Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 969 Bull Demon and Snake God

Wei Zhuang did not stay in the Mo family's territory for a long time. For him, the most important thing in this trip to the government city was the duel with his senior brother Gai Nie. This matter was more important than anything else. But after he vented his inner frustration, then The anger and unwillingness gradually dissipated. The most important thing was that Wei Zhuang realized that he was not sure about killing Gai Nie, and it was just a waste of time to continue to pester him.

Gai Nie's angry move of the Hundred Steps Flying Sword seriously injured him. He was in very bad condition at the moment. He was just holding on for dear life. He now needed to find a safe place to lick his wounds.

Wei Zhuang didn't want Gai Nie to see this scene. His pride didn't allow Gai Nie to care about him, and he didn't need to.

"Lord Wei Zhuang, where should we go next?"

The Canglang King looked at Wei Zhuang respectfully and asked about the next arrangements. The matter in Guancheng was over, and there was no need to continue fighting between them and the Mo family. In contrast, Niliusha's relationship with Qin had become very tense. Poor, the empire's attitude is very obvious, those who go against the quicksand will be killed.

The one from Qin was really ruthless and ruthless. One moment he was a collaborator, and the next moment he stabbed them in the back and almost left them all behind.

Hidden Bat licked his lips, his eyes flashed with blood-red light, and he looked at Wei Zhuang, as if he was making some judgment.

"Inform Bai Feng and Lin'er to go back first and wait for my order."

Wei Zhuang glanced at the restless Hidden Bat calmly, his tone was extremely cold and without any waves.

This glance made Hidden Bat's newly aroused thoughts disappear in an instant. He quickly lowered his head and did not dare to look at Wei Zhuang again. His fear of Wei Zhuang still prevailed. Even if Wei Zhuang's condition was very poor at the moment, it was not He could deal with it, but he didn't want to risk his own life to test Wei Zhuang's condition.

That shark tooth is not a vegetarian.


The Canglang King responded with his hands raised, like a soldier with no emotion.

Wei Zhuang walked indifferently towards the distance, like a lone wolf. The Cang Wolf King looked at him in a daze, with admiration in his eyes. He followed Wei Zhuang back then because of his strength. This strength was not just about strength. , and character.

Wei Zhuang walked away, Hidden Bat suddenly became restless, showed an ugly smile, and said in a low voice: "That bitch Chao Banshee has betrayed you, but Master Wei Zhuang didn't say a word. It seems that his condition is a bit bad. Before, he had already come to the door with his sword in hand."

"Do you think Lord Wei Zhuang has really trusted this woman?"

The Blue Wolf King glanced at Hidden Bat coldly and snorted: "You are still as stupid as before."

“Do you want to be my food?

The Hidden Bat's eyes flickered, and he glanced at the Blue Wolf King's neck, revealing a bloodthirsty gaze.

"You can try it."

The Blue Wolf King is not afraid of the Hidden Bat.

Hidden Bat narrowed his eyes and confronted the Blue Wolf King for a moment, then said in a faint tone, "You should be lucky, I'm not hungry now~"

After saying a word, the hidden bat flew directly into the distance.


The Blue Wolf King said disdainfully that Ping Hidden Bat also wanted to kill him. He really thought he was made of mud. Even without the help of the wolves, his strength was not weak, otherwise his status in Niqusha would not be that of Hidden Bat. superior.

Going against the quicksand always depends on strength.

On the Mo family's side, everyone is hesitating about their next plan. The government city was destroyed by the empire, and the Moh family disciples suffered heavy losses. Even the giants were captured, and they don't know whether they are alive or dead. Now their situation is quite bad, they are leaderless, and even their original plan is gone. All were disrupted, and most of the masters from various schools of thought also lost.

If the Mo family hadn't had a way out and Xiaoyaozi's strength wasn't great, they wouldn't have been able to survive this wave and their entire army would have been annihilated.

But after surviving this wave, the current situation is still extremely bad.

"Oh, I almost forgot, the Confucian Mr. Zhang Liang gave me a tip bag before he left."

Pirate Zhi suddenly slapped his head, suddenly thought of something, took out a bag of tips from his arms and handed it to Old Man Ban. Among the group of people, Old Man Ban had the highest status at the moment, so he would naturally leave the decision-making matters to him. As for himself, Thief Zhi's character has always been the kind of person who doesn't care about things.

As the leader of the Mohist family, there are only a few Mohist disciples around him, none of them as good as a big iron hammer.

"Mr. Zhang Liang?"

Hearing this, everyone was slightly startled and immediately looked at the kit.

