Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1866 Responses from all parties

It is even more gratifying to have a beloved woman by my side at this moment.

"Really? That's great! The servant congratulates the master!" Mu Jin's eyes lit up, her brows were curved, her smile was gentle, sweet and full of admiration.

In other words, her family's fourth master is so outstanding, and Lord Kangxi is so wise and powerful, how could he not see it?

The most important thing is that everyone else has ambitions, but my fourth master doesn't.

The fourth master laughed loudly, with a little smile in his long and narrow eyes, and his thin lips curved, "This is indeed a surprise, and I didn't expect it to turn out like this. I really can't guess what Huang Ama is thinking!"

After guessing and guessing, I'm afraid no one guessed it right, including himself.

Mu Jin smiled and said, "Master, I always put my heart into my errands, and Huang Ama naturally sees it. It will take more than a month to go back and forth again!"

As Mu Jin spoke, she felt a little melancholy, he hadn't set off yet, but she was already missing him!

The fourth master also felt a little bit reluctant, bowed his head and kissed her, hugged her and comforted her softly: "After worshiping the ancestors, the master will come back as soon as possible, the weather is getting colder every day, Jin'er takes good care of herself and the child us."

"The slave is in the mansion, and he is taken care of by himself. He doesn't need anything, but the master walks outside, so he has to be more careful." Mu Jin smiled softly.

"Don't worry, Su Peisheng's servant is still useful."

"That's true."

The two looked at each other, smiled, and couldn't help kissing. The fourth master covered her and said vaguely: "It's been more than a month since we left, now Jin'er has to spend a good time with the master."

The fourth master here is warm, fragrant and tender, full of affection and affection, and the news that he was assigned by Lord Kangxi to worship the ancestors spread like a gust of wind quickly throughout the front and back palaces.

After all, countless pairs of eyes were watching this matter, and after the news was confirmed, Lord Kangxi intentionally spread it, and naturally everyone knew about it soon.

There are naturally a lot of disappointed people.

But many people are just disappointed, just sigh or envy.

After all, judging from Si Ye's status, character and ability, few people are qualified to express dissatisfaction when this matter is assigned to him.

Even the uncle, he complained and complained a few times, "I didn't expect to be taken advantage of by the fourth brother in the end!", "Look at the fourth brother who is silent, huh, who knows that he is the most cunning !", "I don't know what he did behind someone's back, and got into Huang Ama's eyes!", "I just know how to curry favor with the prince, huh, you son of a bitch!"

The uncle was annoyed or not, but the matter had already been settled, so he secretly cursed and cursed in secret for a while and it was over.

At most, the next time I see fourth master, I will be even more reluctant to see him.

The third master is different.

The third master tried to figure out Lord Kangxi's intentions, and took this matter too seriously. He believed that this matter was a precursor to the abolition of the crown prince. Whoever he thinks is selected this time, to a large extent, it means that this person is in the heart of the emperor.

With a fiery heart, he is fighting for opportunities with high spirits.

Determined to win.

From the very beginning, he regarded Fourth Master as his biggest and almost only competitor, and he was very afraid.

When he learned that fourth master had taken his beloved concubine and a pair of children to the Zhuangzi outside the city at this juncture, third master hardly laughed out loud, feeling great contempt in his heart.

Fortunately, he still regards the fourth child as the number one opponent. It seems that he values ​​him too much.

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