academy that specializes in learning mechanics. Most of the knowledge comes from Mohism and Gongshu.

Mr. Ban has also investigated this matter. He has no opinion on this matter and respects the decision of the Six-Fingered Black Man.

"The empire is very short of people, especially talents like Master Ban. I think Master Ban should not bury his talents in the Mohist family, especially when the current Mohist giant has evil intentions."

Luo Yan looked calmly and whispered.

With evil intentions? !

Mr. Ban's eyelids twitched, he stared at Luo Yan closely, his tone changed, and he said extremely seriously: "Why did King Yueyang slander the giant for nothing!"

"I remember that the core idea of ​​the Mohist family is to bring benefit to the world and eliminate harm to the world. When did it become a tool for one's own selfish interests? In recent years, under the leadership of the current giant, has the Mohist family done anything for the people of the world? It seems No, he is even deeply colluded with the remnants of the Six Nations, which makes me doubt the intentions of the current giant.

Could it be that the Mohists wanted to unite the remnants of the six countries to fight against Qin and start another war? "

Luo Yan's eyes were slightly cold and he asked in a deep voice.

Old Man Ban moved his lips and was speechless for a moment. Luo Yan seemed to be right, but from the perspective of the Six Kingdoms, this world did not belong to Qin in the first place. It seems normal that the six countries would snatch it back.

Just allow Qin to destroy the Six Kingdoms, but not allow the Six Kingdoms to destroy Qin?

The Mohists also use the word righteousness when doing things, and this word righteousness also includes the moral principles of the world.

After all, not everyone in this world has the concept of unity. The existence of the Seven Kingdoms has lasted for hundreds of years, and they cannot be separated from it in a short time.

This is also the reason why Qin Shihuang is evaluated as the only emperor through the ages.

The great unification of China, this alone, is unparalleled in ancient and modern times, surpassing any emperor.

"Actually, I prefer the Mo family led by Six Finger Black Man to the current Mo family."

Luo Yan said softly, raised the tea cup and took a sip, with a bit of emotion in his eyes. Back then, the six-fingered black man could risk everything in the Mo family for his unfounded words, embark on this road of no return, and work for future generations. Opening the way, this alone is not something that the Mohist family can match today.

In contrast, the Mohist family today is just a Jianghu organization, not the real Mohist family.

The real Mohist should act like a mortal, go to death, act with great righteousness in his heart, and help the people of the world. This is the real Mohist.

Yan Dan is different. He is the prince of the Yan Kingdom. This status means that he cannot be without selfish motives.

How can we just let go of the hatred of a country that has been destroyed and a family destroyed?

If he could let it go easily, Jing Ke's assassination of Qin would not have happened back then.

"I wonder what happened to them?"

Hearing this, Old Man Ban couldn't help but look at Luo Yan and asked with a somewhat choppy tone.

"Some disciples are dead, and some are still alive. The Six-Fingered Black Man disappeared into the vast East China Sea, and no news has come back yet. Many changes in the world in recent years are related to them. The empire and the people of the world owe the Mo family a day. Big favor.”

Luo Yan looked at Old Man Ban seriously and said in a deep voice.

At this point, Luo Yan really admires the Six-Fingered Black Man. The Six-Fingered Black Man in the original work is also an admirable person. If he had not died, Jing Ke's assassination of Qin would not have happened at all.

Old Man Ban was silent, his expression a little solemn.

"The empire does not intend to hide these things. External affairs involve many things. It is not suitable for everyone in the world to know at the moment. This is why it has been concealed."

Luo Yan continued.

This is also to prevent the remnants of the Six Kingdoms from jumping over the wall. If they go to other countries to dominate and bring things from the Central Plains, they may cause unnecessary trouble in the future.

In contrast, it is better to hide it for now. The Mo family doesn't need this reputation anyway.

The Mo family here refers to Six Finger Black Man and others.

However, their achievements will be recorded in the history books of the empire, and future generations will remember them!

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