Qin Emperor

Chapter 257: Qindi Aircraft Carrier Battle Group (Part 1)

, Pouring out like a flash flood. The second female gradually became active from the beginning, passively and awakened instinctively. This is the first time they are together with Ye Yinzhu.

Perhaps it was because of parting. They are easy to be shy on weekdays and they did not object to being with each other. Happiness and sexual happiness spread and release in the Qin Emperor's mansion in this cold city.

Miss and love. All turn into action and talk to each other.

a long time. When calm down. Softened in the warmth, both white and delicate bodies were quietly nestled in Ye Yinzhu's arms.

The body of the ocean is taller than Sura. It also needs to be fuller and the skin is extremely fair, while Suradi has a healthier complexion. Years of practicing martial arts. Make her figure more perfect. Perfectly proportioned, there is a faint glow on the skin, and there is no more fat on the body.

Holding the ocean is the kind of soft and warm feeling, and holding Sula. It's the kind of scorching that is full of elasticity. The feelings brought by the two girls are different. But it was all so touching that he couldn't be himself. If Ye Yinzhu's perseverance will be shaken, I am afraid this is the moment.

Closely attached to Ye Yinzhu's still burning body. The blush on Hai Qiao ’s face remained the same, her beautiful face only exposed the man in front of her, and the burning sensation left in her body still throbbed her heart slightly.

"Yin Zhu, your body seems to have changed." The ocean closed her eyes and murmured softly, her small, smooth hands gently stroking her lover's broad chest. Something intoxicated in the words.

Ye Yinzhu said with a smile: "Is it better or not?"

"I can't say it well, it's just your skin and muscles. There seems to be some changes that I don't know from you. I seem to be able to feel the energy output every moment, I should have been tired now Yes, but ... "The blush on Qiao's face deepened a little, and she couldn't talk anymore.

When she was with Ye Yinzhu in the past, she would feel very tired afterwards. After all, she is just a magician. It ’s not as tough as Sura. As one of the strongest in the world, Ye Yinzhu's body is definitely stronger than ordinary men, but this time it feels completely different to her, from the rapid exhaustion of her own physical strength, from Ye Yinzhu. It seems that innumerable oozing energy is injected into her body, which not only makes the skin more sensitive in contact and brings greater happiness, but also makes her lose her physical strength and recover quickly. Especially at the last peak, she clearly felt that a huge energy was injected into her body from all directions, and quickly combined with the magical power in her body.

Although at this time the ocean is still in a hazy state after the rhyme. But she can also feel the changes in her body, which is a very beautiful feeling, as if always floating in the clouds will not easily fall.

For the experience of strength, Sura is more sensitive than the ocean. Holding Ye Yinzhu's big hand on her hips, she rarely feels a little more excited in her voice, and of course the ocean touches her. And because of physical reasons. She feels more obvious than the ocean.

"Yinzhu, are you already ..."

Ye Yinzhu nodded slowly and kissed the two women's foreheads. "Yes, I finally broke through."

"God!" Sura exclaimed, she was born in Falan. It is much more difficult to understand the sub-god level breakthrough ground than the ocean, especially, his lover is a double training.

"You. Have you broken through the devil's pole wall?"

Ye Yinzhu smiled and nodded. "Just broke through the ground shortly before you came back. Speaking of it. Thanks to Guti for guiding with the power of Thor's hammer. With the destructive characteristics of the thunder between the world and the earth, it finally broke through the magical wall."

He explained the process of his breakthrough very simply. Brought the words of the crisis in it. Because he does not want his wife to worry about himself.

Sura couldn't prop up his body in self-control, lying on Ye Yinzhu's chest, excitedly said: "You finally broke through, and it is still a breakthrough of the devil's pole wall. , This time, do we really have the strength to fight the street against France? "

Looked at Sura's bright red lips. Ye Yinzhu couldn't help but lightly kiss, "As long as I'm alive, I won't let Falan hurt you half a point, and want to wipe out our piano city. It's not that easy."

As he said, his big hand left on Sula's hips was squeezing unbridledly. Just calmly excitedly also quietly raised his head, after all. The wife left for so many days. It is not easy for him to vent his cleanse.

