Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1717 Mountaineering

Two nannies, two maids, two eunuchs, six confidant guards appointed by the fourth master, plus six fierce white geese to protect the Lord, this configuration is quite reassuring.

Mu Jin went out and took Geng Gege and An Gege with him.

On this day, Dafujin was in the east, accompanied by the princes Fujin, side Fujin, the clan, and noble wives. They chose the Lingye Pavilion by the Ruyi Lake among the mountains and rivers to host a banquet for the princesses, princesses and other female relatives of Mongolian ministries.

It is the first time for everyone to live in the villa, so they are curious. The scenery created by the smoke and water is very eye-catching.

Mu Jin, the Seventh Fujin, the Fourteenth Fujin, and the Bahrain Department and the Abahai Department had friendship with them, so they all came to talk together.

Princess Baole of the Bahrain Department is not yet married. She has a good memory and even remembers Mu Jin. When she saw her, she put on a pretty face, snorted heavily and gave her a glare.

Mu Jin had a good memory, so she recognized who she was at a glance, and smiled helplessly in her heart, so she had to pretend not to see her.

Princess Baole was afraid of the princesses, concubines, and wives of the Bahrain and Abahai tribes, and did not dare to come forward to find fault. Mu Jin was already very satisfied with having a leisurely time.

The various tribes of Mongolia are the same as the families of the Eight Banners. Unmarried girls are pampered and pampered. The more noble they are, the more they are pampered. Destined to be different from others.

No one would want to actively provoke such a person, it would be best if he could avoid it, if he couldn't avoid it, then that's another story.

Geng Gege has been by Mu Jin's side all the time, but An Gege soon found out where to make friends.

Mu Jin laughed it off and ignored it.

She can't tie An Gege by her side, she is a person with her own thoughts, if she really wants to do something, she can only let her go.

In addition to plains and lakes, there are also hills, valleys, dense forests, and mountain peaks in the villa, which include various landforms. The scenery created by the landforms and terrains is very different and fascinating. Where can I finish shopping in one day?

Everyone talked and laughed and made an appointment to go hiking in Songyun Gorge tomorrow.

After having breakfast the next day, Mu Jin smiled and said to Fourth Master, changed into the shoes for walking and hiking, put on the riding clothes for walking, took Xiao Tao and others to go out with Huai Shan and Huai Tang, and made an appointment After leaving the Qifu Jin and so on, they will go together with the female relatives of various Mongolian ministries.

An Gege didn't like mountain climbing, so he didn't go, and Geng Gege didn't like such occasions too much. He would rather take a walk in the villa quietly and enjoy the scenery, so he didn't go.

Mu Jin is not reluctant.

Songyun Gorge, as the name suggests, is the largest canyon in the summer resort. The ancient pines are towering, covering the sky and the sun. Stepping into it, there are patches of cool shade.

The road paved with feldspar strips meanders along the canyon and up the mountain. The pines on both sides are like the sea. Occasionally, there are clear streams and gurgling water. artistic conception.

Along the way, there are pavilions with simple shapes as resting places, and there are clear mountain spring water near some pavilions, which is sweet and cool.

Many buildings have been built on the mountain, which reflect each other with the landform and scenery, and they have their own names, such as Ling Taixu, Qingxi Yuanliu, Qingfeng Green Island, Shanjinxuan, Yiran Pavilion, Hanqingzhai, Bijingtang, etc. , is breathtaking.

Today, there are about 40 or 50 masters and slaves who went up the mountain together, which can be regarded as a mighty force.

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