Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1868 He expected that Er Niang would be dissatisfied, but he didn't expect her to be so

In the past few days, fourth master was so busy that his feet never touched the ground.

Coupled with the long days and short nights in winter, when fourth master returned home every day, it was already dark.

Mu Jin asked the small kitchen to make soup to wait for him every day. When he came back every day, there were different soups waiting for him. Under the dim light, the fourth master was drinking the soup that soothed his stomach, and Mu Jin was beside him Accompanied by a smile, it makes people feel warm and warm in their hearts, and dispels a bit of the severe winter cold.

Three days later, it was time to leave. Almost everything had been sorted out. The fourth master happened to set aside two days to rest, to accompany Mu Jin, to hold a family banquet to explain to everyone, and to enter the palace to bid farewell to Er Niang .

I've been busy these days, and fourth master didn't go to the palace to meet the concubine De.

He knew that his mother-in-law would definitely have an angry incident, why bother to go now?

Affect mood.

It's better to wait a few more days and use it up, maybe her anger can also be dissipated.

After the imperial court that day, Fourth Master deliberately went back to the mansion to have breakfast, and then went to the palace to pay his respects to Concubine De.

The concubine de concubine waited for several days, and finally waited for the fourth master to arrive, she couldn't help but get angry.

The fourth master saluted and greeted, and the concubine de concubine sat upright, her eyelids rolled up, and she sneered slightly: "You still remember this mother-in-law of this palace, I thought, you forgot!"

Fourth Master froze slightly, his handsome face, which was originally a bit cold in front of others, became even colder.

He expected that Er Niang would be dissatisfied, but he didn't expect her to be so direct.

For a while, fourth master didn't know what it was like.

A little sour, a little astringent, a little cold, a little trembling.

Subconsciously thinking of Mu Jin in my mind, thinking of the gentle and understanding woman who treated me wholeheartedly, made me feel better.

What is lost, as long as it can be compensated elsewhere, even if the compensation far exceeds what is lost, it is not considered a failure.

"My son doesn't dare to take what Er Niang said." Fourth Master tried to explain the difference, but the words came out dry, as if there was not much sincerity.

In fact, these words are his true words.

But he can't be like Master Fourteen.

If it was the Fourteenth Master, at this time, he would have to smile and sincerely add a sentence, "Emiang is the most important person in my son's heart. If my son forgets anyone, he will never forget Emiang! Emiang These words, wronging my son so much, make my son feel so sad! My son is wronged!"

It's a pity that fourth master would never say something like this.

So he could only say an unpleasant sentence dryly like a piece of wood.

Hearing that he was so perfunctory, the concubine de concubine became even more angry when she decided that she had been deceived, and said with a sneer, "Don't you dare to do it? Heh, in front of my palace, you dare to do one thing in front of your face and another behind your back. What else do you not dare to do? Fourth brother, I think I treat you kindly, so this is how you repay me? In your eyes, what is this mother-in-law of this palace!"

"Er Niang!" Fourth Master was startled, his stiff face turned pale: "Why did Er Niang say such a thing! My son has never said anything to Er Niang in front of him, and Er Niang is aware of it."

"You still dare to quibble!" Empress Defei was even angrier: "Fourth brother! You, have you become so old and confused that your memory has faded?"

"My son doesn't dare," the fourth master took a deep breath and said calmly, "Emiang, my son has a clear conscience. My son doesn't have any ideas about this errand. As for the fourteenth brother, how old is he? Eight, who can he compete with? How does his son plan for him?"

ok, see you tomorrow~

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