Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2039 What the hell is Diagnosis Ping An Pulse

"The slave is just trying to tell you this!" Mu Jin's eyes sparkled, and she nodded quickly: "Why don't you go tomorrow?"

The fourth master thought for a while: "Let's wait another day. The day after tomorrow, the master will call Imperial Physician Liang to come into the mansion to diagnose your Ping'an pulse."

Mu Jin, who was sooner or later, didn't care much, it was not too late. As a female family member in the back house, the most important thing is time.

But what the hell is Diagnosis Ping An Pulse?

Okay, why did she have to check for a safe pulse?

"Master!" Mu Jin hugged his arm coquettishly: "The slave is in good health, and there is no need to diagnose and diagnose Ping'an's pulse."

"Need a doctor's visit," the fourth master said with a smile, "I know you are in good health, so I feel more at ease when you get a doctor's visit." As he spoke, his eyes subconsciously fell on her lower abdomen, "My master is waiting for Jin'er to give me another baby." Brother!"

Mu Jin was taken aback for a moment, and then realized why he asked Imperial Physician Liang to diagnose her Ping An pulse, her face suddenly became hot, "Oh!"

It turned out to be the Ping'an pulse, this man is quite a hairy man

Seeing her shy and cute, fourth master saw her with a slightly warm heart, he hugged her and looked at her eyes, and smiled softly: "It's time to rest."

Mu Jin blushed even more, hummed in a low voice, and followed him back to the bedroom.

One day later, Fourth Master returned to the mansion after morning. Sure enough, he brought Imperial Physician Liang here, and ordered Mu Jin to go to Qingtong Hospital.

Imperial Physician Liang stepped forward to salute respectfully, carefully checked Mu Jin's pulse, and said to the two with a smile, "Fourth Master, don't worry, Mu Fang Fujin, Mu Fang Fujin is in excellent health and is suitable for conception."

Mu Jin's face turned slightly hot, and she was somewhat embarrassed to say this in front of Imperial Physician Liang.

The fourth master didn't realize it, nodded solemnly, and asked again: "Mu's premature birth, and twins, really didn't affect the body at all? Doctor Liang, I believe you, just tell the truth, Don't have the slightest worry. Otherwise, if there is something in the future and ask the master to find out, it will be bad."

"That's not good" means "see how to deal with you!" Liang Taiyi was clear, with a calm expression on his face and smiled: "Yes, fourth master, even if I have ten guts, I will not dare to lie to fourth master you Ah! To be honest, Xiaguan is also a little puzzled in his heart. Ordinarily, according to Mu Caifujin's situation, his body may indeed be damaged. Presumably, Fang Fujin has always had a good health and will be recuperated later. Make it right!"

Fourth master nodded slightly, and looked at Mu Jin, finally relieved.

"That's fine," Fourth Master said with a smile, "Let's leave this matter alone. When Mrs. Mu is pregnant, there will be time to bother Imperial Physician Liang."

How dare Imperial Physician Liang accept such words? Repeatedly said "dare not".

Fourth Master waved his hand, and Imperial Physician Liang retreated knowingly.

Mu Jin's eyes fluttered, her eyebrows and eyes were gentle, she hugged Fourth Master's arm and smiled sweetly: "Master, can you rest assured?"

Fourth Master smiled lightly, and gently stroked her lower abdomen with his palm: "Maybe there is already a little thing here."

Mu Jin giggled and patted his hand away.

The two quarreled for a while, but Fourth Master still wanted to go to the yamen, so Mu Jin went back to Yuping Courtyard.

Unexpectedly, Fujin found out about Imperial Physician Liang's visit to the mansion. Fujin was startled at first, thinking that the fourth master was ill, so he hurriedly sent someone to secretly inquire.

Unexpectedly, I didn't find out anything else, but I found out that Mu Fangfu Jin went to Qingtong Hospital and then left, which was almost the same time as the time when Imperial Physician Liang came. "

Sisters, ask for tickets~~

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