Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1706 That Mu family is simply a devil

Sanfujin trembled, and the sound of crying and crying for grievances stopped abruptly.

Concubine Rong said coldly: "I have nothing to say? You were not like this in the past. I don't want to, but your nature is like this! Go back and reflect on yourself, don't stay here in this palace!"

Concubine Rong looked at the third master again: "Fourth brother, go and apologize properly, and don't accompany me."

The third master stared at San Fujin coldly, if it wasn't for the presence of Concubine Rong, he would have almost slapped her in the face.

The bitch!

"Emiang, don't worry, my son will arrange it." The third master felt ashamed.

if not? His family, Fujin, instigated his son to beat someone, who was only a year old cousin. Not only did he have to come to the door to apologize, but he also begged the fourth child in a nice voice, not to spread the matter.

Otherwise, he would be ashamed and ashamed.

Concubine Rong nodded, knowing that her son was reliable in doing things, and she didn't bother to take care of it anymore, so she waved her hand wearily, ordering them to back down.

In short, in front of Concubine De today, her old face is really humiliated.

At their age, the comparison is no longer the emperor's favor, not the number of times they serve in bed in a month, but whether their sons and grandsons are promising.

Her son is not as good as Concubine De's son, and her grandson is not as good as Concubine De's grandson. This daughter-in-law who used to look good to her, would be so narrow-minded.

The third master's face was ashen along the way.

After returning to the mansion, he immediately ordered the housekeeper to prepare a generous gift. This matter cannot be delayed, so he has to go to Si Ye's mansion to apologize.

Even though Sanfujin felt ashamed, how could he dare to say anything wrong.

I was angry and hated.

That Mu family is simply a devil!

How could she come up with such a way, and so did Xi'er—Xi'er was her own son, and Sanfujin sank after thinking about it, so she couldn't blame her own son.

My son is still too young, so I can't blame him. If I want to blame, I can only blame Mrs. Mu, she made me lose face

Sanfujin was full of hatred in her heart, she knew that this time, she was all finished!

The concubine Rong and the third master will no longer value or trust themselves, never again.

The third master specially prepared an extremely heavy gift, and hurried to the fourth master's mansion with Sanfu Jin and Hong Xi.

When they arrived, Fourth Master and Mu Jin were feeding the goslings in the garden with Brother Nian and Miss Sisi who had woken up.

The goslings yelled "uh uh uh" and spread their little meaty wings jubilantly around the two little masters, happily pecking at the shredded vegetable leaves that the little masters threw on the ground with a giggle, swaying contentedly Put it on, it's so lively.

Mu Jin looked at the pair of children alive and kicking with a smile, and felt much better in her heart, soft and compassionate.

The fourth master smiled and gently embraced her, "Let's think about brother and Sisi's abilities, are we all feeling better now?"

Mu Jin tilted her head and smiled at him: "It's more than half, and there's still a little bit of trouble."

"Well, I got it," the fourth master saw the pair of children's attention focused on the goslings, and quickly kissed Mu Jin on the cheek, with a smile in his tone: "Tonight, please comfort Jin'er, who comforts you." , it’s all good if you think about it.”

"My lord—" Mu Jin blushed and beat him coquettishly: "Whoever wants you, who wants comfort!"

Fourth master: "My master just said nice things, comfort Jin'er well, and make Jin'er happier, why don't you?"

Mu Jin: ""

Fourth Master Yile: "How does Jin'er think it's comforting?"

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