Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2084 Uncle almost pissed off fourth master

"I was at fault for this matter, and my elder brother was also at fault first. I dare not say that the two are equal, whether it is mine or not, even if I owe my sister-in-law and elder brother a favor, if there is any assignment in the future, my sister-in-law and elder brother will just take care of it." Just open your mouth"

The fourteenth master said a long list of things, and the Qing mother was speechless.

Da Fujin was also a little speechless.

Although my heart is still stuffy and stuffy, but I am not so confident anymore.

It can't be said that what Old Fourteen said was completely wrong.

There is a sentence that is irrefutable, both parties are at fault.

"Forget it," Da Fujin finally withdrew his expression, and said lightly: "This matter is a matter between you brothers, and I, a woman, don't understand these things. You can tell your elder brother yourself later! "

The Fourteenth Master bowed and withdrew.

With a wave of his hand, he took his people and left.

The sister-in-law didn't point at his nose and yell at him, he was already very grateful, and he didn't expect the sister-in-law to be kind to him, after all, this matter could be regarded as domineering.

To be honest, when the fourth brother proposed to do this, he was so shocked that his eyeballs almost didn't fall off. It's too scary!

The fourth brother actually, actually came up with such an idea

Also a ruthless person.

But think about it again, with my elder brother's temperament, besides using such a domineering and unreasonable method, what else can I do?

Reason with him? What a joke!

Even if it really makes sense after hard work, I'm afraid it will take a long time to talk about this coming and going, but who has so much time?

Besides, it doesn't necessarily make sense?

It's a little unreasonable to do this, but it's undeniable that I feel really good in my heart.

Especially thinking of his haughty face and rude words yesterday, it feels even better.

The fourteenth master sent someone to Hongyue Tower, and the fourth master got the news, so he stopped talking to the uncle, and looked at him: "Brother, I have something to tell you Say it."

Unaware that his home was robbed, the old man drank carelessly after hearing the words, without even raising his eyebrows: "Oh? What's the matter?"

The fourth master was neither slow nor ill, and told about the fact that he sent the fourteenth master to the uncle's house to rob the money by force.

There was a "hum" in the uncle's mind, and he couldn't recover for a while.

After a while, he shouted sharply: "What did you say? Fourth, say it again!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the blood surged up. The uncle slapped the table heavily, "Fourth, tell me again!"

"Brother, don't be angry, isn't this what the elder brother said? If you have enough money, you can pay it back. I just asked someone to check if it is enough. I didn't expect that the elder brother's house is quite rich, so I took the things first! Brother , you don't want to take care of this matter first, if you really want to make a big fuss, I will accompany you to the end. Don't forget, the money I borrowed from the treasury, and the black and white letters signed by my elder brother yesterday are all in my hands. When I come to Huang Ama, I also want to see whether one of us has more."

"You!" The uncle almost made the fourth master pissed off!

This bastard is simply too nasty, too despicable and shameless!

"Brother, since those things have been brought to the household department, I can't return them to you like this. If you want to make a fuss, let's see who is more ugly. Why don't we discuss it carefully, what do you think, brother?"

Discuss your uncle! "

Ask for a ticket!

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