Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 968 The end


The violent collision of gold and iron resounded, and immediately the two large machine beasts were knocked out and landed heavily on the ground. As the dust flew, they slid on the ground for more than ten meters before stopping, like pangolins. The shape catches the eye.

Opposite them is a machine beast that looks like a dragon but not a dragon.

The whole body is blue, with the main body in the shape of a dragon. There are wings on both sides that are similar to the wings of the machine beast Suzaku. The giant dragon claws step on the ground. The overall look is quite ferocious. It is completely inconsistent with the Mohist machine beasts seen in the past. It is even more powerful. Aggression.

"This is the Mo family's mechanism beast Qinglong? It's really powerful. Even one against two can have the absolute upper hand. And it doesn't seem to have a controller. It seems that in terms of mechanism skills, the public loser is not as good as the Mo family~"

Mrs. Mingzhu had a slender figure and charming eyes. She glanced at the game in the distance, her eyes fell on Luo Yan, and she spoke softly.

"If Gongshu Qiu hears what you said, he will definitely argue with you~"

Luo Yan chuckled and said casually.

“Facts speak louder than words~”

Mrs. Mingzhu put her arms on her chest, with a smile on her lips, and said with a sweet smile.

Luo Yan said softly: "The winner has not yet been determined. It is too early to draw conclusions now. The fun has just begun."


Madam Mingzhu's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise, then she looked at the two prostrate Saburos lying on the ground and chuckled: "Then I'll wait and see~"


At this moment, the Mo family's machine beast Qinglong made a move. The dragon's mouth opened, and with a roar, a hot flame spurted out directly from the mouth, turning into a ten-meter-long fire snake and sweeping towards Potu Saburo. The temperature can be felt even from hundreds of meters away, and the waves of fire are rolling.

Seeing this inexplicably familiar move, Luo Yan's eyes narrowed slightly. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that the machine beast Qinglong did not spit out anything to burn. It condensed flames out of thin air. This was very similar to the Demon God of War. Similar, although the power of the two moves is very different, they are essentially the same, both rely on the power of heaven and earth to attack.

Ordinary machine beasts can only turn it into power, but the ancient bronze giant can turn it into attack.

Gong Shuqiu once said that the founder of the Mohist family received a complete inheritance of organ skills, but the part involving attack was cut down and was not passed down, because the Mohist teachings are universal love and non-attack, and that part is not in line with them. Today It seems that the Mo family is not honest either.

But it's normal. After so many years of inheritance from the Mo family, there will definitely be people among them who are interested in that part of the inheritance, and the mechanism beast Qinglong is the product of this part of the mechanism technique.

"If he hadn't obtained the Demon God of War, Gong Shuqiu would have gone crazy after seeing this thing."

Luo Yan muttered in his heart.

Compared with the inheritance of the Mohist's mechanism technique, Gongshu's is slightly incomplete. After all, the latter's mechanism technique originated from Chi You's bronze giant, and it is a scrapped body. The integrity is naturally not as good as that of the Mohist family. Otherwise, the Mohist's mechanism technique Qinglong alone With its destructive power and frontal hard steel, the public loser's machine beast is really not very good. It can't be solved by just breathing fire with one hand.

This is no longer a contest at the mechanical level.

But now that there is a complete inheritance from the Demon God of War, the value of this green dragon has been greatly reduced.

The two earth-breaking Saburos also took action, and with a roaring sound, the giant blades on their backs were ejected one after another, covering the green dragon. The green dragon's own program was to destroy everything in front of it. When it raised its head, it would attack the fire snake. Aiming at the lasing blade.

"Boom boom boom~"

A violent explosion sounded instantly, and countless metal fragments covered Qinglong. In an instant, fire covered the surroundings of Qinglong, and smoke billowed.

Saburo Potochi took this time to eject all the giant blades on his back. At the same time, he opened his mouth, and two black tubes comparable to Gatling popped out. Countless bullets containing gunpowder were fired at Qinglong, and dense explosions could be heard. , the scene was extremely gorgeous for a while, comparable to a blockbuster movie.

The surrounding Qin soldiers also took out their artillery one after another and bombarded Qinglong.

The unmanned Qinglong naturally didn't know how to dodge, and was soon paralyzed by this continuous bombing, losing its ability to maneuver.

"The power of gunpowder is indeed terrifying~"

Mrs. Mingzhu's beautiful eyes were also slightly condensed, and she whispered.

Gunpowder was researched many years ago, but no one has used it on a large scale. On the one hand, it is difficult to transport and extremely difficult to preserve, so the gain outweighs the loss. On the other hand, its destructive power is also very limited, and it is far from being able to decide the battlefield. The point of victory or defeat.

