Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1879 She was humiliated by Mu Jin and it was her own fault?

No one instigated anything with Wu Gege, it was all because she was too angry to talk nonsense.

Of course, it is hard to say whether this statement is true or not.

But Mu Jin didn't care either.

All she wanted was to use Fujin's hand to clean up those who caused trouble, and to kill the chickens to make an example to the monkeys, and she didn't really want to investigate thoroughly.

Being able to provoke and instigate in the backyard has such a good effect, and there are only a few people around, and it can't do much to find out.

I don't know if Wu Gege is really stupid, but at this time, he still complained angrily, saying that Mu Jin refused to take her to the banquet, and she felt aggrieved.

Mu Jin immediately sneered: "Do you still have Fujin in your eyes? Don't you know that Fujin is the head of the house? Not only this matter, but also other things. If you have any ideas, you should ask Fujin! Who Tell you to come to my place to make trouble?"

"You don't respect Fujin, you don't care about the mistress, Nanny Wu, you have to be careful about how to punish Nanny Wu! It's not a joke to damage Fujin's majesty!"

"Besides, what if I don't take you there?"

Wu Gege's eyes were red with anger, and his chest almost ached from Mu Jin's last words.

What if I don't take you there?

How could anyone, how could anyone talk like that? ?

Mu Jin: "Look for yourself, with your temperament, who else would dare to take you out except Fujin?"

Wu Gege: ""

So, she was humiliated face to face by Mu Jin, and it was her own fault?

What the hell is that!

She originally thought that she could pick out a few sour words like "Mu Fang Fujin is so majestic", and catch her little pigtails who are better than nothing, but they didn't even give her this chance.

"Although she is rude, I didn't touch a single hair of her." Mu Jin ignored Wu Gege and smiled at Mammy Wu, "Mama Mama should be a witness for me. There are bruises here, broken skin there, swelling, scars and so on, I don’t recognize it.”

Grandma Wu froze, and quickly laughed and said, "What did you say, there is no such thing! You are naturally not such a person."

"At that time, if someone really chews his tongue, it will all depend on the mother to testify for me."

"Yes" Nanny Wu had to admit it if she didn't.

Where did Wu Gege dare to embarrass Nanny Wu? With Wu Momo's words, she is not afraid of her playing tricks.

Grandma Wu reported back to Fujin, and Fujin sneered: "This Mu family has always been used to diverting misfortunes, ah, she has become more and more proficient at this technique. This Wu family is also stupid."

What else can you do besides being savage and reckless? No wonder he had to be treated by the master.

To be honest, An's is a caring person, no, even the sachet was given to the master.

Since Wu Gege was accused by Mu Jin of being disrespectful to Fujin, even though Fujin knew that Mu Jin had no good intentions, he felt somewhat unhappy, so he fined Wu Gege and grounded him for seven days.

Wu Gege felt wronged, and begged Wu Nanny to intercede for her.

"Mother Wu, you know, how could I be disrespectful to Fujin? This is clearly Mu Fang Fujin who framed me—"

"Wu Gege," Wu Gege originally wanted to persuade her, but she stopped talking after hearing this, and just said: "If there is no evidence, please be careful with Wu Gege's words!"

To accuse Mu Fangfujin in front of his face? crazy huh? "

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