Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1705 This situation...is very wrong

Chapter 1705 This situation is very wrong

There was a "boom" in Sanfujin's mind, and he became more and more uneasy, like needles glowing on his back.

She didn't know why Concubine Rong behaved like this, and she didn't even have time to ask what Hong Xi had said to the two empresses.

But something is wrong.

Nanny Hong, an old bastard, is also worthless and careless.

In front of the empress, what are you doing?

When the empress asked her something, she said it directly!

"Say!" Concubine Rong said coldly: "What? I have a bad memory? If I don't have a good memory, I'm always confused, so I might as well go back and retire!"

"Your Majesty, forgive me! Your Majesty, please forgive me!" Madam Hong kowtowed twice, she was flustered and quickly weighed, under the intimidation of Concubine Rong, she did not dare to lie, she bit the bullet and told the truth.

San Fujin: ""

Concubine Rong looked at San Fujin coldly, and the third master also glared.

Sanfujin was ashamed and embarrassed, so she naturally dumped the blame on Hong Nanny: "Hong Nanny, you are so brave, you dare to lie to me! Why didn't you tell the truth at the beginning?"

What can Madam Hong do? He could only kowtow repeatedly, confess his mistake with tears, and cry that he was confused, for fear of being blamed by Fujin, so he lied.

Sanfujin reprimanded with grief.

Concubine Rong's face was cold, she didn't even bother to expose Sanfujin's tricks, after all, she was her own daughter-in-law, as the mistress, she had to save some face.

It's just that the next thing, even if she wanted to save face for her, she couldn't.

Concubine Rong retreated from the crowd, leaving only one or two confidantes present, and asked Sanfujin with a sneer why she instigated Brother Hongxi to beat someone.

Sanfu Jin never expected that Concubine Rong would ask such a question, his face burst into red in shock, as if he was on fire.

She didn't expect Concubine Rong to know about this

The third master still didn't understand what was going on, so he was at a loss: "What—what's going on? What instigated brother Hongxi to beat someone?"

The third master was angry.

His youngest son is only four years old, teach him to beat people? If it reaches Huang Ama's ears, how will he, Ama, explain it!

Sanfujin felt guilty, as if sitting on pins and needles.

Concubine Rong sneered: "I have to ask your good Fujin."

Concubine Rong briefly explained what happened in a few words, and the third master was furious, and glared at Sanfujin fiercely: "Bitch, is this how you teach your children on weekdays? It's not enough for Sheng'er to teach you badly, and you won't let Xi'er go." ! A good son has been taught by you! Lord sees tomorrow, Xi'er should stop following you!"

"Master!" Sanfujin was ashamed and angry, crying and said: "I am wronged! This word, this word—how old is Xi'er? How does he know anything? I have never taught him this way, I am wronged! It’s all Nanny Hong. After hearing her words, I felt sorry for Xi’er being bullied, so I taught Xi’er not to be bullied in the future. I didn’t, I didn’t teach him to beat people!”

Concubine Rong was trembling with anger: "How dare you say that? I asked Xi'er for a long time with nice words, and Xi'er spoke clearly! Although a four-year-old child doesn't understand much, he doesn't know everything. I don’t understand. You think he doesn’t understand anything, so you let yourself argue? Mrs. Dong E, you have disappointed me so much!”

Sanfujin burst into tears: "Emiang, this concubine is wronged! I am really wronged!"

"Really?" Concubine Rong sneered, staring at her and said: "You want me to take down all the maids and wives who serve you one by one, and separate them for torture and interrogation?"

Sanfujin trembled, and the sound of crying and crying for grievances stopped abruptly.

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