Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1790 Fourteen Fujins suppressing their anger

The main hall of Yonghe Palace is not too small, but there are quite a lot of people here today. After talking for a while, Empress Defei laughed and ordered everyone to go to the side hall to rest, or take a walk in the courtyard. yes.

Of course she wants to have a good time with her four grandchildren and talk to each other.

Especially when Brother Nian was in Chengde, something like that happened, and he hadn't entered the palace after returning to Beijing, but Empress Concubine De had heard about it, and her heart ached very much.

Seeing you now, I have already hugged Brother Nian in my arms to comfort and comfort him, and treated him tenderly.

Everyone naturally understood what Empress Concubine De meant, and they all laughed and got up to leave.

There were too many people, and the side hall was quite crowded, so Mu Jin walked outside the hall, taking a walk in the yard and admiring the flowers.

It is the season when chrysanthemums are in full bloom and the fragrance of golden osmanthus is just right. The Yonghe Palace of Defei Empress is decorated with various chrysanthemums and osmanthus flowers planted in a large flower vat half as tall as a person, as well as some camellias, gardenias, lilies, etc., which are colorful and bright. Looking at it under the sun, it makes people feel like they are in spring.

Mu Jin was stopping by a chrysanthemum bush bordered with red flowers and gold, when the thirteenth and fourteenth Fujin suddenly came over, and the three of them chatted and laughed together.

Fuyu is really unreasonable, which means that it is impossible for the Thirteenth Fujin to coexist peacefully with her, and it means that no matter what the Thirteenth Fujin does, it is impossible for the Thirteenth Fujin to really get close to the Sifujin, so she no longer hides it, and behaves uprightly. Get in touch with Mu Jin.

As long as they treat Si Fujin with enough respect and courtesy, no one can find fault with her.

There was no such choice for Fourteen Fujin, but she was close to Thirteen Fujin, and Thirteen Fujin asked her to come with her, so she did.

The three were talking and laughing, and the mother of the thirteenth Fujin happened to love chrysanthemums very much, and she knew a lot about the thirteenth Fujin. Mu Jin and the Fourteenth Fujin listened to her casual introduction of what they saw, and they gained a lot of knowledge.

The joy of the three of them was interrupted by the arrival of Fuyu and Shu Shujue Luo.

As soon as the two came, the atmosphere became obviously subtle.

The thirteenth Fujin looked indifferent, but the fourteenth Fujin's body stiffened subconsciously.

"What are elder sister, Thirteenth Fujin, and little fourth sister-in-law talking about? It's so lively, let us listen to it too!" Shu Shujue Luo said with a smile.

Fourteen Fujin smiled, "Just gossip."

After listening to Shu Shujue, Luo Shi immediately showed a bit of grievance, and glanced at Fourteen Fujin quietly: "Is my sister just perfunctory with my concubine like this? Does my sister hate my concubine very much?"

Thirteen Fujin was dumbfounded, and couldn't help but cast a sympathetic glance at his best friend.

Of course, she also knows some things about the fourteenth master's house, but it is far less intuitive than what she saw with her own eyes.

Mu Jin was also a little speechless.

The corners of Fuyu's lips curled up sarcastically, and she glanced at Shu Shujue Luo Shi, with contempt flashing across her eyes. In fact, she also dislikes women like Shu Shujue Luo.

Fourteen Fujin suppressed his anger and smiled: "What kind of talk is this? There must be a limit to this joke."

Shu Shujue Luo Shi's eyes became more resentful: "Sister is teaching me a lesson? I don't mean that, my sister misunderstood."

The thirteenth Fujin couldn't listen anymore, pulled Fourteenth Fujin and laughed: "By the way, I have something to ask for advice, please come with me! Little sister-in-law, let's talk another day."

Mu Jin smiled and nodded.

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