Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1853 Mu Jin doesn't want to make trouble

Why is fourth master not responsible for himself?

Liu Xiaomei's grief and grievance came from it, her eyes turned red all of a sudden, with two bags of tears in her eyes, she sobbed: "Cian Fujin, please let me go back to the mansion! I really want to do something for the mansion! I can't do anything, but it's good to talk with Fujin and Fujin to relieve boredom, I hope Mu Fangfujin will help me!"

Liu Xiaomei burst into tears.

Mu Jin looked at her tearful face, red eyes, and the scars on her forehead that were becoming more and more red and bruised, and barely made her laugh out loud.

What if you don’t promise and fail to fulfill? What will happen to her?

Walk out of yourself like this?

Maybe I will cry even more sadly when I leave the gate of this courtyard!

So that everyone can see and know how vicious and arrogant this side Fujin is, and how he treats Si Ye's savior like this.

Nanny Yan couldn't help but said: "Miss Liu, aren't you still keeping your filial piety?"

Liu Xiaomei wiped away her tears, and said with a sob: "Be filial in your heart, it's the same everywhere. If you accept favors for nothing for filial piety, even if my father is still here, you will be uneasy. You can also be filial in the mansion."

Therefore, this is determined to go back to the house.

Now that the DPRK and China are not at peace, Mu Jin doesn't want to make trouble out of it.

If this person returns to the mansion, with her temperament, it is difficult to guarantee that she will not be deliberately used by Fujin and Li, and troubles will inevitably occur.

Besides, Liu Xiaomei made such a fuss, and Mu Jin couldn't figure out whether it was just her own idea or someone was instigating it behind her back.

Although Baishi Villa is the fourth master's village, others can't do anything, but Fujin may not be able to do it either.

"Miss Liu said it so lightly," Mu Jin said coldly, "At that time, Miss Liu came to this village, and the fourth master said to the outside world that he came here to be pure and filial, and now he has returned to the mansion. , How do you guess? Is Miss Liu deliberately disregarding Fourth Master's reputation?"

Liu Xiaomei was taken aback, and shook her head hastily: "No, no, I didn't mean that, it wasn't like this, how could this be?"

"Why not?" Mu Jin sneered: "Miss Liu thinks this is a joke? You, a filial person, move around, can you stop people from thinking too much?"

"Besides, you are still in the filial piety, but you are asked to serve Fujin. What's the matter? Is there no slave in the fourth master's mansion to serve Fujin and talk with Fujin to relieve boredom? Miss Liu must be a benefactor to do what a slave does. ?”

Liu Xiaomei's face was flushed red, she lowered her head a little embarrassingly.

He murmured for a while: "I, I didn't mean that, I just was"

I just want to go back to the fourth master's house and become the fourth master's man!

Mu Jin added for her in her heart.

In fact, this is also easy to understand. Mu Jin didn't mean to look down on her. With the opportunity and capital to become a master, there is nothing wrong with wanting to become a master.

It's a pity that she is too stupid, she only sees the possible scenery on the surface, and never thinks about the difficulties and inappropriateness behind it.

Fujin wanted to use her as a knife at all, but she was so grateful.

If she really entered the mansion, and Fujin used her to deal with him, he would never let her go just because she was stupid.

She will not wrong herself.

"Whether you mean it or not is not important. The important thing is that other people will think so. If it causes others to misunderstand Si Ye because of this, do you think Si Ye will still think of kindness?"

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