Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2040 Nanny Wu came back, her eyes dimmed

Grandma Wu was a little happy when she heard that, she gloated and said with a gloating smile, "Could it be that Mrs. Mu contracted some kind of disease?"

The joy hadn't passed yet, and Nanny Wu's smile froze slightly, and she also noticed that something was wrong: "This, this can't be done? If Mu Fangfujin is really ill, how can he still go to Qingtong Hospital in spirit? Just pass it on." Wouldn't it be more convenient for Physician Liang to go to Yuping Hospital?"

Fujin glanced at Nanny Wu, and sneered slightly.

The heart said that you are not too old and confused.

Grandma Wu came back to look back, her eyes darkened.

She couldn't bear to guess and say it, but Fujin didn't think there was anything, and smiled lightly: "It's been almost five years, right? I thought the master was just a novelty to her, and he forgot about it after a while. After all, our master's heart has never been placed on the enjoyment of the back house, but who knows, I was wrong."

Neither Wu Momo nor Ji Momo dared to make a sound.

Fujin sneered again and again: "Who knows that our master is also a long-term lover. After so many years of pampering, he is not tired, but he is getting more and more interested!"

Fujin's brows and eyes instantly became a little ferocious, and he gasped slightly.

It wasn't until this moment that she saw her heart clearly. It wasn't that she didn't care, but that there was no one worth caring about before.

What she can't get, no one else can get it. As a first wife, she can naturally look down on everyone with a dignified and cold gaze.

Even if Mu Jin was favored again before, in her eyes, it would only be "wait and see".

Just wait and see, one day the master will fade away towards her, hasn't Mrs. Li ever been insolent before? That's it.

Looking back suddenly, she realizes that after so many years, the master still dotes on her like this, without feeling tired at all.

Whether it was Mu Jin's own request or Grandpa's initiative to mention it, she was so cautious about preparing for pregnancy, and specially invited Imperial Physician Liang for this visit. It can be seen that Grandpa cared about her and made up his mind to ask her to have a baby.

Who among these people in the government has ever been treated like this? Pregnant or not, it's always a matter of God's will, if you have it, the Lord is happy, if you don't, it's just like that.

Is there really anyone in this world who can want the heart of the master? Fujin felt a lot of emotions in his heart.

"Fujin, don't worry, no matter what, you're still a Fujin! No matter how many Fujins Mu Fang gave birth to, it's still not the same to greet you in front of you!" Ji Nanny smiled and comforted her.

"That's right," Nanny Wu also said, "Isn't there going to be a talent show soon? According to this old slave, I don't need to worry about the others, just pick two very good-looking ones to enter the mansion."

Hearing this, Fujin looked at Nanny Wu, and smiled lightly: "Mama said it lightly, where can I find two people with outstanding looks?"

It may not be possible to find someone who can compare with Mu's, let alone want to be more outstanding than her.

That seductive appearance, especially those naturally charming eyes, looking at people with a watery hidden smile, is there any woman who is not jealous when she sees it, how can a man resist it?

I just didn't expect it, so did Grandpa

Thinking that Fuyu has been married to Lord Thirteen for so long, and that Thirteen Fujin's daughter is almost one year old, but her stomach hasn't moved yet, Fujin is even more troubled.

Fujin was so worried that he was a little desperate. Could it be that the two sisters are so unmarried?

Of course, Mu Jin didn't know Fujin's troubles. Mu Jin is currently checking the gifts she has prepared and choosing the clothes and jewelry she will wear tomorrow. After breakfast tomorrow, she will go back to her mother's house.

I haven't seen my mother for a long time, and I really miss them in my heart.

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