Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1852 Why does she... stand in her way

Chapter 1852 Why does she stand in her way

The makeup on the face is light, so light that traces of makeup can hardly be seen, but a pair of autumn eyes are bright and lively.

His face is so beautiful and refined, his posture is lazy and leisurely, and his noble temperament makes people feel ashamed involuntarily.

At this moment, Liu Xiaomei felt ashamed of herself, and suddenly felt unable to hold her head up in front of Mu Jin.

This feeling made her feel unwilling and unjust.

Wasn't Mu Fangfujin also sent to Zhuangzi back then? Where is the scenery like today? How is it different from yourself?

Why does she stand in her way

Mu Jin smiled and invited her to sit down, and ordered tea to be served.

"Thank you Miss Liu for your help yesterday, Miss Liu is really kind!"

Liu Xiaomei: ""

Liu Xiaomei felt very angry.

She obviously saved Xiao Gege yesterday, why did she have to understate the word "help" when Mu Fangfujin said it here?

She regretted that she didn't speak up sooner. After Mu Fangfujin said so, it was hard for her to take credit for herself.

If, if only Aunt Zhao was here, Aunt Zhao would definitely speak up for herself.

"That's what it should be. You can't be like Mu Fangfujin. After all, little Gege is the child of the fourth master. I, I saw that she was in danger, how can I watch the fun from the sidelines?"

Mu Jin smiled, and didn't answer the question again, looked at her with a smile and said: "Baishi Villa is the best among the many villas of Fourth Master, and the people in charge here are also very good. Miss Liu lives here. Didn’t you suffer any grievances? If you have suffered any grievances, I should have called the person in charge to ask.”

"It's, it's okay." Liu Xiaomei forced a smile, "The people here are all kind to me, but, it's just that every time I think about receiving rewards for nothing, eating and drinking here for free, I always feel a little uneasy."

"Miss Liu is Fourth Master's savior, don't say that!" Mu Jin smiled, "If Miss Liu has any requests, please don't be polite."

Liu Xiaomei, who was lowering her head, suddenly raised her head, looked at Mu Jin, and said hesitantly: "Mu Fang Fujin, can you tell Fourth Master to let me go back to the house? Don't say anything else, anyway, I spend my days with Fujin and Fang It's good for Fujin to talk to relieve boredom, living for nothing like this, even if Fourth Master, Fujin, and side Fujin are generous, I feel uneasy, I always feel, I always feel that I'm taking advantage of it too much."

"Besides, Fujin treats me well, I really want to stay by Fujin's side to serve and serve me!"

Liu Xiaomei said, without waiting for Mu Jin to react, she knelt down towards Mu Jin and kowtowed.

When Mu Jin was stunned by her operation and came back to her senses, she hurriedly asked someone to come forward to stop her from helping her up. She had already kowtowed seven or eight times to the ground, and the skin on her forehead was worn and red.

It wasn't just Mu Jin who was stunned, but Nanny Yan and others were all stunned. When they realized it, they all felt disgusted.

This Miss Liu is still as quiet and honest as before, but she has changed in her heart, and she knows how to use this method to force Fujin!

"Miss Liu, what are you doing?" Mu Jin's eyes were slightly cold, and she was really disgusted by her.

Liu Xiaomei thinks that she is the savior of the fourth master, but also alone, and the fourth master lived in her house for several days, even though her father was not dead at that time, but... but that is considered a lonely man and a widow, Why can't Siye's mansion have a place of its own?

See you tomorrow~

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