Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2089 What does Jin'er want

"Forget it, I'll keep it for next time." Shi Fujin smiled and couldn't help but said again: "I heard that the Old Summer Palace is very well built, spacious and full of flowers and trees, please invite me to take a stroll sometime .”

"Okay." Mu Jin smiled sweetly, and couldn't help but brighten her eyes when she mentioned the Old Summer Palace, she was very proud: "You can go there anytime you want."

The Old Summer Palace is naturally excellent. She and Fourth Master carefully designed it, and invited the most outstanding craftsmen to design and build it. All the flowers, plants and trees were carefully selected.

Moreover, there is also the hot spring that she moved out of the space. Spring water flows through the entire water area of ​​Yuanmingyuan, and the irrigated flowers, plants and trees grow better naturally.

Ten Fujin left contentedly.

Not long after she left, Fourth Master also came to Yuping Yard from the study of Qingtong Yard, and said with a smile: "The old ten's family is gone!"

Mu Jin gave him an angry look: "The slave originally wanted to keep her for lunch, but she didn't."

Fourth Master: "Then she is very witty, after all, she has also learned how to raise and lower eyebrows."

Mu Jin: ""

Mu Jin couldn't help laughing: "Master, why do you say that!"

The fourth master smiled and said: "Then let's not talk about her. It's rare for the master to rest for a few days. Let's go after lunch. This time it's just us and the two children, so we can really relax."

Mu Jin felt sweet in her heart, looked at him, smiled and said "hmm".

The matter of collecting the bills is already in the end, and there is nothing that fourth master needs to do in person. Lord Kangxi pitied him that he was exhausted after exhausting all his efforts, and specially allowed him to rest for four days.

If there was no Old Summer Palace, fourth master would have taken Mu Jin and a pair of children to Baishi Villa. Now that there is Old Summer Palace, which is a better place and closer to the capital, it is natural to go to Old Summer Palace.

When getting into the carriage, Mu Jin watched a pair of children and nurses getting into the carriage, smiled and comforted her softly through the curtain of the carriage, and then got into another carriage with Fourth Master.

Su Peisheng, Qiaomai and others were sensible and did not follow.

The carriage slowly drove out of the mansion gate and headed out of the city.

This errand has been fully prepared in advance, although there are some troubles in the subsequent handling, but overall it is smooth.

Much smoother than expected.

Fourth master was relieved and in a very good mood. When he got into the carriage, he hugged her and sat in his arms. He lowered his head and sniffed the faint scent of her hair. Thinking of the two of them being alone, he felt even better.

Both Jin'er and the Mu family have helped him a lot in this errand. Thinking of this, the fourth master smiled softly and said, "What does Jin'er want? Tell the master. Over there, the Mu family, If you need help from Master, just ask."

Mu Jin, who was nestled in his arms, raised her eyes to look at him, hugged his waist and smiled lightly, "Master has already given enough to the slave, and the slave has nothing special to ask for. Besides, there is no one in the mansion who is drafting this time." Entering people is the best thing the master can give to the slave! The slave's natal family has also received great favor from the master, and I am grateful in my heart, but since the master said so, if there is anyone who wants to ask the master for help in the future, The slave will mention it to the master."

Hearing her eloquence, fourth master felt more pity and love in his heart, and said with a smile: "Mu's side, it's just as you said. It's just that no one is allowed in the mansion, and it's also my own meaning - master has Jin Er, why do you want to get in or not? Are you going to cause trouble? This doesn’t count. Jin’er think about it carefully, Lord, I just want to give Jin’er something!”

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