Fan Zeng stroked his beard gently and said with some expectation: "It is rumored that Mr. Zhang San from Confucianism is very witty and has no clues. It seems that he has anticipated our situation."

"Are Zhang Liang and Zhang San the same person?"

Tianming, who was hiding on one side, couldn't help but ask his "little brother" Shaoyu.

Shao Yu looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Yes, I heard my uncle mention it. This man's name is Zhang Liang, also known as Zifang, a Korean. He is now the third in charge of Confucianism, so he is also called Mr. Zhang San. .”


Tian Ming scratched his head, blinked his big eyes, and looked at Shao Yu with an innocent face. He knew nothing about various schools of thought. A few months ago, he was just a kid living on the street, and he got involved inexplicably. In this battle called Zhuzi Baijia, it is quite innocent.

"Confucianism is one of the hundreds of schools of thought. The founder is the sage Confucius, who promotes the ideas of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trust, forgiveness, loyalty, filial piety, brotherhood, etc..."

Shaoyu knew that Tianming didn't understand this, so he opened his mouth to clarify his doubts.


Tian Ming was confused and couldn't help but pursed his lips. His mind was full of questions. He couldn't understand it at all, but he felt so powerful.


Master Ban had already opened the bag of tips. After scanning it for a few times, he handed it to Fan Zeng and others: "Mr. Zhang Liang wants us to go to Songhai City and use Confucianism to avoid the limelight."

"Will Confucian help?"

Gao Jianli hesitated and asked.

"Since he said that, he must be somewhat confident, so why not go to Songhai City first? After all, the empire will be looking for us next, and it will be the same wherever we go."

Fan Zeng pondered for a moment and expressed his opinion. Now they really need to avoid the limelight.

The empire's wanted notice is still somewhat threatening.

"What do you think, Mr. Gainey?"

Master Ban looked at Gai Nie and asked for his opinion.

Gai Nie was silent for a while and said slowly: "I have no objection."

Don't ask, just ask, it will be the same wherever you go. This is the self-confidence of a powerful person. No matter how big the world is, you can go there.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's go to Songhai City first."

Old Man Ban took a deep breath and said in a deep voice. At this moment, there was a sense of solemnity and pressure between his brows.

On the other side, Wei Zhuang was stopped in a valley.

The person who came was wearing a black robe, and his true face could not be seen clearly, and his aura was vague, but the threat he exuded made Wei Zhuang couldn't help but clenched the shark's teeth. At his level, he already had some instinctive feelings about danger.

Wei Zhuang's eyes were cold. Even though he was in a very bad state at the moment, his expression remained unchanged and indifferent, without a trace of cowardice, even if the other party was looking for trouble.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm a service provider."

The visitor did not take off his black robe, covering his figure, and his voice was hoarse and low.

When Wei Zhuang heard this, his eyes flickered, and a cold and teasing smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Service? What kind of service."

"Intelligence, information that is beneficial to your war, or in other words, information that is beneficial to your war."

"You think I'd believe it?"

Wei Zhuang's smile faded and he said indifferently.

"One of the hundreds of masters from various schools who arrived this time should be someone you are familiar with."

The man in black robe said slowly.

There was a pause.

"Zhang Liang of Confucianism, you should be familiar with him. After all, he seems to be a member of Liusha, the predecessor of Nili Liusha."

"...You seem to know me very well."

Wei Zhuang's eyes flickered, and he looked sharply at the person in front of him.

The man in black robe chuckled: "Since I am providing information, I naturally need to know something about you."

"Then what do you want from me?"

"Those who facilitate the war, naturally what I want is that the war never stops."

The man in black robe's tone gradually became indifferent, even showing a kind of indifference to life.

Wei Zhuang's expression was solemn and he stared at the person in front of him: "Who on earth are you!"

"Compared with this trivial issue, you should be more concerned about your future situation and give you a meeting gift. Zhang Han's secret guards are approaching here."

As the words fell, the figure of the black man slowly faded away, seemingly triggering an escape technique.

"Looking forward to meeting you next time."

"Five Elements Escape Technique?"

Wei Zhuang's figure flashed and appeared at the position of the man in black robe. He looked at the empty space with some doubts in his eyes. After a moment, he sneered and said: "It seems that the water is getting deeper and deeper!"

The destruction of the government city seems to be just the beginning. At present, people from various schools of thought seem to be unable to sit still, and all kinds of monsters and monsters have come out.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

A glint flashed in Wei Zhuang's eyes.

. . . . . . . . . . .