There is a kind of playfulness on the face of Sura. It ’s like seeing the most beloved toy, “Yin Zhu, tell me quickly. What did you feel like when you broke through? Even in Falan. Breaking down to sub-god level is also the biggest goal of all cultivators.”

Ye Yinzhu said with a smile: "Maybe I feel that it will be different from other practitioners. After the breakthrough, the most obvious feeling is that the energy in the body is no longer magic and vindictive. They seem to be in a special state. Fuse together, now the energy in my body is more like a grudge. When used, it will have a strong offensive and defensive ability. At the same time, it has not lost its magical ability. It can also directly attract the power of heaven and earth. A kind of attribute. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that when I became a foreign silver dragon, I was relatively intimate about all the magic elements of the attribute. I call this new energy the original force. "

After listening to Ye Yinzhu's words, the sea and the sea were foggy and asked: "What is the original force, sub-god level. Yin Zhu. What are you talking about?

Without waiting for Ye Yinzhu to speak, Sura could not wait to explain to the ocean. In front of her husband and the ocean. The cold mask on her face had long since disappeared. "Sister. The sub-god level is after reaching the peak of the purple level ninth order. Make another breakthrough to enter another level of the earth."

Only then did the ocean understand why Sula would be so excited and cover his mouth. Lost channel: "God. Beyond the purple level ability?"

Sura Road: "From the perspective of the rainbow level at the source of the blue, the rainbow seven-color level is seven-level and twenty-seventh level, of which the first six colors are all three-level changes, and the purple level becomes the ninth level. And the breakthrough Purple level nine. It is the twenty-seventh level. It will enter another level. In terms of color, it is white. Rainbow is the color produced by the refraction of water by sunlight. The true color of sunlight is white. , That is to say, when the rainbow seven-color fusion is unique. When reaching another kind of ascension, whether magic or grudge will enter this new realm, and Yinzhu breaks through the magic wall, which is equivalent to magic and grudge. The first level of the **** level is the first level of the white level. Of course, this is the energy after fusion. It should be more powerful than the sub-level of the single attribute. "

The ocean stared blankly at Ye Yinzhu and Sula. She didn't know what to say for a while, and Sura's explanation was clear. It made her understand that her husband had reached an unreachable level, enough to be comparable to Falan. In land countries. In any magician's heart, Falan is supreme and unattainable. That has become a belief-like existence, although the ocean has always known that Ye Yinzhu is very powerful. But when I really saw that Yinzhudi's strength had reached a level close to that of Falan. That kind of unspeakable feeling still made her heart frequently.

Ye Yinzhu felt that the delicate body of the ocean was a little stiff and could not help but tighten his arms. "Sura. I want to correct it. It's not the first order of the sub-god. It's the second order. Although I don't know why this is happening, perhaps, this is the second-god level after the devil's pole wall is broken.

"Second order?" This time. Even Sula was stunned. He once heard Sloan say. At the beginning, Sloan went from the first order to the second order after entering the second **** level. It took fourteen years, and Sloan looked proudly at the time when he was speaking. Fourteen years is obviously a very short period of time for sub-gods.

There are too many incredible things on Yin Zhu. Sura didn't ask much, or she didn't have the opportunity to ask. The scorching breath has spread again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ in the screams. She and the ocean have reintegrated into the beautiful furnace.

At night, it passed silently. The cold gradually deepened.

The extreme north wilderness has entered the deep winter season, even if it is only the boundary of the extreme north wilderness, it is dripping into ice. The cold outside is in sharp contrast to the fiery heat in the room. Binghuoliangtian seemed to set off the faint happiness.

One night without words, the next morning, when Ye Yinzhu God got up and refreshed, Sura was ready for him as usual as early as possible.

Whenever this time. Ye Yinzhu will have a feeling of nostalgia in her heart, nostalgic for the wonderful taste of the food. unfortunately. He knew that he would never be able to feel the moving taste again, it was an indescribable regret. He can't show anything.

Sura and Ocean were sitting next to Ye Yinzhu, "Yin Zhu, you gave us a surprise last night. Today we also brought you two surprises."

Ye Yinzhu said with a smile: "Is the portal already made? Is it just another surprise?"

Ocean Road: "After waiting for breakfast. You will know when you go to the barracks."

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