Thanks to Mu Jin, the fourth master could at least relieve the restlessness and anger in his heart, otherwise he might not be able to bear it anymore and contradict the concubine De concubine separately.

Since you are so worried about him and don't trust him, why don't you let him care about everything?

This accident brought the relationship between Fourth Master and Mu Jin closer.

With Mu Jin's considerate company, even if the concubine de concubine expressly hinted that the fourth master should subsidize the fourteenth master with more money, the fourth master would calmly agree.

The old fourteenth is his own younger brother, so it doesn't matter if I subsidize him two or three thousand silver more, anyway, it's just this one time.

After he got married and started a business, he couldn't live a normal life and have to bear the burden of his brother, right?

They are all people who have a salary and income from a farm shop. I don't care about it. I am afraid that the old fourteen can't afford to lose this person.

This morning, Mu Jin got up a little late, and the fourth master has been pestering people so much recently, every time he went back to the room, his eyes seemed to burst into flames when he looked at her.

Even Mu Jin likes her sweetly in her heart, and her health is considered good, but she can't stand it.

After eating breakfast, playing with the two children on the kang, making the two little guys giggle from time to time, this is the happiest and most relaxing time for Mu Jin.

The two little ones grew up day by day, and their bright and beautiful eyes were no longer only ignorant, but more content. Every time I looked at them, Mu Jin even felt that they could already understand most of what she said.

Mother and son, mother and daughter were warming up, when Xiancao beside Geng Gege in Dongxiangyuan suddenly begged to see her.

Mu Jin was very surprised, and looked at Xiaodouzi who reported.

Xiaodouzi was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Ci Fujin, this servant didn't want to report it for her, but that Qiancao was about to kneel and kowtow to this servant, her eyes were red, and I don't know if it was, or if it was out of character." What's the matter, if the slave is delayed, and the slave can't afford it, I think it's better to report to Fujin. If you don't want to see her, the slave will just send her away."

Xiaodouzi naturally knows that his master and the female family members in the mansion have always come and gone.

He secretly scolded himself for being dizzy, why did he report to her as soon as his head became hot when he looked at her pitifully? Just don't cause trouble for your master.

As for Geng Gege, what does it have to do with Yuping Academy?

Mu Jin thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Go and invite her in."

Although Geng Gege was so weak and timid that others looked down on her, she never harmed herself.

During the cold war between herself and fourth master, she never made trouble for herself. Mrs. Li deliberately made things difficult for her own people, and she even secretly reported a letter to herself.

Based on this alone, Mu Jin had to remember her well.

She didn't know what Xiancao wanted to say to her, but if she could help, she didn't mind helping.

Mu Jin got up, and sat down in the front hall.

Xiancao was soon brought in by Xiaodouzi.

Seeing Mu Jin, the girl's eyes turned red, she knelt down and cried, "I beg Mu Fangfujin to save the slave's master! I beg Mu Fangfujin to help, the slave's master is afraid, I am afraid."

Xiancao covered her face and wept bitterly.

Mu Jin was shocked.

Seeing this, Xiaotao scolded softly: "Xiancao, what do you think this is? What is it like to cry and cry here?"

Asking for help doesn't look like asking for help, who gave her such courage? "

Happy New Years, babies! I hope everyone is safe, healthy and healthy!

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