Qin Emperor

Chapter 257: Qindi Aircraft Carrier Battle Group (middle)

Ye Yinzhu's heart moved slightly. Since two surprises can be tied. It proves that another thing should be similar to the benefits brought by the portal, just. He couldn't think of any good things that could be compared with the portal's help to Qincheng.

Have had breakfast in a hurry. Ye Yinzhu couldn't wait to bring her second daughter to the Qincheng camp. Led by the ocean, they went directly to the Dragon Knights that had just been arranged yesterday.

Ye Yinzhu couldn't help but wonder. "Ocean, how many portals did you bring this time? How about the effect?"

Ocean Road: "After careful research and manufacturing these days, the dwarf masters and the design masters of the goblin tribe have jointly created a portal."

Ye Yinzhu was slightly disappointed and said: "Is there only one? But okay, at least you can return to Qincheng without my help, just a portal. For us to transfer troops. It is too little. . "

Sura laughed: "Whoever says that there is less one portal, fool. Why do you suddenly become confused when you are clever once, if we can't make a lot of teleports. How can Sister Anya let us take all the dragon knights bring it here."

Ye Yinzhu said in surprise: "But. Isn't there only one portal?"

Ocean Road: "There is only one portal. But I didn't say what its size is!" He said. A strong magic element of the space system fluctuated violently. Ye Yinzhu's sense of harmony between man and nature also became a bit distorted in an instant.

He could only vaguely feel what the ocean pulled out of the space ring. At the next moment, a huge space element was twisted violently, faintly. He found that everything around him seemed to be slowly fluctuating.

If it had not evolved to the sub-god level, perhaps Ye Yinzhu could not grasp the change of this spatial element. But at this time, he is a sub-god of the unprecedented Mo Wu Shuangxiu after all. After a brief surprise, the internal force of his body transformed itself. The accompanying magic effect is directly changed to the space attribute. Suddenly, everything outside became clear again in Ye Yinzhu's heart.

That is a portal. There is really only one, however. It is huge but very different from ordinary gates. The height of the gate is more than seven meters, and the width is also five meters away. The huge fluctuation of spatial attribute elements is spread from it.

Ye Yinzhu, made of what material this door was made of, couldn't feel it, but he found that there was a special magic circle beside this door. A magic stone in the center of the magic circle exudes strong elemental fluctuations.

Ocean explained: "The advantage of the portal is to use the magic array and the positioning of the magic symbol to save the magician's magic power as much as possible. As long as the magician's mana is sufficient, it can be transmitted for a long time without being limited in number. However, the shortcomings of the portal are also obvious, that is, once the positioning can not be changed, each portal is actually divided into two parts, which are located in two places. As long as one side inputs the mana, the directional transmission can be performed. This large The portal is specially designed for our warriors of all ethnic groups in Qincheng. Even Bimon behemoths and dragons can be drilled through. It just takes a little effort. "

Ye Yinzhu nodded with satisfaction. With his own feeling, he walked to the portal and raised his hand on the gem of the magical position. A pure magical power slowly infused. Suddenly, he clearly found out that the originally peaceful earth element fluctuations in the door suddenly became intense, followed immediately. The space seems to have become distorted. It seems that in a place that is not far away, there is a breath echoing here.

As expected, Ye Yinzhu nodded with satisfaction. Sura added: "The masters of the Goblin Tribe have calculated carefully. If we can prepare well. Once Qin City is in trouble, this portal can make all our Qin City troops withdraw to Qin City within five hours, and. With this portal, we can communicate with each other more easily than before. Any party has something to do. We can pass the message to the other party in the shortest time. "

Ye Yinzhu nodded and said, "Information transmission is as important as human-to-human transmission. Sura, you will find Brother Oliveira later. Prepare a group of soldiers dedicated to communicating."

Withdrawing the magic power, Ye Yinzhu felt the ground changes on the portal. The brain is running fast on one side. With this portal, the benefit to Qincheng land is too great, this is that Falan does not have the ability to land. The goblin tribe land masters are undoubtedly the most advanced land on the mainland in terms of science and technology.

