Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2082 The Fourteenth Master Disgusted Them

The next day, when fourth master went to court, he received a lot of gloating looks. He sneered in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

The Fourteenth Master received the same treatment as him, a young man who is hot-blooded and impulsive, but not in a city like him, who glared at a few people as a counterattack, but made people feel more complacent and despised watching the excitement.

I decided in my heart that this is because I became angry from embarrassment. Fourth Master put on an air, no matter how good he is, what's the use?

After the court, the third master specially comforted and encouraged the fourteenth master, but the fourteenth master was very angry.

When the other courtiers saw this, those related to this matter also boldly stepped forward, taking this opportunity to make a strange show.

The Fourteenth Master made them feel sick, and said angrily, "Third brother, don't comfort me, and you adults don't need to say such things. It's only natural to pay back the debt, let alone the hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands owed. If you are creditors, you can just let it go if you like it? You have to think about your conscience when you speak! No wonder the drama says you are the moth of the country, isn’t it the moth of the country! Let’s wait and see, this matter has just begun, and it’s still time to start. It’s early, if you owe money to the national treasury, no one can renege on the debt, and you will pay back every penny! Confiscating your interest is considered a kindness of Huang Ama! You don’t know it, why don’t you go to heaven!”

Third master: ""

The third master's face was a little embarrassing, and he forced a smile: "Old Fourteen, your temper is really violent, and you will explode at any point. Don't worry, don't worry, take your time when you have something to do."

The rest of the people were even more ashamed, annoyed and embarrassed, and they dispersed after mumbling a few times.

Master Fourteen is really not polite at all.

But, huh, so what? Then let's see if he has the ability to continue! Who wouldn't talk big? Ah!

The fourth master called the fourteenth master away, and went to the yamen of the household department together.

Not long after, the fourth master sent someone to invite the uncle to go to the Hongyun Tower to sit and talk.

After the morning court today, as a player in this farce, the uncle is paying attention now, so he naturally knows it, and he even laughed at it from his followers, which is refreshing.

Fourth Master sent someone to invite him, but he nodded and agreed without thinking, and went right away.

Go, why not go?

Not to mention anything else, the dishes in Hongyunlou are very expensive, so it's not bad to go there to butcher Lao Si and have a good meal.

Just say what he wants to say, he just listens. As for how to do it, he knows what to do, what else can the fourth child do to him?

The uncle never expected that he had just led people to Hongyue Tower.

Downstairs, Hongyue was guarded by fourth master's confidant guards in disguise, so that even a mosquito could not fly in.

The Fourteenth Master ordered fifty guards from the mansion and the fourth master's mansion, and went straight to the Prince Zhi's mansion.

After all, the Fourteenth Master was the prince Baylor, and he came here full of anger. When he entered the mansion, he ordered people to tie up the housekeeper, and ordered people to guard the courtyard where Da Fujin lived, and no one was allowed to go in and report.

He ordered his confidant to go straight to the accounting room, and asked for as much cash as he had. He took his men straight to the warehouse, drew his sword and cut off the door lock, and kicked the door open. All kinds of valuable antiques, pick the best ones, and pack them into boxes. , Carrying out boxes one by one.

not return? Then take something to pay off the debt!

Several stewards in charge of Prince Zhi's mansion were tied up, and several confidant guards wanted to stop them, but they dared not face the Fourteenth Lord.

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