Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 957 Ordinary

When the Moon God was performing the astrological laws, his expression was extremely focused, his eyes were lowered, and there seemed to be an afterimage emerging between the slender jade fingers. It was mysterious and mysterious, just like the wizards who used the stars to predict bad luck in ancient times.

If there is another turtle shell, the sense of ceremony will be even greater.

In fact, he has also studied the calculation techniques of the Yin Yang family, but he has no talent. Many of the contents involve the Book of Changes, which are extremely mysterious and complex. For people without talent, reading these things is like reading the Book of Heaven, Luo Yan When I was researching, I had the illusion of going back to college to study advanced mathematics.

He knew every word on it, but when combined, he couldn't understand it at all. Even though there were many clips explaining the I Ching in the short video, he still couldn't understand it.

It's too complicated and profound, and you can't understand it just by listening to the explanation.

Merely memorizing the stars in the sky is a long process, not to mention that this is just the basics of getting started, and you still have to calculate the changes in the stars, their combinations, and so on.

The disciples of the Yin Yang family are all "perverts"... Luo Yan looked at the Moon God and sighed in his heart.

At this moment when Luo Yan was thinking wildly.

The ceremony of the Moon God has ended, the candles burning around have been extinguished, and the pair of starry eyes covered by the gauze slowly opened, deep and quiet, and looked at the doggy man and woman together indifferently, with a low voice. Said: "We'll attack Guancheng tomorrow. Good luck. Everything goes well."

"I'm curious whether your calculations will still be useful if I don't attack the machine city tomorrow."

Luo Yan touched the stubble on his chin and asked curiously.

Moon God remained calm and said calmly: "This technique can only predict bad luck and predict the future. Whether you believe it or not depends on you."

She didn't accept Luo Yan's attempt to find trouble.

"Of course I believe in you. Even if I don't believe in Donghuang Taiyi, I still believe in you."

Luo Yan walked over, stretched out his hand to help Yueshen up, hugged her slender waist, and said softly.

Madam Mingzhu looked at the two of them with her long and narrow eyes, and said jokingly: "Then do you believe her senior sister more, or do you believe her more, or do you believe neither of them and just say a few words to lie?" people."

After the words fell, Luna also stared at Luo Yan. She also wanted to know this question.

You're such a beautiful lady, I've been treating you day and night these past few days, and this is how you repay me... Luo Yan muttered in his heart. He knew that two women were in the same drama, and when there were too many women, things would easily get into trouble, especially She is a woman with a strong personality and is prone to friction.

Moon God and Lady Mingzhu are obviously not soft persimmons, and their personalities are completely different from those of their sister-in-law.

This scene in front of me has happened frequently in the past few days.

Fortunately, Luo Yan was experienced and faced this kind of situation without any change in his expression. Instead, he hugged Yueshen a little tighter and chuckled: "You are you, Concubine Yan is Concubine Yan, there is no such thing as too much A little or a little less, I am sincere to each of you."

Both Moon God and Lady Mingzhu couldn't help but roll their eyes. If Luo Yan was really a bowl of water, then why not bring them back to the palace?

In the final analysis, Luo Yan's words were just deceiving.

"It's getting late, let's get some rest early. We have to attack the city early tomorrow. Who comes first tonight?"

Luo Yan looked at the Moon Goddess in his arms, and then at the charming Lady Mingzhu in the distance, and gave his own suggestion: "How about we go together?"

"I don't mind, I'm just afraid that my sister won't want to."

Mrs. Mingzhu looked at Luna and said with a smile. As for why she calls her sister, it is naturally a matter of age. The older a woman gets, the less she wants to admit that she is old. This is commonly known as pretending to be young.

Luna frowned and said coldly: "I don't need it, you continue."

Her self-esteem does not allow her to do such a thing.


Luna just broke away from Luo Yan's arms and walked outside.

Luo Yan just said that this kind of thing is impossible even if he thinks about it. It is impossible for Moon God's character to agree. It is possible to replace Mrs. Mingzhu with Yan Fei, but that situation is impossible to happen, and it is very likely to cause him to be The two women were pinned to death.

"I'm such a hard worker."

Luo Yan looked at the enchanting Madam Mingzhu and sighed softly.

Mrs. Mingzhu looked at Luo Yan, who was so obedient after getting the advantage, and chuckled. She slowly raised her white jade legs, with the instep and thigh forming a straight line. She looked at Luo Yan like an invitation: "What are you waiting for?"

"You are the most clingy."

Luo Yan held Mrs. Mingzhu's ankle, caressed her smooth skin, and joked.