My sister’s waist is not her waist, it’s Saburo’s machete that killed me; my sister’s mouth is not her mouth, it’s the clear water under the Anhe Bridge...

In a requiem, Luo Yan successfully extracted clues about Mo Yu Qilin from Mrs. Mingzhu. How could Mrs. Mingzhu not pay attention to people like Black Qilin? This person's disguise skills are compared to those of the Yin Yang family. The illusion is even more outrageous, and he can even simulate the breath. In a sense, this person can kill Ying Zheng and replace Ying Zheng as the master of the empire.

Although the success rate is very low, Black Kirin has this ability.

If Ying Zheng knew about this, Black Qilin would definitely be targeted by the entire empire, just because her abilities were so outrageous.

In the original work, even Gai Nie's perception is deceived, which is evident.

In order to guard against the black unicorn, Mrs. Mingzhu has added some special things to the poisonous miasma in the counter-quick sand station over the years. These gadgets will subtly attach to the body. They are colorless, odorless and non-toxic. They only need special secret methods. You can feel this breath.

"Xi'er, you are amazing~"

Luo Yan caressed her delicate skin with a look of obsession, feeling the smoothness and softness, he couldn't help but sigh.

I have to say that Mrs. Mingzhu has helped him a lot in these years, even when he was in Korea. If it weren't for Mrs. Mingzhu, Luo Yan would have been in a lot of troubles, some of which were fatal. To confess, in addition to working hard these years, He didn't give her anything else.

Mrs. Mingzhu listened to these low-level love words, reached out and patted Luo Yan's dirty hands, her eyes were as charming as silk, she leaned lazily in Luo Yan's arms, and said in a charming voice: "Want to know the secret method?"

"With you by my side, what more secrets do I need?"

Luo Yan put his arms around Mrs. Mingzhu's waist with a sincere look on her face.

There is a secret method for eating and drinking. Is Luo Yan that kind of person?


"Otherwise? This time you go to Xianyang with me, so that we can see each other often. When you feel something in your stomach, I will take you into the house. Then they can't say anything, and you can feel confident. Get what you deserve.”

Luo Yan gently caressed Mrs. Mingzhu's flat belly with a helpless look on her face, as if she had a problem with Mrs. Mingzhu's belly. It was so disappointing.

Mrs. Mingzhu's pretty face froze, and she suddenly didn't know how to refute.

These days, whether a woman can have children is indeed a big problem, and even Mrs. Mingzhu is not exempt from this.

"It has nothing to do with you, the main thing is that my energy and blood are too strong and you can't bear it."

Luo Yan said nonsense seriously. In fact, the energy and spirit of his body have been balanced for a long time. Now there is a problem with the five elements. Of course, it also has something to do with the physical fitness of the women. Those who are not cultivated enough cannot withstand his energy and blood. instill.

Only Jing Salamander and Concubine Yan reacted, which already explained the problem.

Mrs. Mingzhu stood up unwillingly, stared at Luo Yan eagerly, bit her lip, and said viciously: "I don't believe it!"

It's useless if you don't believe it... Luo Yan can only resist.

By the time Mrs. Mingzhu was persuaded, the sky was getting dark.

Luo Yan also got up and went out, asking about the results of Dongchang and Shadow Secret Guard. As expected, the two groups captured some minor characters, but not a single one. The only one who had some impression was Hidden Bat. For this guy from southern Xinjiang, He directly ordered the vampire to be chopped into pieces, without even bothering to look at them.

He was too ugly, his eyes were dirty, and the secret technique he practiced was too disgusting, which made him unhappy.

Then Luo Yan went to the Moon God's camp.

The aloof and glamorous Moon Goddess was kneeling in the center of the tent. A hole had been opened in the tent above, revealing the stars in the sky. The scattered moonlight of the crescent moon highlighted her beautiful appearance and cold temperament. , like a fairy who doesn’t eat fireworks from the world, she wears an icy blue dress spread out and spread around, adding a sense of nobility and elegance.

Her long purple hair and moist lips have a cold charm, like an elf in the moon.

There is a Phantom Sound Treasure Box placed alone on the table in front of him.

As if aware of Luo Yan's arrival, Luna's closed eyes slowly opened, and a pair of deep eyes looked at Luo Yan: "You are not worried at all."

To be honest, she had an impulse to return to Yin Yang's house with the Phantom Sound Box, but she finally resisted.

"With you watching, I have nothing to worry about~"

Luo Yan smiled, walked over, sat down opposite the Moon God, picked up the Phantom Sound Treasure Box and looked at it.

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