Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1745 She Comes Too

"I have gone to Zhenzi Valley, tell her, let her rest assured, I will definitely bring the little elder brother back, and the little elder brother will be fine."

"Yes, master." Buckwheat nodded. She wanted to cry, but she held back.

Fourth master will not be happy.

Fourth Master took another look at Mu Jin, kissed her, and turned to leave.

Buckwheat and Xiaotao sat on the stool, staring at each other in silence, their hearts felt heavy like a stone.

Little brother is still so small

For the area surrounded by Zhenziyu, Fourteenth Master has already arranged everything properly, how to take turns, how to patrol, how to defend

There will be no accidents in this night's custody, and no matter what happens within the three-mile radius, you can know it immediately.

Fourteenth Master was a little confused about housework, and couldn't help but feel soft when facing the seemingly weak woman with pear blossoms and rain, but he was not vague at all when doing things outside.

If he didn't know this, fourth master wouldn't let him make arrangements here.

The Fourteenth Master looked at his fourth brother with some sympathy, and didn't know what to say. After struggling for a long time, he finally said: "Fourth brother, go back and rest. I'll do it if you have me here. Leave this matter to me." do not worry."

Fourth Master ignored his words, and only said: "Just do what you should do."

he go back? I can't rest even when I go back.

It's better to wait here, more peace of mind.

No, in the middle of the night, Huai Shan, Xiao Tao, and Xiao Cong accompanied Mu Jin. From a distance, they saw the light of the lantern in the night. Without thinking or asking, Fourth Master knew it must be Mu Jin. He sighed softly and hurriedly Stride forward.

"Jin'er!" The fourth master held Mu Jin's hand, moved upwards, gathered the cloak for her, brushed the broken hair that had blown across her cheeks, and put his hands on her shoulders, "Why are you here?"

Mu Jin blinked, seeing Fourth Master, her eye sockets gradually couldn't help being stained with moisture again.

But after half a day, she seemed to have been drained of more than half of her energy, and her whole body was so strong that it made people feel distressed.

She forced a smile on her face: "The servant can't sleep anyway, why don't you come over and wait for the dawn with the master."

Her Brother Nian doesn't know where he is suffering right now, how can she feel at ease?

How could she sleep on a high bed with soft pillows?

"Since we're here, let's wait together. It will be dawn soon." Fourth Master said softly, patting her gently.

"Well," Mu Jin reluctantly nodded, and couldn't help but ask again: "Master, will Brother Nian be taken away?"

"Master has already sent someone to investigate secretly, that possibility is unlikely." For fear that she would be worried, and also because the two of them had to talk at this time, Fourth Master carefully explained his judgment to her.

This is the Mountain Resort, and it is basically impossible for people with ulterior motives to sneak in.

Princess Baole's idea was impromptu today, and it's almost impossible for it to be such a coincidence that someone is here waiting to capture Brother Nian.

Besides, he sent someone to check carefully. Today is the first day of hunting, and almost everyone is gone.

No one would plot against his child at such a time, and even time it so accurately.

"Brother Nian must still be here. That kid has always been a bold and strong boy. Don't worry, he will be fine."

"Yes, I will!"

The fourth master embraced Mu Jin, found a place to sit against the wind, took off the cloak on his body, and added to her: "It's cool in the evening, Jin'er can't catch a cold, otherwise Brother Nian will not be able to come back." hug him."

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