Mu Jin couldn't help laughing out loud, but tears also rolled down her face.

She turned her face away, bit her lip and tried not to make a sound.

Fourth master sighed secretly, embraced her in his arms, and patted her gently.

Unknowingly, Venus hangs low in the sky, dazzlingly bright.

The eastern sky is gradually turning white, and the morning breeze blows slowly with cool mist, and everything around is gradually showing its outline

The day gradually brightened.

Mu Jin was hugged by Fourth Master, leaned in his arms, and fell asleep at some point.

She was exhausted, physically and mentally exhausted.

That pretty face, even in sleep, was still stained with a touch of sadness.

Fourth Master's heart throbbed for a while, Brother Nian must be fine

"Fourth brother," Master Fourteen came in the morning mist.

Fourth Master was about to wink at him to keep him quiet, but Fourteenth Master had already called out.

Mu Jin in fourth master's arms moved and opened his eyes.

She was a little dazed and ignorant, but she knew it was dawn.

Mu Jin rubbed her eyes and hurriedly sat up straight from the fourth master's arms, struggling to stand up: "Master, it's dawn, we, let's go find brother Nian. It's so cold this morning, we have to find him quickly, otherwise He should catch a cold!"

"Well, I'm going to look for you now, Jin'er, are you waiting for me here?" Fourth Master held her waist and helped her up together, and Su Peisheng and others hurried forward to help.

Just as Mu Jin was about to walk, she found that her body was so weak that she could hardly use any strength, and she was about to cry in a hurry.

She nodded quickly: "Okay, the slave is waiting here, waiting here! You go to find Brother Nian quickly."

Fourth Master gave her a worried look, and couldn't help but said: "Why don't you go back first? Be good, if Master finds Brother Nian, he will definitely send someone back to tell you immediately."

Mu Jin shook her head, did not go back, no discussion.

Xiaotao couldn't help but said: "Ce Fujin, let's go back! Little Gege didn't see you yesterday, maybe he was thinking of you."

"Yes," Fourth Master glanced at Xiaotao approvingly, "Jin'er, go back and be with Sisi first."

Thinking of her daughter, Mu Jin couldn't refuse.

The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh, and children are sensitive. Brother Nian didn't go back yesterday, and Sisi must be panicked. If she wakes up, she won't even see herself——

"Okay, I, I'll go back first"

Mu Jin nodded, but she was a little lost.

"Good..." Fourth Master wished he could hold her in his palm and take care of her tenderly. This feeling of powerlessness annoyed Princess Baole very much.

Huaishan, Xiaotao, and Xiaocong accompanied Mu Jin back to the residence.

Yesterday, Sisi was frightened and slept well at night, but woke up early in the morning.

Not long after Mu Jin came back, Sisi started crying.

She hurried to coax.

"Er Niang! Brother, I want my brother! I want Ama"

When Sisi saw Mu Jin, she cried softly, Mu Jin's heart ached, and she almost shed tears.

"Good boy," she tried to keep a smile on her face, tried to make herself look the same as usual, smiled and hugged Sisi in her arms, gently wiped away the tears on her face, and said with a soft smile : "Your Mama took her younger brother to hunt, and you want to bring back something fun for Sisi. Let's wait for them together, okay?"

Sisi looked at Mu Jin with wide eyes, blinked, her thick long eyelashes were wet, pitiful and cute: "Really?"

"Of course, how could Erniang lie to Sisi?"

Keep on yelling. . . . . . . . . . ticket ticket ticket ticket ~~~

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