Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2085 It's irreversible now

The uncle's face became more and more ugly, staring at the fourth master, his heart was burning with anger, wishing he could swallow him alive.


I never thought of it before, but now I can't say it, I'm aggrieved!

The uncle sneered: "Everyone says that you are a proper gentleman, fourth son. I really didn't expect that you would do such shameless deeds! Ha ha! What a proper gentleman!"

Fourth master: "If a gentleman who is dunfang can get his debts back smoothly, then he will be dunfang. I have no choice but to make such a decision. Don't laugh at me, brother. To be honest, the two of us are half and half, and no one is much better than the other." .”

Uncle: ""Your uncle!

No matter how resentful and annoyed the uncle is, the matter has reached this point, and it is irreversible.

He insisted that he had no money, and he would pay it back when he had more money. The fourth master had nothing to do with him, and this matter could continue like this.

But now that his family has been taken away, what else can he do?

Can you still bring people to the Yamen of the Ministry of Households to snatch the things back?

He was originally in debt, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't do such a thing.

Besides, the fourth son of a bastard has always been very cautious and cunning in his actions. Since he dared to do this, there must be an afterthought. Even if he wanted to snatch it back, he might not be able to snatch it back.

Fourth master watched him coldly, seeing that his attitude had gradually softened, and that he had clearly resigned to his fate, he was secretly relieved.

To be honest, he was actually quite afraid that the boss would fly into a rage and beat people up.

After all, the boss's temper is not good, and his fists are hard enough.

In case of being beaten up by him, even though he would never dare to beat himself up for what happened, it would be a shame.

However, since he has received this job, it is impossible for him to get off to a bad start anyway, so he might have to bite the bullet and join in on this matter.

Fortunately, the boss had fooled himself.

The fourth master accepts it when he sees it, and he is very kind and friendly. He comforted the uncle, and suggested that this matter must be tightly sealed, and said to the public that the uncle was moved by him, so he understood it with emotion and reason. Debts should be repaid and should not be moths of the treasury, so it is touching to take the initiative to sell property to repay debts

While the uncle was cursing in his heart, what a move, he had to pinch his nose and agree with him.

In other words, it is better to let one's image be a bit taller, and to earn a good reputation, than to be forcibly robbed of one's property.

Of course, once this statement was made public, he would have no way to pursue the matter of fourth master's confiscation of his property.

Thinking about it is still quite frustrating.

Obviously it was the fourth brother who did something unkind, but in the end he had to cover it up for the fourth brother!

What could be done? At this point, this is the best way.

The evil I did, I have to finish it myself even if I kneel!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

So Prince Zhi is so easy to talk and so impartial? He didn't pay the money, but he took the initiative to change the seller's property and paid it back!

Three hundred and forty thousand silver! The white snowflakes and silver can be piled up into a hill, and Prince Zhi is willing to do so!

The fourth master took the opportunity to build momentum and spread the word to the uncle, and the common people all praised him: After all, he is a prince, elder brother, with character and consciousness!

So, what about the other moths of the kingdom? Hurry up, hurry up, and pay back all the money.

The money in the national treasury is all taxes paid by the big guys. Why do you feed you? You have already received your salary, what else do you want? "

Well, today's update is complete!

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