Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1867 Come back to God, trembling with anger

What can a man who is full of thoughts on women and children do? What big things can you do?

At this time, he voluntarily left, which he thought meant to voluntarily withdraw.

count how self-aware he is

Unexpectedly, they fought openly and secretly in the capital, fighting to the death, and as soon as the fourth child came back, he took the fruit into his pocket!

When he heard the news, the third master's first reaction was not anger, but dumbfounded!

He was completely dumbfounded.

My mind went blank.

he can't even believe it's real

That's ridiculous!

Came back to his senses, trembling with anger.

What a fourth child, I thought he had quit, but he turned out to be the most cunning and deepest hidden one!

I didn't notice it for a while, and I was made a fisherman by him once.

And Huang Ama, what does Huang Ama mean? Why did such a huge benefit be given to the fourth child!

Since he didn't want them to perform, didn't want them to fight for it from the beginning, then don't say that?

Since he said that, didn't he mean to let the brothers fight each other according to their own strength?

What kind of real strength did the fourth child show in this? Why is it him!

The third master was angry, and Niu Gulu's side Fujin was also very boring.

You must know that in order to make the third master value her more, in this matter, she has given him a lot of advice to interfere with it.

There is no less flattery and praise for the third master, and the praise makes the third master complacent, and he believes that this opportunity must be his.


In the end, such a result came out. When the third master was angry, if he remembered what he said before, he would inevitably blame him.

Niu Yulu and Fujin almost hated Mu Jin to death, and felt that anyone who got involved with Mu Jin would be in bad luck.

It's really strange, that woman, maybe she was born to restrain herself, right?

And I'm afraid no one will believe it. Ever since she saw Mu Jin for the first time, she hated her for no reason. She wanted to see her unlucky, and wanted to see her be thrown into the abyss and fall into the dust. It would be better to see her die.

This person is very obstructive to his eyes.

And my intuition is really accurate, this time, nothing good really happened.

In the palace, the concubine De concubine heard the words, she smiled and was pleased, she accepted the congratulations and flattery from the maids and eunuchs around her, and even gave them rewards, and when everyone was screened away, only her confidant Aunt Qiu was left by her side, her complexion sank "swish" up.

"How could this happen!" Empress Concubine De felt tight in her chest and felt a slight pain.

The fourth child didn't help the fourteenth child, but did it by himself? Then why did he agree to it in front of his own face? Does he still have his mother in his eyes!

Let's see how he explains it to himself this time.

Empress Defei was about to send fourth master into the palace for questioning, but she stopped after thinking about it.

She doesn't have to take the initiative, she waits.

She wants to see if the fourth child has the face to come to see her, and when will he dare to come to see her.

It's already late October, and the ancestors are going to Shengjing. It will take at least a month to come and go, and they will leave in a few days.

Fourth master is going on a long trip again, and Qingtongyuan is busy packing for fourth master.

In addition, at the end of the year, the various ministries have a lot of affairs, and the workload is more than double that of the usual month.

Although the fourth master explained the regulations and made arrangements to the thirteenth and fourteenth masters, they are still too immature after all, and many things still need to be done by the fourth master himself.

In the past few days, fourth master was so busy that his feet never touched the ground.

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