Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 956 Nothing wrong

In the agency city, the atmosphere became increasingly depressing.

The government city that used to be known as the "Paradise of the World" could not give Mohist disciples the slightest sense of security at this moment, and even the feeling of uneasiness and distrust began to spread.

"That's pretty much it."

Thief Zhi told everyone what he saw and heard, with a self-deprecating smile on his face, and joked: "I didn't expect that Qin State valued the Mo family so much, and even this guy was sent out, tsk tsk, he really thinks highly of us. .”

"Luo Yan, King of Yueyang of Qin?"

Gao Jianli's eyes were slightly cold, he looked at Robber Zhi, and said in a deep voice: "Are you sure you read it correctly?"

"You can doubt whether I am lazy, but you can't doubt my eyesight. This is my guy who eats."

Thief Zhi pointed at his eyes and chuckled.

As the king of thieves, his greatest abilities are his eyesight and hand skills. As for lightness, it is just to facilitate escape. A qualified thief must survive the pursuit of the enemy and put himself to death in order to steal an item. This is extremely stupid behavior.

"If so, this matter may not be as simple as we thought. We saw him before at Jinghu Medical Village, but he did not take action against us. Now he suddenly appears, this..."

Old man Ban's face was a little uncertain and he said doubtfully.

Fan Zeng frowned and said, "We are not his target. His real target is the machine city. Bai Feng's pursuit of Master Ban before was probably to find the exact location of the machine city."

"In other words, we all became bait."

Xiang Liang added, his face a little solemn. He had studied Luo Yan before and finally came to the conclusion that this person was terrible.

Behind the demise of the Six Kingdoms, there is the shadow of each other.

Those rumors among the people are just one side of him. Luo Yan's real face is definitely not a good man and a believer. He is a ruthless person who eats people without spitting out their bones.

If Luo Yan knew what Xiang Liang was thinking, he would probably say that he slandered him. There are always people who think he is scary.

But is he scary?

Luo Yan has always felt that he has a gentle personality. The women around him don't say that he has a considerate personality. As for being sentimental, he just wants to give those lonely and helpless women a warm home. What is wrong with him.

We can only blame Qin Shi for the world being too cold and dark, which caused too many tragedies.


Old Man Ben responded in a low voice, and shook the mechanism arm a little uneasily.

"What are you afraid of? With the defense of Guancheng, it is impossible for the Qin army to attack. Why bother to increase others' prestige? If King Yueyang of Qin really dares to come in, I will punch him to death with one punch!"

Big Iron Hammer snorted, clenched his fists, and said angrily, obviously not liking the dejected look of everyone. The battle hasn't started yet, everyone is like this, morale is low, what is the next fight?

Snow Girl's delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly, she glanced at Big Hammer, opened her thin lips, and reminded: "Big Hammer, don't underestimate the enemy, he is not as simple as you think."

If Luo Yan was really powerless, Xue Nu would have dealt with him back then, and he would not have been manipulated by Luo Yan later.

Now that I think about it, I feel a little uncomfortable all over, with a cramped feeling like a big hand running across my skin.

"Now that the enemy has been identified, the next step is to deal with it carefully. Big Iron Hammer is right. The defense of the government city is enough to block the Qin army outside. From now on, the number of people on daily guard will be doubled, just in case. one!"

Gao Jianli said coldly.

“That’s all we can do at this stage.”

Old man Ben nodded and responded.

Immediately, the entire organ city started to move, and a large number of Mohist disciples shuttled through various important passages, activating the organs at various locations.

"Uncle, it's so boring. If I had known they were treating us like this, we might as well not have come! It's a shame that uncle saved them at that time."

In a stone house, Tianming was lying on the bed, looking at Gai Nie who was sitting cross-legged and adjusting his breath. He pouted and muttered, with a dissatisfied look on his face. He obviously had no good impression of the Mohist disciples in Guan City. Who made them treat Gai Nie like this? In Tianming's heart, Gai Nie is already like a father.

Although he suffered a lot from being with Gai Nie these days, Gai Nie also taught him a lot and made him experience an indescribable emotion.

This may be the so-called father's love.

It's a pity that Gai Nie never told him who his real father was, saying that he was still young and would tell him when he grew up.


At this moment, an icy chill swept from outside the house, and at the same time, a figure came quickly, and a layer of frost instantly condensed on the ground along the way. At the same time, a white sword light crossed the sky, facing Gai Nie without hesitation. Attack.

