Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1878 Wu Gege is going crazy

"Go out." Mu Jin said coldly: "Wait for Fujin to ask, then you can talk!"


"Xiaodouzi, Songzi, ask her to go out!"

"Yes, Fang Fujin."

Wu Gege was so angry that he fell on his back, held back his anger, turned around and left angrily.

But Mu Jin asked someone to stop her from leaving, "Wu Gege was standing outside the door, and she was not allowed to leave. If I leave, if I get some injuries on my arms or face, I can't tell. "

Wu Gege: ""

Wu Gege was going crazy.

Holding back her anger, she relied on Mu Jin not to do anything to her.

So what if you are favored? That is also side Fujin.

If she dared to touch herself, she dared to go to Fujin and cry out for her grievances.

But who would have thought that she was so arrogant and rude, which made her angry, and now she is even more angry

Originally, Fujin didn't want to care about this matter, he just said it wasn't a big deal, and it was enough for Mu Caifujin to explain clearly to Wu Gege.

Mammy Yan said to herself, this is indeed not a big deal, but any temptation is not a big deal.

It's just that if my side Fujin lowered his posture in a good manner today, it's hard to say whether there will be any major events in the future.

On this point, Nanny Yan and Mu Jin have the same opinion: take precautions before they happen.

Treat small things as big things, so you don't have to bother to solve big things.

What a bargain.

Deep down in her heart, Nanny Yan was also quite emotional. My master seems to be favored, enjoying all the love of the master, and the master only has her in his heart, and no one else.

But this is now, no one dares to say what will happen in the future.

My master chose the most difficult path. The end of the path may be a splendid fairyland, or it may be a desperate situation. No one can tell now.

If one day the master changes his mind, today's favorite is evidence of a series of crimes of narrow-mindedness, selfishness, jealousy, and arrogance.

And all the people who are suppressed by her today will definitely retaliate crazily

However, this is her master's choice. It's not that she doesn't know the possible consequences, it's just that she doesn't want to part with fourth master.

That being the case, she just walked down with her.

Because of this, for Wu Gege and others, her master never took the initiative to bully her, because she only had fourth masters in her eyes, not them.

But once someone came to provoke him, he couldn't let him go lightly.

How can Yanmao be dismissed by Fujin's excuses in a few words? If it was possible, Mu Jin would not have sent her over.

Nurse Yan smiled politely and said, "Fu Jin looks so good, Mu Cai Fujin can't rub the sand in his eyes. Although the matter is small, it is, it is—a disgusting person. Mu Fang Fujin said, but what happened to this matter? It's not a big deal, and I don't dare to disturb Fujin, please ask Fujin to send someone close to me to deal with it, otherwise, I have to be cheeky and bring people to Fujin to explain clearly."

Fujin's expression darkened immediately, he stared at Nanny Yan for a moment, and said calmly: "Forget it, this matter should be clarified, the rules in the mansion must not be broken. Nanny Wu, you should go there."

That bitch of the Mu family really knows how to bring people to her. She doesn't want to pay attention to such trivial matters.

Grandma Wu responded with a deep voice, and went with Grandma Yan.

Wu Gege was relying on Mu Jin not being able to control him, and the master was not in the mansion, so he became more daring and made trouble on purpose, just to make Mu Jin unhappy, how can he explain why?

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