Among the seven kingdoms, only Qin used gunpowder to this extent.

If this artifact had existed back then, it would have been easier to attack the Six Kingdoms.

"No matter how scary gunpowder is, there are traces to follow. In comparison, I think the Mohist mechanism beast Qinglong is even more terrifying. The biggest flaw of this thing is that it is unmanned and the material is old. If it had better mobility and stronger defense, It can’t be won so easily.”

Luo Yan sighed softly. He had a higher evaluation of Qinglong than Mrs. Mingzhu's evaluation, because this thing is like a weakened version of the Soldier Demon God, with a little bit of the destructive power of the Soldier Demon God.

If you combine the destructive power of the blue dragon with the white tiger, it will probably be very powerful.

"But it has been solved~"

Mrs. Mingzhu looked at Luo Yan and chuckled.

Luo Yan was slightly startled when he heard this, then smiled and stopped worrying about the problem. He led Mrs. Mingzhu towards the camp. Next, he only needed to wait for the news from Gong Shuqiu.

"He ran away?"

In the main tent of the military camp, Luo Yan stared at Gong Shuqiu with a somewhat unkind look, and said with some dissatisfaction. Gongshu Qiu had promised before that nothing would happen, but this slap in the face came so quickly.

Luo Yan was not angry at all about this. The operation against the government city was basically complete. In fact, the main target this time was the people of the various schools of thought, not the government city of the Mo family. After all, people like the Mo family couldn't escape at all. , now that the government city has been destroyed, the next step is to focus on Confucianism and farmers.

Most of the people in the farmhouse are Luo Yan's people, and they can't deal with things that are just a matter of Luo Yan's words.

In contrast, dealing with Confucianism is more troublesome.

There are still many Confucian disciples and old officials, and without a valid reason, it is easy to lead to some bad problems, so excuses are very important, but Luo Yan has already thought of this excuse.

Gongshuqiu smiled awkwardly and explained in a low voice: "I underestimated Xuanwu's defensive power. The destructive power of the trap snake was not enough to break its turtle shell, so they finally escaped, but they couldn't escape very far. Zhao Gao and Zhang Han have already gone to hunt him down, and there will be results soon."

"Okay, let's leave this matter as it is. The Mo family's machine beast Qinglong has been blown up, and the remains are left to you to deal with."

Luo Yan did not dwell too much on this issue. As for Zhao Gao and Zhang Han, the possibility of them hunting down those people was very low. The area of ​​​​the river area was not small. Once the Mo family and others escaped from the encirclement, they could choose to escape. There are many routes, and even if you can catch some people, they will only be minor characters.


Gong Shuqiu's eyes flickered. How could he not be interested in this most mysterious of the Mo family's machine beasts? He quickly bowed his hands to Luo Yan and hurriedly went to deal with the remains of Qinglong.

Mrs. Mingzhu looked at Luo Yan's expression and asked suspiciously, "You don't seem to care about the person running away. Be careful that Wei Zhuang joins forces with them to deal with you."

"How much do you know about Black Kirin?"

Luo Yan stretched out his hand to pull Mrs. Mingzhu into his arms, hugged her slender waist, looked at her charming face, and asked.

He is not too worried about Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang. The only one who can be considered troublesome is the black unicorn in the reverse quicksand. Her ever-changing disguise skills are very threatening. Unfortunately, he has never been able to find a suitable opportunity to catch her and give her a chance. One shot of three unique Gu.

"What, are you worried that Wei Zhuang will use her to deal with you?"

Madam Mingzhu tilted her head, staring into Luo Yan's eyes with her beautiful eyes, she chuckled and said, "Your worries are correct. Black Kirin is indeed very powerful. With her assassination ability, she is said to be the best killer in the world." It’s not an exaggeration. There is no place in this world that she cannot enter, and there is no person that she cannot kill. After all, who would be wary of the people closest to them all day long~"

"Do you have a way to deal with her?"

Luo Yan helped Mrs. Mingzhu rub the big cutie on her chest and said with a smile. Based on her understanding of Mrs. Mingzhu, since she said so, she obviously has a way to deal with Black Qilin.

"If I help you deal with the black unicorn, how are you going to repay me? You know I am homeless now. For you, I can't even go upstream~"

Mrs. Mingzhu's beautiful eyes were smiling, her slender jade fingers slid beside Luo Yan's cheek, and she said softly.

"Do we still need to talk about repayment between you and me?"

