Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1291 Outrageous

Not only did she just want to see it, she suddenly thought that day, if she could add two hot springs there, how great would it be?

Originally, she planned to talk about it tonight, but Wu Gege had such a fuss, and fourth master was obviously annoyed, so it would be inappropriate to talk about it now.

We have to wait for the right time tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

That guy Wu Gege is really annoying!

Unexpectedly, Fourth Master raised it instead, hugged Mu Jin and said with a smile, "Master is going to visit the Old Summer Palace in two days, do you want Jin'er to go together?"

Mu Jin's eyes lit up with a "swish", obviously she was very willing in her heart, and said with a smile: "Slave, can you really go? The slave will not cause trouble to the master, will it?"

The fourth master laughed: "What's the matter! Master already knew that Jin'er wanted to go, so let's go for a walk in place, it's better than just looking at the drawings, and we have a good idea in our hearts."

"What the master said is true! In fact, the slave also thinks so in his heart." Mu Jin smiled a little embarrassedly.

The fourth master couldn't laugh or cry, and twisted her face: "Duplicate little thing!"

Within two days, the two of them really went there by car, accompanied by several stewards who were in charge of building the garden, and visited many places.

The Yuanmingyuan at this moment is very different from the Yuanmingyuan in its most glorious time, even the area is not so large, and the road is not easy to walk, but after half a day, I listened to the explanation while walking, and walked around the whole garden. .

While the stewards were talking to Fourth Master, Mu Jin casually walked somewhere not far or near to pretend to enjoy the scenery, and finally found a chance to move a hot spring out of the space.

When the construction of the garden starts in the future, it will naturally be discovered.

At that time, by the way, a hot spring can be built here

Looking at the temporarily covered hot spring eyes, and imagining the wonderful time after the completion of the hot spring, Mu Jin was quite satisfied.

The wedding between the Fourteenth Master and the Wanyan family was held on the sixth day of March. After the matter of the Old Summer Palace was settled, the Fourth Master was busy working with the Ministry of Internal Affairs to prepare for the Fourteenth Master's wedding.

The Fourteenth Lord is his younger brother, and there is no need for Kangxi Lord to make a separate order for this kind of matter, it is the Fourth Lord's responsibility.

Fourth master has always been serious about things, and this is his younger brother's marriage, so he is even more concerned.

Helplessly, there is also a concubine de concubine in the palace.

The concubine de concubine especially loves the youngest son of the fourteenth master, who has grown up with thousands of pets. Naturally, she values ​​and cares about the matter of the youngest son's wedding more than anyone else.

The fourteenth master is different from the fourth master. The fourth master's wedding was held in the palace, while the fourteenth master was in a mansion outside the palace. As a concubine, how can she leave the palace?

The more I can't see, the more I worry and worry, I'm afraid that this and that can't be done well, all kinds of requests and questions come out one after another, it's outrageous!

Rao, Fourth Master always respected Concubine De and was patient enough, so he couldn't help getting angry behind his back from time to time.

It's one thing to have a turtle, and what makes fourth master even more uncomfortable is that the concubine de concubine has to ask, tell and explain, and give opinions again and again, which makes it clear that she doesn't trust fourth master.

Listening to fourth master's angry complaints, Mu Jin was speechless and distressed, so she couldn't help comforting him with all kinds of tenderness.

Naturally, verbal comfort is not enough, let alone the lingering ecstasy at night.

For men, the latter comfort is obviously more effective.

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