Tianming was stunned by what happened at this moment.

Gai Nie did not retreat but advanced, unsheathing Yuan Hong in his hand.


A sound of gold and iron sounded, and Gao Jianli held Shuihan in his hand and fought with Gai Nie's Yuanhong. An icy chill swept across instantly, turning the entire stone house into an ice cellar in an instant. The cold ice was headed by Gao Jianli. The center spreads.

"You are indeed a lackey of the Yingzheng Empire. The so-called betrayal is all a conspiracy!"

Gao Jianli's eyes were cold and full of murderous intent, and he said coldly.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Gai Nie frowned, looked at Gao Jianli calmly, and whispered that he was confused about Gao Jianli's sudden attack and could not understand Gao Jianli's thoughts at all. If it was for Jing Ke's matter, he should not have launched such a sudden attack.

"Don't you understand? Don't you know what you did in the central pool before?"

Gao Jianli asked in a cold voice. As his inner breath circulated, the cold air around him became colder and colder, and the condensed ice even began to spread outside the stone house.

"I never left this room today."

Gai Nie's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Gao Jianli, and said in a deep voice that he had realized the problem. Something happened to the central pool of the government city, and judging from Gao Jianli's expression and behavior, this matter was definitely not a trivial matter.

Realize this.

Gainie continued: "What happened to the central pool?"

Hearing this, Gao Jianli's face became even colder. When he thought of Master Xu lying in a pool of blood, his inner breath came out instantly, and he used force to force Gai Nie back. At the same time, he swung his sword to slash Gai Nie again, intending to directly attack Gao Nie. Kill Gai Nie to avoid future troubles.

Regardless of whether what happened tonight had anything to do with him or not, just because Gai Nie killed Jing Ke, Gao Jianli would not have any psychological burden if he killed him.

Gai Nie slowly tightened his grip on Yuan Hong, his eyes becoming calmer.

At this moment, Tianming stood between the two of them, like an old hen guarding a calf, blocking Gao Nie behind him, glaring at Gao Jianli, and shouted loudly: "What on earth do you want to do? If you don't welcome us, we can leave." ."

Uncle? !

When Gao Jianli heard Tianming calling Gai Nie, he felt extremely harsh, but he restrained his sword intention, worried about hurting Tianming, but his tone became lower and lower, he stared at Tianming with a little annoyance, and said in a deep voice: "You know Who is he?"

"I only know that he is my uncle. If you don't welcome us, we can leave. Anyway, I hate you people!"

Tianming raised his big head, stared at Gao Jianli without showing any signs of weakness, and said angrily.

"Your father is a disciple of the Mo family, and we are your family."

Gao Jianli looked at Tianming, who knew nothing, and pondered for a moment. Finally, he couldn't hold it back and told part of the truth. He already knew Tianming's identity, but Gai Nie was Tianming's father-killing enemy. He knew about this matter. But there are some words that cannot be said.

Because Tianming calls Gai Nie uncle and their relationship is extremely close, Gao Jianli cannot bear to expose all this.

One thing comes to another.

Gai Nie was able to find Tianming. On this point, the Mo family owed Gai Nie a favor.


When Tianming heard this, he was immediately surprised. He looked at Gao Jianli in disbelief, and then turned to look at Gai Nie. He was more willing to believe his uncle's words than the ice cube in front of him.

Gai Nie nodded calmly. As for more things, he would not say anything because Tianming was still a child and he should not bear too much hatred. Those things were still a little far away from him.

"I did not do what happened in the central pool. I have not left this room today. If you don't believe it, you can go check it out."

Gai Nie looked at Gao Jianli and said calmly.

Gao Jianli looked at Tianming who was standing between the two of them, and all his sword intent had been restrained, because if he and Gai Nie really fought, Tianming wouldn't be able to bear it, but he was not willing to just let Gai Nie go. , he has no trust at all.

"Even if it's not you, it still has something to do with you. Master Xu was assassinated in the central pool. He saw your figure before he fell unconscious. In addition to you, there is another minion of the empire in the city. He is also proficient in the art of disguise. There are already several Mohist disciples. Killed."


Gai Nie frowned and said nothing more. The Mo family did not welcome him. He knew this very well. Doing nothing or saying nothing now might be the best choice.

