Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1789 Smiling eyes

Mu Jin was originally born with a beautiful appearance, fair skin, bright and clean autumn eyes, and she has always been kind to others. Wearing such gorgeous clothes on her body, she looks even more noble and graceful.

The jewelry is still a set of emerald flowers, butterflies and cloud patterns, and an additional set of three ruby ​​peony hairpins. The tassels on the head of the flag have also been replaced by more bright red and festive coral beads instead of the original pearl gems.

Since there was a happy event and some entertainment was necessary, he entered the palace about half an hour earlier than the original plan.

Fujin, Mu Jin, and Fujin Li took one car each, the children accompanied their mothers, Song Gege and the other three Ge Ge shared a car.

The accompanying servants, maidservants, and eunuchs are divided into two vehicles, together with the guards, it is also a mighty and huge team.

Because of this imperial decree, the palace has become more lively.

When everyone came to the Yonghe Palace, it happened that the fourth master, the thirteenth master, and the fourteenth master were all there, and the masters were talking with the concubine De, when they were still outside the palace, they heard the concubine De's laughter.

Whenever the Fourteenth Master is around, the atmosphere here is always extraordinarily light and joyful, and the Empress De Fei also smiles even more heartily.

Unlike fourth master. Xu Shi didn't have much contact with him when he was young, and the fourth master would only sit and talk in a serious manner in front of the concubine Defei.

He has a face and a temper that don't know how to please his mother.

It was Mu Jin who had no face, no skin, no lower limit, and brought him into the pit. He was different in front of Mu Jin than he was in front of others.

Seeing Fujin, Mu Jin and his party coming, Defei Empress was even happier.

Everyone smiled and came forward to say hello.

Just as they sat down to talk, the Thirteenth Fujin and the Fourteenth Fujin came together, along with Fuyu, Shushujue Luo, and Gegeliu from the Fourteenth Master's residence.

This Liu family was gifted by Concubine De. Originally, Concubine De didn't worry about Fourteenth Lord, so she specially gave it to him to take care of him. He looks upright, has an honest temper, knows how to take care of others, and can make good soup. There is nothing in daily life. feel.

Now, the hall is full of flowers, surrounded by pearls and emerald greens, making it even more lively.

Seeing this, fourth master, thirteenth master, and fourteenth master quickly resigned and left.

Mu Jin and Fourth Master looked at each other, Fourth Master nodded at her slightly, Mu Jin's eyes moved, and he also blinked at him with a smile in his eyes.

Fourth master's heart beat twice faster, feeling a little itchy, he glanced at her coolly, "Wait for me!" The meaning was too obvious, and soon left with thirteenth and fourteenth masters.

Mu Jin and Fourth Master flirted with each other for only a short moment, and the two of them did it so inconspicuously that no one else noticed it at all, only Fuyu.

Fuyu's warmth towards her sister is completely inferior to her hatred towards Mu Jin.

It's also strange, even for Thirteen Fujin, she didn't hate Mu Jin that much.

Because she felt that all her unlucky experiences started when she met Mu Jin.

Ever since she came in and saw Mu Jin, Fuyu's gaze was almost fixed on her, so she naturally didn't miss the ingenious interaction between her and Fourth Master that was not noticed by others.

Fuyu sneered with contempt in her heart, and cursed a few words of despicability!

As soon as Mu Jin raised her eyes, she met Shang Fuyu's gaze, and moved away without a trace.

To her, Fuyu is an irrelevant person, and she doesn't need to care about her attitude towards herself.

As long as she doesn't take the initiative to provoke her to come to her.

The main hall of Yonghe Palace is not too small, but there are quite a lot of people here today. After talking for a while, Empress Defei laughed and ordered everyone to go to the side hall to rest, or take a walk in the courtyard. yes.

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