Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1293 Mu Jin looked at her and didn't refuse

Xiancao's face turned pale, as if someone had choked her throat and her crying was cut off. She reached out to wipe away the tears on her face, and kowtowed to Mu Jin: "Forgive me, Mu Fang Fujin! Slave, this slave didn't do it on purpose."

"Okay," Mu Jin said lightly, "What's going on? Your master has something to do, why don't you go to Fujin?"

Instead of looking for Fujin, what are you doing looking for her?

Fujin might think that she wants to seize power again.

With tears in her eyes, Xiancao said: "Slave, I don't dare to look for Fujin again, I beg Mu Caifujin to listen to what I have to say."

Mu Jin looked at her without refusing.

Xiancao spoke with tears in her eyes

It turned out that as early as a while ago, Geng Gege was always being troubled by others intentionally or unintentionally.

For the things on the list, she got the worst class.

The style of the clothes is old, and the workmanship is extremely rough. The stitches, not to mention fine, are scattered and skewed, and the threads in many places have not been cut.

The tea leaves are old and have a musty smell. The charcoal burned in winter is all broken black charcoal that is not resistant to burning, and some of them cannot be called charcoal at all, but half-burned wood that has not completely turned into charcoal. Once it burned, there was still an open flame, making the room smoky.

It took me half a day to get some hot water, not to mention that what was delivered couldn't be called hot water at all, but it was a little bit warmer.

This is still for her. If servants like Xiancao and Xianman want to use it, no one will give it to them. They go to the kitchen and line up to go by themselves.

The food in the kitchen was also picked by others, and it was her turn to wait for the rest.

As for the extra things, don't even think about it, it's not for her.

Even the servant girl who cleaned the yard was very perfunctory in her work, and she didn't take her master seriously at all.

Geng Ge is not favored, has no backing, and has always been used to being honest.

Seeing her silent and forbearance like this, those people became even more unscrupulous.

Even a mother-in-law with a little bit of status dared to ridicule and sneer, deliberately making things difficult and embarrassing for her.

Whenever the girls of Dongxiangyuan leave the yard, they will be bullied and humiliated intentionally or unintentionally.

The slender grass and vines were even pushed, pushed, tripped, and deliberately damaged several times. It was not once or twice that they hurt their feet and skinned their hands.

It was their fault that they were not angry enough to argue with others, but instead were robbed and beaten up.

Geng Gege couldn't protect himself, let alone make decisions for them, so he had to swallow his anger.

But this kind of thing can't be finished by swallowing, it will only make people worse.

So, just after the Lantern Festival, Geng Gege fell ill.

Although the Lantern Festival was over, it was still the first month anyway, and Geng Gege didn't dare to send someone to tell Fujin that he was sick and needed a doctor, for fear that Fujin would feel unlucky and hate her even more.

He just said that his body was a little uncomfortable, and he would be fine after a few days of recuperation.

That's it, instead of paying respects to Fujin, he called Wu Gege, Song Gege and others to gossip.

Later, I couldn't bear it any longer, and finally begged Fujin for a doctor.

The doctor prescribed medicine, but most of the medicinal materials sent were bad, and the kitchen still refused to help decoct the medicine, and it was annoying to ask for some charcoal fire for decoction.

Wu Gege ran to Dongxiangyuan to "visit" her every three days, sneered at her, and spoke harshly, saying that she was putting on a show, trying to get the master's love and favor by pretending to be well, really shameless!

When she got angry, she even "accidentally" knocked over her medicine.

Xiancao and Xianman dare not speak out.

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