"Uncle is not that kind of person!"

Tianming looked at the silent Ge Nie and retorted unwillingly.

"Your uncle used to be the personal swordsman beside the emperor, and he was the person Ying Zheng trusted the most!"

Gao Jianli looked at Tianming and said in a deep voice.

Tian Ming blinked his eyes. Although he didn't know what Gao Jianli said, he knew who Ying Zheng was. He was the emperor of the empire and a big bad guy.

At the same time, Old Man Ban, Xiang Liang and others arrived late. Also arriving at the same time was Xue Nu. Looking at the scene in the house, Old Man Ban said: "Xiao Gao, let's stop here. Ge Nie is a guest of Juzi. There is no such thing." Evidence, mere suspicion proves nothing.”

"Just in case, someone must be sent to specially guard it!"

Gao Jianli said coldly.

"You can't treat uncle like this!"

When Tianming heard this, he immediately shouted loudly, saying that he was unfair to Gai Nie.

However, Gai Nie reached out and grabbed Tian Ming, stopped his behavior, and said slowly: "Tian Ming, I'm fine, the innocent will themselves purify themselves."

Luo Yan didn't see this scene, otherwise he would have laughed out loud. The current Gai Nie, replaced by the younger version of Gao Nie, Gao Jianli was already lying dead.

Gao Jianli is known as the number one master of the Mo family, but in front of Gai Nie, he is completely incompetent. There is a billion point gap between the two in terms of strength.


Tianming wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Xue Nu.

The beautiful elder sister in front of him looked at him gently and said softly: "Don't worry, your uncle will be fine. The Mo family will be responsible for his safety. You have to be obedient."

Tianming's lips moved, but in the end nothing came out, because the beautiful elder sister in front of her was not only gentle, she was also a vicious and vicious woman at heart, the kind who would tap acupuncture points at every turn.

"Lock him up!"

Gao Jianli sheathed his sword, glanced at Gai Nie, and said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the stone house where Gai Nie was located was sealed, and the thick stone door sealed the house. Even the windows were covered with several solid steel rods made of fine iron, completely turning the house into a prison.


Tianming said pitifully.

Shaoyu looked at Tianming, opened his lips and wanted to say a few words of comfort, but in the end no words came out.

The night becomes more and more profound and charming.

This night is destined to be very long.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Luo Yan was leaning on Mrs. Mingzhu's arms at the moment, eating the fruit fed by Mrs. Mingzhu, looking at the Moon God who was predicting the future with some curiosity. He was half-believing and half-disbelieving about the God of the Yin-Yang family, because Yin-Yang The family's astrological deduction is very special, and some things are very accurate.

Of course, there are also special situations, such as Luo Yan's special fate, which Donghuang Taiyi cannot calculate.

The Moon Goddess is sitting in the center, with candles beside her. As her slender fingers form seals, they flicker on and off, seeming to echo the stars in the sky. At this moment, she is really like a fairy from heaven, mysteriously emerging from the world. Intolerable blasphemy.

"Is this the astrological law of the Yin Yang family?

Madam Mingzhu knew something about the Yin Yang family, and seeing Moon God's behavior, she couldn't help but ask Luo Yan.


Luo Yan nodded and responded.

Onmyoji can be divided into five types: skills, techniques, incantations, laws, and laws. From the perspective of realm cultivation, it can also be divided into five levels: alchemy, illusion, mind control, astrology, and soul-changing.

This realm corresponds to personal talent. Starting from the five elements, determining the magic technique to practice, then practicing mudra, and then casting spells. The next step involves the soul. Those with extraordinary talents can predict the evolution of the stars. Feel the changes in the world.

The realm of Onmyoji has little to do with strength, but only the corresponding level of practice.

For example, a pervert with extraordinary talent like Star Soul can directly skip the previous training process and be able to practice the soul-changing method innately. This is the blessing of talent.

After all, the Yin Yang family's martial arts are all eccentric techniques, relying entirely on talent. Without talent, you can't survive in the Yin Yang family.

For example, Luo Yan, if it were not for the blessings of the women, it would be impossible for his Five Elements technique to advance to this level.

But Luo Yan doesn't feel ashamed. He may be a scumbag who practices martial arts and lacks a good heart, but his girlfriends are all extremely talented, which is equal to his.

Nothing wrong.

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