Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1708 In the Fourth Master's Mansion, This Matter Has Been Revealed

Mu Jin felt that this was a wake-up call.

The heart of defense is indispensable.

Especially in the royal family, there are many people with mixed eyes and many hearts, and troubles will happen if you don't pay attention.

In such an environment, it is not easy for a child to grow up safely and smoothly even though he is born enjoying the glory and wealth beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In the fourth master's mansion, this matter has been revealed.

In San Ye's mansion, San Fujin's life is not so good.

No matter how much she begged, the third master took brother Hongxi away from her side and forbade her to raise him any more.

The third master originally wanted to hand Brother Hong Xi over to Tian Fang Fujin to be raised, how could Tian Fang Fujin be willing to get involved in such troubles? It is embarrassing to say that elder brother Hongjing is alone, and I can barely take care of it, I am afraid that I don't have the extra energy to take care of the third elder brother

After all, Yugege's rank is a bit low, and it's a joke to let a child of Gege raise Fujin.

There is no other way, the third master can only let elder brother Hongxi, like elder brother Hongsheng, have a separate courtyard in the front yard, and send more reliable people to look after it.

Sanfujin cried to death.

She is not allowed to raise her two sons, which is a shame.

Not only that, but her housekeeping power was further divided, and part of it fell into Yugege's hands.

Yugege was overjoyed, and began to cultivate her own influence quietly. Finally, one day, the Sanye's mansion would be turned upside down by her.

In May, starting from Thirteenth Master's house, everyone became nervous.

Thirteen Fujin's expected date of delivery is in early May, that is to say, in May, she may give birth at any time.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has assigned Wen Po to live in the Thirteenth Lord's Mansion, and is waiting for the Thirteen Fujin to be launched.

This is the first child, Thirteenth Master and Thirteenth Fujin are a little panicked, Thirteenth Master simply invited Mrs. Zhaojia to live in the mansion.

With her by her side, Thirteen Fujin could feel more at ease.

Mrs. Zhaojia was naturally very happy.

Naura Nala side Fujin has been grounded all the time, and Mrs. Zhaojia is even more satisfied.

Fourth Master originally wanted Fujin to come and visit, but thinking about her relationship with Fuyu, he let Mu Jin go.

Fujin went, and seeing the mother and daughter of the thirteenth Fujin, it was embarrassing.

Mu Jin went there. Thirteen Fujin was still a little nervous and couldn't help asking her for advice. Even Mrs. Zhaojia asked Mu Jin a lot of questions very seriously.

After all, Mu Jin's first child was born with twins and was frightened and premature, and the mother and child were still safe, and neither the adults nor the children left any sequelae, which is simply a miracle.

Mu Jin smiled wryly in her heart, and said to herself that there must be a trick, but that trick is only suitable for me.

I had to comfort Thirteen Fujin well, let her relax, don't panic about everything, there is the best stable woman, and the imperial doctor is here

Besides, her pregnancy has always been stable, and it is sure to be smooth and safe.

Mrs. Zhaojia thought about it. When giving birth, many things are uncertain. There is really no sure way to guarantee it.

But you have to be yourself, don't panic!

If you panic, everything will be messed up.

Mrs. Zhaojia thought so, and she also comforted her.

Thirteen Fujin felt more at ease in his heart.

On the night of May 12th, the Thirteenth Fujin was finally launched, and the house of the Thirteenth Master was brightly lit. Everyone held their breaths and waited for the good news from Fujin.

Thirteen Fujin gave birth very smoothly, and she was born at three o'clock in the morning, a girl.

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