Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1716 There are more people and eyes than in the palace, how dare you take it lightly

Fourth master had been busy all day and came back at night.

Mu Jin has been waiting for him.

Seeing the familiar and tall figure of the man returning under the moonlight, Mu Jin's eyes lit up, and she greeted him with a smile: "Master!"

Fourth Master smiled lightly and embraced her, "Why have you been waiting?"

"Well, you didn't come back, the servant is not at ease." After all, I just came to this strange place, so I always have some special concerns.

"It's a coincidence that I miss Jin'er too." He looked at her, and they smiled at each other.

Along the way, Fourth Master either accompanied the driver or was busy dealing with related matters along the way, while Mu Jin was in a hurry to take care of the two children.

The two of them hardly had time to say a few words in a quiet place.

At this moment, the moon melted and the night was quiet, he embraced her, his eyes met each other, inexplicable feelings flowed between each other, as if a slight electric current passed through, her face was numb, her face was red and her heart was hot.

The fourth master smiled lowly, causing Mu Jin to fall into his arms and say "Master!", his eyes deepened, and he lowered his head and kissed her

The Summer Resort is big enough, it was originally built for autumn hunting and summer vacation, and to entertain the various ministries of Mongolia.

Living in the villa saves a lot of trouble in setting up defenses, and everyone is much more relaxed.

After a night of spring night, Mu Jin and Fourth Master woke up the next day, the sky was already bright, but it was actually not too late.

In this season, it is still obvious that the days are long and the nights are short in Chengde.

The two talked for a while and got up together.

Come together, there is the "uh uh uh" of the big geese in the yard and the giggling laughter of the two children.

Mu Jin laughed helplessly, "It's fortunate that the master asked me to bring the big geese here, which saved a lot of trouble!"

It can be said that the big goose is the "toy" that the two children have played with for the longest and are not tired of, or it is more appropriate to use the term playmate.

With the big geese around, the two little guys are much more obedient and honest, otherwise they wouldn't have stayed in the yard obediently, they would have gone out to play long ago.

The big goose can not only play with them, but also protect them, it couldn't be more perfect!

The fourth master smiled and said: "The Mountain Resort occupies a very large area, and the scenery is not bad. It's enough to stroll around for a while, but there are too many people here. Take more people with you when you go out, be careful."

Mu Jin nodded and smiled: "I understand."

Watching the two children play with the big geese for a while, Mu Jin smiled and beckoned him into the house for breakfast.

As for the big geese, they were also taken by Xiaodouzi and pine nuts to enjoy fish and shrimp delicacies, and to wipe their chest and belly feathers.

They can grow so smooth, strong and stylish, and it is inseparable from careful care.

After breakfast, the fourth master went out first. After a while, Seventh Fujin and Fourteenth Fujin sent someone to invite them, and Mu Jin went.

Among the female family members of the Fourth Master's Mansion, she has the highest status here, and she is indispensable for socializing with the noble ladies and wives of various Mongolian tribes.

Looking at the pair of children, Mu Jin felt a little headache.

They are still too young to take them to social occasions. This person hates dogs at an age, and it is most suitable to stay in his own home and harm his own family.

Mu Jin then carefully instructed the people to ask Haosheng to take care of little Elder Brother and Little Gege.

The nanny and others quickly agreed.

This has happened time and time again, the recent incident in the palace during the Dragon Boat Festival is still fresh in my memory, now in this summer resort, there are only people with more eyes than those in the palace, how dare to take it lightly?

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