Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1865 It's all something to be happy about

Fourth Master didn't want to have a quarrel with his own brother, there was no need to provoke him at this time.

"Speaking of it, it doesn't mean anything. It's just worshiping the ancestors. Don't think too complicated. Especially outside, don't show anything you shouldn't."

"Fourth brother after all," Thirteenth Master gave a thumbs up and continued to add fancy praise: "Such vision and knowledge are unmatched by others! Fourth brother, don't worry, we are not that frivolous people."

The fourteenth master's face also eased a little, nodded: "Fourth brother, don't worry!"

That's right, isn't the crown prince still alive and well? But it's just worshiping ancestors, so what can it represent?

Perhaps, it's just that Huang Ama's anger towards the prince has not subsided, and she is still venting her anger with the prince?

It's because everyone is in a state of confusion, it's not as good as the fourth brother can see clearly

"This time, my father went to Shengjing, and it took more than a month to come and go. You all have to take care of the errands in the household department, especially now that it is the end of the year, so don't be careless."

The three of them discussed and arranged the affairs of the household department.

At noon, fourth master left the two of them to have lunch in the mansion.

The three brothers ate and chatted, and after a while of confiding their hearts, Master Fourteen felt at ease.

Although, unwillingness is still a bit unwilling, but the resentment has dissipated.

In fact, when I think about it carefully, my resentment is quite unreasonable.

He never thought that he was stronger than the fourth brother, and never thought that the fourth brother should assist him.

But that day, Er Niang suddenly backed away and said many things to him

Just like that, his heart was aroused.

He is also a prince, a great opportunity is in front of him, and even Er Niang said so, of course he will be tempted.

Er Niang said that he was suitable, and said that the fourth brother was too cold and straightforward, and he was only suitable to be a capable minister and a virtuous minister to work on errands. After thinking about it, he felt that it was true.

The heart that was seduced gradually became more and more fiery and swelled

Therefore, when he suddenly heard the news, he would be surprised, disappointed, resentful and uncomfortable.

He felt that he had been deceived, the fourth elder brother clearly promised Er Niang to help him, but in the end he helped himself!

Now that I think about it, the fourth brother is really only thinking about running errands, and he didn't get involved in this matter at all. The errand was assigned by Huang Ama, so what does it have to do with him?

The kindness that the fourth brother treated him in the past was not in vain.

Thinking about it this way, while Master Fourteen's anger disappeared, he also felt a little guilty.

After having a good time with the two younger brothers, the fourth master went to Yuping Courtyard after seeing them off.

As soon as Mu Jin saw him, she smiled and took his arm and said, "Master, what's going on today?"

Seeing that the footsteps are much lighter, although the brows and eyes are still light, but there is a sense of lightheartedness, others can't feel it, Mu Jin knows him best, how can he not feel it?

Fourth Master chuckled, turned his head to look at her: "After all, it is Master's Jin'er, I can't hide anything from you."

Entertained two younger brothers for dinner at noon, drank a little wine, unknowingly drunk a little high, fourth master lay on the kang, pulled Mu Jin into his embrace, bowed his head and lightly kissed her lips He pecked lightly, "Emperor Ama is very happy and supportive of the rice planting, and let me let you do it. Also, the errand of worshiping the ancestors has also been assigned to me."

There is also the old fourteen, who should have at least eliminated most of his dissatisfaction with himself.

So, it's all something to be happy about.

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