Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 970 Taste carefully

The Phantom Sound Box, the treasure of the Yin Yang family, is also the key to unlocking Canglong Qisu.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a high-end music box... Luo Yan opened the phantom music box and twisted several layers of eaves. The exquisite gears rotated on the bottom floor, plucking the notes, and the melodious tunes sounded melodiously. The magic of intoxication.

After listening for a while, Luo Yan looked at the Moon God and asked curiously: "It is rumored that the Phantom Sound Box has magical power. Those who are destined to hear the music of the Phantom Sound Box can improve their skills. Those who are not destined to hear it can improve their skills. Otherwise, I will fall into confusion or even madness, why do I sound like I have no feeling.”

"There are thousands of magical sounds, and different tunes have different meanings. The key to unlocking Canglong Qisu is hidden in these thousands of tunes."

Luna's slender lips opened slightly, and her voice was soft and ethereal, with a sense of distance. She seemed unwilling to talk to Luo Yan at this moment, and it was very perfunctory.

After all, the man in front of her had just come from another woman's place, and he had been playing for a whole afternoon. He was really tireless. This made Yueshen couldn't help but think of herself. She had never been so entangled with Luo Yan in the past, almost Each time it was done in about an hour.

There is no harm without comparison. Could it be that Luo Yan and the woman he likes are like this?

Is it perfunctory with myself? !

If Luo Yan knew what Moon God was thinking, he would probably scream that he was wronged, who did it hastily, and how could he not be full of firepower, but he had too many things to do, and was so busy with everything that he had no time to take it easy with Moon God, let alone , Luna God is good at this. The more perfunctory he is, the happier Luna God seems to be, and now she blames him.

I have to say that women’s minds are very strange and cannot be reasoned with.

Luo Yan looked at Luna's beautiful and cold face and said, "You have been studying it all afternoon. How is your research going?"

"I can't figure it out. As His Excellency Donghuang said, if you want to figure out the secret of Canglong Qisu, you need a specific time, a specific place and a specific person."

Luna's lips moved slightly, and her voice was slightly cold and ethereal.

"Can't you talk properly?"

Luo Yan slapped the Phantom Sound Treasure Box shut and looked at Luna with some dissatisfaction. What's going on with this girl? She suddenly sounded weird. Maybe she was jealous, but she shouldn't. Luna is not his wife. How jealous is she?

His slap was so hard that even the table where the Phantom Sound Treasure Box was placed shook, as if it was about to break.

It was indeed special, and the material was very unusual... Luo Yan assessed in his mind that the ordinary brocade box would have been broken by this slap, but the Phantom Sound Treasure Box was safe and sound.

Luna looked at Luo Yan's slap, and her heartbeat paused. Her beautiful eyes couldn't help but stare at Luo Yan, and her tone was a little more smoky: "You should ask your wife, my senior sister, Concubine Yan, this question. .”

After he finished speaking, he stretched out a jade hand and took out the Phantom Sound Treasure Box directly from Luo Yan's palm. When he was sure that the object was intact, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he stared at Luo Yan with doubts.

Luo Yan really dared to strike. The slap just now was clearly aimed at crushing him. Does he really not care about Canglong Qisu's secret?

Once the Phantom Sound Box is broken, the key to unlocking Canglong Qisu will also be destroyed, and the secrets that the Yin Yang family has been pursuing for thousands of years will be lost. The so-called immortality will become an illusory legend that no one can explore anymore.

"Aren't you afraid it will break?"

Luna couldn't help but question.

What are you afraid of? Without the Magic Sound Treasure Box, I still need Xiao Li... Luo Yan felt reassured. Now that he has Xiao Li in his hand, he really doesn't care much about Canglong Qisu's secret. After all, no matter how big the secret is, it's nothing. It is a clever person who picks up people's teeth, but it is not as good as Xiao Li, the incarnation of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl. Even if Xiao Li only has a little divine power, it is still the power of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl.

Secondly, Luo Yan really didn't think the Phantom Sound Box was fragile. If it was made of ordinary material, it wouldn't last for hundreds of years.

Luo Yan moved his butt, destroying the perfection of Luna God's skirt. At the same time, this guy grabbed Luna God's waist and asked with a smile: "Then tell me, is Canglong Qisu's secret more important, or me? .”

"You shouldn't ask me this question."

Luna glanced at Luo Yan, snorted coldly, and responded with a crouched posture.

"Without me, you will be a widow for the rest of your life."

Compared with the dignity and elegance of Moon Goddess, Luo Yan is much vulgar and full of vulgarity, which directly destroys the fairy spirit.

Luna's pretty face was slightly red, and she placed the Magic Sound Treasure Box on the table. She stretched out her hand and grasped Luo Yan's restless pig's trotters: "I'm not greedy for the pleasure of men and women. What's more, the relationship between you and me. Do you dare to let senior sister know?"

She looked at Luo Yan with disdain and saw through Luo Yan's true nature. She didn't know what Luo Yan's nature was like. When it came to women, he was really amorous. Fortunately, she once thought that Luo Yan was deeply in love with Concubine Yan, so she couldn't. Extricate yourself, now that I think about it, how ridiculous I was at that time.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and my chest felt a little swollen and painful.

