Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1707 The fourth master looked at Mu Jin, a little helpless

Ahhhhh! This soul is weak! This kind of routine is not done once or twice, but she always fell for it!

Mu Jin covered her face.

Fourth Master laughed lowly.

The two were arguing, and Xiaodouzi came to report: The third master and San Fujin are here

The fourth master and Mu Jin looked at each other, Mu Jin smiled lightly, raised her eyebrows mockingly: "It came quickly."

Fourth Master raised his eyebrows: "Naturally." Such things cannot be avoided, so it's natural to hurry up sooner rather than later.

Mu Jin: "Master, I don't want to see Sanfu Jin."

Fourth master looked at her.

Mu Jin hugged his arm and shook it lightly, curled her lips and said, "He is Di Fujin, and asking him to make a dignified Fujin compensate the slave is not an apology. It's hard to say whether the apology is sincere or not. I'm afraid I still hate the slave in my heart." Well, slaves are not rare!"

Fourth master looked at Mu Jin, a little helpless.

"Master!" Mu Jin hugged his arm coquettishly, and blinked: "You should submit to the servant. The servant also doesn't want brother Nian and Sisi to see the people in the third master's house."

"Forget it," Fourth Master smiled, Jun's face was full of connivance, and he said softly, "If you don't want to see her, then you won't see her again. Master asked someone to take her to Fujin's place."

Fourth master sneered.

Sanfujin's heart is smaller than the tip of a needle, and he actually cares about children who are less than two years old like brother Nian and Sisi, and secretly instigates his own children to take revenge, so what if the fourth master doesn't give her face?

Does she dare to have an opinion?

What face does she have to have an opinion?

"Thank you, master, master is wise!" Mu Jin smiled sweetly, sliding her slender hands down his sleeves, and lightly squeezed his slender fingers with distinct knuckles, and the two smiled at each other.

Fourth Master shook hands backhandedly before leaving.

The third master and elder brother Hongxi whom the fourth master met in Qingtongyuan ordered someone to send San Fujin to Fujin's place.

Sanfujin was taken aback for a moment, a little surprised, and then a little happy.

She originally thought that she would go to Mu Jin to apologize, but she was depressed all the way, but she didn't want to, but she didn't have to go.

Thinking about it too, I am a Di Fujin after all, so what is Mu Jin? A side Fujin is also suitable!

At this moment, she is afraid that she is waiting for herself in Yuping Courtyard? I'm afraid I'm going to lose my mind, hum

Sifujin was also a little embarrassed.

Mu Jin, little brother, and little Gege didn't come. Sanfu Jin was sent by the fourth master's people, but he didn't mention Yuping Courtyard at all. One can imagine what the master meant.

Master just let her deal with Sanfujin by herself.

But she didn't want to deal with this kind of thing at all.


Sifujin didn't mention the apology much, and Sanfujin couldn't lose face at first, she neither mentioned it, nor would she.

The two of them smiled politely and talked with each other.

It's just that, after all, it's a little stiff and embarrassing.

After all, Sanfujin knew what he had done by himself, and Sifujin knew it well, as an adult, it was indeed too cheap to do such a thing, and it was always a bit embarrassing for him.

Fortunately, he didn't stay for a long time. The third master sent someone to invite him, and San Fujin felt relieved and got up to leave.

When the third master left the house, the fourth master ordered people to send all the gifts brought by the third master to Yuping Courtyard and hand them over to Mu Jin.

"Third Brother is generous." Fourth Master smiled with some ambiguity.

Mu Jin tilted those gemstones, jades and ornaments, still feeling nervous in her heart, curled her lips and said, "No matter how generous we are!"

Said Bi Ming people all put away.

The fourth master smiled, hugged her and said softly: "This matter is over. When I see San Fujin in the future, be more careful and don't show it on the surface."

Mu Jin nodded and said with a smile: "I understand, master, don't worry!"

"Yeah." Fourth master kissed her, his Jin'er has always been a sensible and well-behaved person.

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