Madam Mingzhu's eyes were gleaming, and she was so charming that she said in an elegant manner: "Who makes you the man of this palace?"

Later in the night.

Luo Yan hugged Moon God, admired the scenery of the night sky, and sighed: "Time flies so fast, so many years have passed in the blink of an eye."

The figure of the Moon God is extremely beautiful, and her skin looks like bright jade under the moonlight.

"But you still haven't changed. In your heart, the most important person is always your senior sister, and that woman is just your plaything."

Luna stood up slightly, looked into Luo Yan's eyes, those deep star eyes seemed to be able to see through Luo Yan's heart, and said in a cold voice.

"If I am just a plaything, why should I be like this with you? With my status today, am I still short of women? You always doubt my sincerity, which makes me very heartbroken. What kind of person am I? I feel very sad in my heart. Clearly, I used to think that falling in love at first sight was precious, but later I discovered that it is possible to fall in love over time.

Just like between you and me, we had no feelings at first, but as time went on, the feelings between you and me gradually deepened.

Emotions really don't make sense.

If you like it, you will like it. "

Luo Yan caressed Luna's skin and talked nonsense seriously, but when he thought about it seriously, his words actually made some sense, which was extremely outrageous.

Moon God was silent, leaning in Luo Yan's arms without saying a word, with a hint of unwillingness deep in his eyes.

She won't give up.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

The night ends and the day dawns.

The first ray of sunlight fell the next day, and the whole earth came back to life. At the same time, the Mohist government city fell with the rise of this ray of sunlight. A large number of Mohist disciples were poisoned and fell into coma. It's so poisonous that ordinary disciples can't hold on for long.

Even masters such as Gao Jianli and Xue Nu, who are not weak in cultivation, cannot stay in it for a long time.

The entire organ city instantly fell into a strange calm, filled with the breath of death.


Bai Feng, who made a patrol with the help of White Phoenix, reported on the situation in the government city. Immediately, the Qin army moved, and five thousand elites cooperated with the government beasts to launch a general attack on the government city.

Without the mechanism city controlled by Mohist disciples, the terrifying mechanisms inside it instantly became decorations. With the deployment of the mechanism city and mechanism masters like Gong Shuqiu, it has become a matter of time to capture this mechanism city. Unless the Mohists can Detoxify within a short period of time and kill all the Qin troops who invaded it.

This is obviously impossible.

"It's our turn, let's go."

Wei Zhuang clenched the shark teeth, his cold eyes also had a hint of excitement, looking at the silent machine city in front of him, he said slowly.

Senior brother, you can't escape this time. You should be very happy to have so many people buried with you.

Luo Yan looked at the excitement in Wei Zhuang's eyes and inexplicably thought of a line: She ran away, I chased her, but she couldn't fly.

It really suited the occasion.

Inside the agency city.

A one-sided massacre began.

Due to the poisoning, the Mohist disciples' strength was greatly reduced, and they could not stop the Qin army's attack. Coupled with the rampage of Niliuxha's group of masters, the Mohist disciples soon retreated steadily, and were forced into the hinterland by the Qin army.

The Canglang King was like a wolf king, leading dozens of Qin soldiers to slaughter all the way. None of the Mohist disciples was his opponent.

He quite liked and enjoyed this kind of one-sided killing.

But this joy soon ended.

Because the masters of the Mo family also came out, accompanied by a biting chill, Gao Jianli's figure came out from the depths of the corridor like a ghost, his white shoulders flew into the air, and he forced the Cang Wolf King back with one sword.

The Cang Wolf King looked at the hook claws with a layer of frost on his arms and said in a solemn voice: "The number one master of the Mo family, Gao Jianli!"

"Suffer death!"

Gao Jianli didn't speak much, his handsome face was extremely cold, murderous intent rushed out, the cold water sword in his hand rose up, freezing everything where it passed, and he knocked the Cang Wolf King away with just a few swords.

Just when he was about to kill the Cang Wolf King with one strike, a domineering sword intent emerged from the sky, like a bloody waning moon, and slashed hard, forcing Gao Jianli to give up killing the Cang Wolf King. Gather all your strength to welcome this sword.


The two swords clashed, and the two swords burst out, and the powerful sword energy shattered everything in the aisle.


Gao Jianli's strength was no match for Wei Zhuang's, and he was sent flying by a sword. His feet slid for several meters before he stopped. He stared at the visitor in surprise. He obviously didn't expect Wei Zhuang to be so fierce, even though it was just a strike. Sword, but he could clearly feel the gap between the two.