"From Falan to our Qin city. Even if the Paladin of the Paladin advances by flight. It will take at least two to three days to cross the entire Milan Empire. As long as we can get the Falan in the first time. News dispatched. So. Even if you are in Holy Light City. You have enough time to prepare. "

The ocean said with some surprise: "Yin Zhu, you and Sister Anya thought about going together. Sister Anya has sent someone to contact the Milan Empire and let them monitor the movement of Falan at any time. The Milan Empire has the most advanced magic communication circle. We can inform us in the shortest time. Although they dare not fight Falan head-on against the street, Falan secretly supported Landias, which has greatly dissatisfied the Milan Empire. They will definitely help with this busy. "

Sura snorted and said: "Now Qin City and Milan are dead, if we are annihilated by Falan, it will be the end of the Milan Empire."

Ye Yinzhu said with a smile: "Okay, now let me look at another surprise, I really want to know. What is it. It can be compared with the portal."

Ocean and Sula looked at each other. Both women had a gentle smile on their faces. The space distortion appears again, again from the space ring on the ocean hand. Immediately. The light flashed suddenly, and in front of the three people, there was an extra behemoth.

Guihao this military camp is prepared for the dragon knight. Considering the size of the dragon land, this place is extremely empty.

It was a big guy with a length of 100 meters. The whole was in the shape of a jujube, the thickest place. The diameter is more than fifteen meters, and there are many complicated settings, which feel. The fluctuation of the magical elements inside is even larger than the portal. Its size is even a bit more burly than Glacis, the largest war beast in Warcraft.

"This. What is this?" Ye Yinzhu asked in surprise.

He found that although the volume of this thing is huge. The magic power is also very abundant. but. It doesn't seem to have any offensive power.

Ocean smiled and said: "This time we came back a little late, the main reason is to wait for its manufacture to finish. Remember when we first cooperated with the goblin tribe, they brought out the map paper? Now it has finally become a reality. Goblin tribes and masters. Call it the Zeppelin. Because of the design drawing, the goblin master named Zeppelin stayed. "

"Airship? Oh. I remembered it." Ye Yinzhu suddenly realized that he immediately remembered the scene where the goblin tribe took out the drawings to make them. "So. Can it fly? If I guess the ground is good. The power of this airship should be derived from the magic circle."

Haidao said: "Yes, this airship was built, but it made sister Anya and the unidentified elders feel for a long time. But I thought of its practicality on the battlefield. It was built with pain. It was originally designed according to the Zeppelin airship. Flying through thermal energy. However, since then, the flying speed of the airship has been greatly restricted. After the goblin tribe masters and the dwarf masters discussed. A bold design was made, which was successful after many trials. Yes. It was also the third day that we had just left Qincheng to go here. Now this Zeppelin is driven by magic power. And it has many practical functions. "

I heard the words of the ocean. Ye Yinzhu's interest soared, "What functions does it have?"

Ocean Road: "Its flying ability is almost comparable to that of ordinary adult dragons ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ because. On the main power core of this airship, three nine-order wind magic crystals are used as driving forces. , With them as the core, you can easily mobilize the wind elements in the air as the power. The reason why three nine-order magic crystals are used. This is because considering the restoration of the elemental strength of the magic crystal itself and the airship's carrying capacity, according to Carefully calculated, in the case of using three ninth-order wind magic crystals. This magic-powered zeppelin can fly at full speed with thirty behemoths. "

"It's so powerful." Ye Yinzhu applauded. In the war. He has always been a tactical point of surprise victory, listening to the introduction of the ocean, in his mind suddenly appeared several strategies that can be carried out around the Zeppelin.

"It would be better if the number of Zeppelin is better." Ye Yinzhu said with exclamation.

Sura laughed: "This may be difficult, but building this Zeppelin. It makes sister Anya and the unidentified elders feel distressed, if mass production. Even our Qincheng, I am afraid it will be bankrupt."

Ye Yinzhu said with surprise: "Although the devil stone is precious, we should have a lot of land. Even if it does not reach the standard of this place. There are still many devil stones in the seventh and eighth order, supplemented by the wind system If the magician controls the ground, the effect should not be too bad. "

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