Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2081 It seems that fourth master is nothing more than that

Fourth Master didn't say anything to him, and after accepting the black and white paper, he said goodbye to Fourteenth Master and two household officials.

The uncle was a little confused.

This, this is - gone? ?

Why is it different from what he had imagined before.

It was just that he felt that even if he didn't really start a fight, he would have to be on the verge of a sword no matter what.

But the fact is that they just choked a few times, and they left now?

The uncle felt very dizzy and confused, and he didn't recover for a long time.

There were countless pairs of eyes staring at the Prince Zhi's mansion in the open and in the dark, watching fourth master and his party go in, and then come out after a while, all of them were dazed.

Then, all those who watched the excitement were disappointed, and even had a little contempt in their hearts, thinking that the fourth master in the past was so ruthless, fair and selfless.

Look, isn't this also soft?

As for all the debtors, they all celebrate with each other, feeling comfortable, complacent, and extremely happy.

It seems that fourth master is nothing more than that!

Thinking about it, he must have been kicked out of the mansion by the uncle in a disheartened manner, right? Since I can't deal with the uncle, I don't have the face to bully these weak and pitiful people.

Fourth Master left Zhiqin Prince's Mansion, and went back to the yamen of the Ministry of Households with the uncle's signature in black and white. After returning, he didn't go out again, and returned home not long after noon.

It's not bad for half a day, it's not bad to go back home to rest and talk to Jin'er.

In the scorching summer, the two children had already gone to bed after lunch, and Mu Jin was also resting on the kang in the morning.

Being pinched in the face, Mu Jin, who was sleeping soundly, was a little annoyed and muttered something vaguely and slapped away the mischievous hand. Hearing the man's low laughter, he was slightly startled, opened his eyes, and was even more startled when he saw Fourth Master , "Master, you are back!"

Fourth master motioned her to move in, and lay down next to her, leaned over and smiled at her: "After I went to eldest brother's house today, I don't have anything else to do, so why not come back and have a rest."

Mu Jin immediately looked at Fourth Master with some sympathy.

Mu Jin knew exactly what kind of temperament that Uncle Zhi Prince had. As far as that person's temperament was concerned, the fourth master's purpose of being the first to use him as an example to scare the chickens and monkeys should not be too obvious.

My grandfather must have heard the arrogant and malicious words, right?

"What kind of look is this in Jin'er's eyes?" The fourth master was a little bit dumbfounded, and said with a smile: "Why? Master is so useless?"

Mu Jin laughed too, took the initiative to snuggle into Fourth Master's arms, stretched out her arms to hug him and stroked him gently behind his back, "Who said Master is useless? Master is better than anyone else if he dares to take on such an errand! The slave just feels sorry for the master who must have been bullied by the Prince Zhi. With the Prince Zhi’s temper, he might do something. Master, don’t take it to heart, it’s not worth getting angry. The slave asks the kitchen to cook a few dishes for you at night. Let's have a good meal with our favorite dishes, eat and drink enough to nourish our spirits, and we'll talk to him tomorrow!"

Fourth master laughed loudly, and embraced the person in his arms: "Jin'er is absolutely right."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the fourth master said again: "Let's rest, and the master will also rest for a while."

Mu Jin nodded obediently, and gently closed her eyes.

When they woke up, the sun was already in the west, and the two of them were in good spirits after taking a nap. They laughed and talked for a while and got up together.

Two children ran in staggeringly and called "Ama, Erniang", and the fourth master smiled and hugged Sisi.

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