This Wei Zhuang is definitely a master of the Grandmaster Realm, but he is still far away from the Grandmaster Realm, and he has not yet fully understood his swordsmanship and sword heart.

The most important thing is that Gao Jianli is not a pure swordsman. He prefers the piano to the sword!


The shark teeth in Wei Zhuang's hand trembled slightly and made a soft sound, as if to express the excitement of finding the prey.


Gao Jianli's whole body was filled with cold air, he stared at Wei Zhuang and said coldly.


Wei Zhuang didn't mean to talk nonsense. He flashed his body and slashed at Gao Jianli with the shark's teeth. His wide-open and wide-open moves were very similar to those of Young and Dangerous when they were slashing people on the street, highlighting his domineering attitude. Side leakage, the ice crystals released during Gao Jianli's resistance seemed like nothing in his eyes. When the sword energy raged, it directly shattered into ice shards.

When Luo Yan appeared with Gong Shuqiu and others, he happened to see this scene.

Wei Zhuang was "beating" Gao Jianli.

The gap in strength between the two is too big. If Gao Jianli hadn't relied on the special attribute of cold air, he wouldn't even have the ability to fight with Wei Zhuang. Of course, the most important thing is that Wei Zhuang is playing, and he has no intention of using his big move. Gao Jianli's moves were all flat cuts. Just like that, Gao Jianli couldn't hold on anymore. He already had several sword wounds on his body, and blood overflowed.

"Wei Zhuang is still as brutal as ever."

Luo Yan looked at this scene and commented that Wei Zhuang was indeed a professional when it came to killing people. He was ashamed of himself in this regard. After all, his sword, Luo's, had never been contaminated with human life.

Even if the Jida is jokingly called a vicious sword!

His sword is made of black and white Xuanjian fragments. Combining the attributes of the two swords, Ji Dao has been extremely ferocious since its birth. This is even more powerful than the demon sword Shark Teeth, but it encountered a Good master, Luo Yan will not kill me.

"Yi Shuihan!"

Gao Jianli was forced to panic and shouted angrily. Zhou She's inner breath surged wildly, and his sword intent surged. With him as the center, countless huge ice crystals rose up from the ground, like a blooming lotus, directly forcing Wei Zhuang back.


At the same time, the figure of the big hammer also appeared, and the heavy hammer head was thrown out. The huge power directly knocked away more than a dozen Qin soldiers, and then hit Luo Yan fiercely. Apparently, Luo Yan felt that Yan is the commander-in-chief of the Qin army. To capture the thieves, capture the king first.

However, before the hammer could reach Luo Yan, it was stopped by dozens of killers.

To this.

Luo Yan didn't even move his eyelids, still looking at Gao Jianli and Wei Zhuang who were fighting in the distance. He was curious about how long Gao Jianli could last.

"Stop looking down on others!"

The big hammer noticed Luo Yan's disregard, and he looked like a berserker. He roared angrily, gripped the chain that bound the hammer, and the energy burst out from his whole body. He swept away again with the force of thunder, and faced Luo Yan again in the air. Smashed it over.

The power of this hammer was so terrifying that even the dozen or so net killers who were protecting Luo Yan were knocked away by seven or eight people. Finally, they were blocked by the surrounding Qin soldiers with their shields.

"No wonder I can compete with Shengqi in the later stage. This strike is a bit interesting."

Luo Yan raised his hand and motioned for the guards around him to get out of the way. He looked at the big hammer blocking the road in the distance and whispered to himself. Then he hooked his fingers at the big hammer and motioned for the other party to continue. At the same time, a His hands were behind his back.

When Mo Ya saw this scene, he knew that Luo Yan wanted to have fun, so he immediately led others to stand aside without disturbing Luo Yan's interest.

Moon God and Madam Mingzhu looked indifferent. The brute force of the big hammer was really not enough for them. Both the former and the latter had countless ways to crush each other to death.

"Damn it!"

The big hammer retracted the weapon and held it tightly. Looking at Luo Yan, who looked calm and greeted him with one hand, he shouted angrily. His whole body seemed to be filled with blood. Regardless of the dissuasion of the people behind him, he strode forward. He rushed towards Luo Yan, and with the help of this impact, he smashed the hammer in his hand again. This hammer was several times harder than before, and the momentum was even stronger.

"I really envy you people who rely on your talents to make a living. Unlike me, I can only take drugs~"

Luo Yan looked at the big hammer with some envy and sighed softly. The thick inner breath in his palm seemed to be flowing in his palm, which was extremely restrained and without any ripples.

Facing the oncoming hammer, he slapped an ordinary palm.

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