"Really not greedy?"

Luo Yan used both arms to directly hug the Moon Goddess into his arms, and casually removed her gauze, revealing her tearful eyes. At this moment, because of a touch of crimson, the Moon Goddess was more charming and pyrotechnic, less It has a high-altitude attitude.

In fact, Luo Yan liked that gesture quite a lot. He had a feeling when he hugged the Moon God Thief from behind. However, after getting to know her better, the feeling gradually faded away.

After all, the novelty between men and women is just that.

It takes a long time to develop feelings, but in the same way, it takes a long time to become deeply disgusted.

In the final analysis, not getting is the best thing. Luo Yan now understands this deeply. However, responsibility restrains him and prevents him from being as free and unrestrained as he once was. After all, he is a responsible man, not the boy he once was. ~

Children will force people to grow up, restrain their image, and pay attention to their appearance.

In the final analysis, people live their lives in the eyes of others and for others.

Luna held her posture and did not answer.

Luo Yan smiled, and his hands became quiet, but his tone suddenly became gentle: "You are not greedy, I am greedy, but what I am more greedy about now is you. If you succeed, I have you in my heart." Shadow, I feel like I can’t live without you.”

If the Moon God left directly with the Phantom Sound Box this time, Luo Yan would not say that, but now, the Moon God is obviously really on his side.

The tenderness that should be given still needs to be given.

Whether it's false feelings or true feelings, at this age, emotional matters can no longer be explained clearly.

"How many people are you carrying in your heart?"

Hearing this, Moon God didn't feel much joy in his heart. He just looked at Luo Yan calmly and asked.

“A lot, but also very little.”

Luo Yan caressed Luna's cheek with his palm, pondered for a moment, and gave an answer. There are indeed very few people who can enter the depths of his heart, because those people are all his family members without exception. As for other women, after all, they are just Just a woman.

There are so many things in this world, I love a lot, but not much~

"Where's that woman?"

Luna said softly.

Mrs. Pearl?

Luo Yan was slightly stunned, hesitated for a moment, and sighed softly: "I have let her down a little. Things between me and her are more complicated. She used to be the woman I liked, but unfortunately there was a gap in identity between her and me. At that time, I She is just a scholar, but she is a lady from Korea~"


Luna didn't know much about Mrs. Mingzhu. When she heard Luo Yan's words, she looked at him strangely. Luo Yan was really not an ordinary person.

As for "like", the word came out of Luo Yan's mouth quite cheaply. Luo Yan had said the same words to her before, but what Luo Yan liked was her body. At that time, Luo Yan still pretended to look like her.

"Let's not talk about her anymore. We will set off back to Xianyang tomorrow."

Luo Yan recalled the past, shook his head, and brought the topic back to business.

There was something going on in the city, and he had to go back and take care of it. The second thing was the Confucian matter. The Confucian Little Sage Village had a very high status in the land of Qilu. It couldn't use force directly, so it had to take a roundabout way. In addition, he also planned to Go to the Taoist Tianzong and meet that strange Taoist woman who has been in seclusion for eighteen years.

Luo Yan was very interested in Xiaomeng. After all, in terms of talent alone, this woman was the best in the Qin Dynasty. She was able to defeat many elders of the Taoist Tiansect when she was a child. Her talent was ridiculously high.

People are different.

The same is true for cultivating Taoism. Some people practice for a lifetime and are not as good as Xiaomeng's casual enlightenment.

Moon Goddess's eyes flickered, and his pupils reflected Luo Yan's face, and he said quietly: "Are you going to take that woman back too?"

"You care about this issue?"

Luo Yan looked at Luna with some confusion and asked, he didn't understand why Luna held on to this matter. Isn't this a trivial matter?

At least for Luna, this should be considered a small thing.

"I'm just curious, how will you coax senior sister~"

There was a smile on Luna's lips, and she said in a wicked way.

When Luo Yan heard this, his expression suddenly became serious, and he said seriously: "I will not deceive her in this life. The matter with you has gone against my heart. In other respects, I don't want to let her down."

Luna blinked her eyes, and for a moment she couldn't tell whether it was true or not, mainly because Luo Yan looked so much like him.

"It's getting late, we should practice."

Luo Yan plans to practice hard with the Moon God tonight and strive to balance the inner breath of the five elements as soon as possible.

Moon God's eyes moved slightly, and then he thought of something. He glanced at the Phantom Sound Treasure Box and chuckled: "Maybe you can try it with it~"

What do you mean, music to cheer up?

Luo Yan was a little puzzled. Can classical melody still have such an effect?

But soon, Luo Yan understood.

The Moon God stood up from Luo Yan, opened the Phantom Sound Treasure Box again, and at the same time moved the floors of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box. Suddenly a classical musical instrument played. She was like a devout believer, bathed in the light of the stars and the moon, her hands When the seal was formed, the power of the surrounding heaven and earth trembled slightly, and it actually matched the music of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.

The Moon Goddess at this moment really has the charm of a goddess, which is fascinating and unreally beautiful.

This night is destined to be very long.

Must taste carefully~

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