Luo Yan's nose gently slid across Madam Mingzhu's neck, took two deep breaths, and asked softly.

Mrs. Mingzhu's delicate body trembled slightly, and she held Luo Yan's head with her backhand, her eyes as charming as silk. Xianglan confided: "In other words, how do you plan to arrange this palace~"

"This is the arrangement~"

Luo Yan did not answer the question directly. He planned to express his feelings with actions. Promises could not be given randomly. It was impossible for him to bring Mrs. Mingzhu home. The balance in the house had been well maintained. , if Mrs. Pearl, this big shark, goes, it will only overturn the entire fish pond, which is obviously not conducive to the stability of the family.

But you can't say this directly. If you say this directly, Mrs. Mingzhu will definitely fall out.

After all, Luo Yan is not the kind of heartless person, so he has to take a roundabout way.

For example, feed her first and then talk about other things.

Pity his pair of kidneys, they have to squeeze juice again, they should be able to withstand it!

While Luo Yan was arranging for Lady Mingzhu, in another camp, the Moon God was studying the Phantom Sound Treasure Box. As the Phantom Sound Treasure Box was opened, a mysterious piece of music played.

Listening to this piece of music, Moon God's starry eyes covered by gauze flashed with doubt, and whispered to himself: "Could it be that the secret of the Phantom Sound Box can only be solved by the daughter of the senior sister?"

After pondering for a while, the music of the Phantom Sound Box ended, and the box slowly closed.

Moon Goddess' expression was a little solemn, because she knew very well that on the day the Phantom Sound Box was found, the balance between Luo Yan and Donghuang Taiyi would be completely out of control. The secret that the Yin and Yang family has been pursuing for thousands of years will not be lost because of Luo Yan. terminated by Yan's identity.

Donghuang Taiyi has been waiting for this day for too long.

"What on earth would you do?"

The Moon God thought of Luo Yan, and her moist red lips moved slightly. She immediately planned to go to Luo Yan to talk about the matter, but before she took a few steps, she sensed a bad scene.

Luna's face grew colder.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

the other side.

After the Mo family and others got out of the encirclement of the Qin army on the mechanism beast Xuanwu, they went to the nearest Mo family stronghold, where they saw the waiting Thief Zhi.

Thief Zhi looked at the people who had successfully escaped from trouble, and his face was filled with joy, but he soon became depressed.

After all, Guancheng and a large number of Mohist disciples were in trouble. At this time, I couldn't be happy no matter what.

"Weizhuang? Why is he here too!"

Thief Zhi soon saw Wei Zhuang, Canglang King and others, his face suddenly changed slightly, he asked angrily, and the weapon appeared directly in his hand.

How could he have a good face towards the culprit who destroyed the city?

The words fell.

Everyone in the Mo family also looked at Wei Zhuang. Previously, because they were escaping for their lives, they were all on the same boat, so it was easy to fall out. But now that they are temporarily out of danger, their relationship seems a bit complicated and awkward.

No matter what, Wei Zhuang and the Mohist family had a blood feud, and many Mohist disciples died at the hands of each other.

"If you want to take action, I will accompany you!"

Wei Zhuang sneered, not afraid of Robber Zhi and the others, and said calmly. At the same time, he glanced at Gai Nie from the corner of his eye. As long as Gai Nie didn't take action, he wouldn't pay attention to these wastes in front of him.

There are only three or two kittens and no masters among the Mo family present now. If they really fight, Wei Zhuang is sure to kill them all, even if he is seriously injured and in poor condition at the moment.

But when have you ever seen Wei Zhuang give in?

"Now everyone's common enemy is Qin!"

Gai Nie looked at the two confronting groups, was silent for a moment, and said slowly that he did not want to see Wei Zhuang and the Mo family fighting, not to mention that they were not really safe now.

Fan Zeng also spoke at this moment: "What Mr. Gai Nie said is true, not to mention that we are not out of danger, Qin's pursuers are still behind us."

Xiang Liang nodded and said, "Let's put the conflicts aside for now."

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone in the Mo family changed, and they finally held back and did not continue to make trouble.

"Won't you fight?"

Wei Zhuang glanced at these people, sneered, then turned and left.

Gai Nie looked at Wei Zhuang who was about to leave, frowned and said, "Xiao Zhuang, where are you going!"

"I will take revenge in my own way."

Wei Zhuang paused, glanced at Gai Nie, and said indifferently, and then walked away. He will not stay and cooperate with a group of weak people. Wei Zhuang is not Gai Nie, and weak people will only slow down his steps. .

Gai Nie looked at Wei Zhuang leaving, frowning and saying nothing.

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