Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2090 The ignorant person next to him

Mu Jin hid her mouth and laughed out loud. This person wanted to give her a gift, but he didn't know what to give her? Her fourth master is real enough.

Mu Jin thought for a while, and just about to speak, fourth master's index finger lightly pressed on her lips, "Don't tell me you really don't need anything."

Mu Jin blinked, she really has everything now. She is good at everything about basic necessities of life, food, housing, and transportation. She has what others have, and she also has what others don't.

Even the inner-made rouge powder that can't be bought outside with money, she has several sets.

All kinds of precious materials such as cloud brocade, Shu brocade, damask silk, Hangzhou silk, Song brocade, Kesi, makeup satin, floating brocade, snow satin, etc., as well as all kinds of tailor-made new clothes are endless.

As for jewelry, many of them have never been worn. Even the gems and pearls that have not yet been inlaid are stored in two large boxes.

What else does she need?

Seeing that the fourth master was so serious, and he seemed to be in trouble if he didn't want to do anything, Mu Jin finally had an idea, and said with a smile: "Master, why don't you draw a set of patterns for the servant, and we will burn two sets of porcelain Are the cutlery okay?"

There are also official kiln holes in the imperial building, and there are master craftsmen with superb firing skills. They have drawn patterns and designed styles, and asked the master craftsmen to fire them.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this idea was a good idea, and Mu Jin really became interested, and said with a smile: "Master, how about it! Let's make two sets of excellent tableware, and we will use this for our meals in the future. This is Master Nothing can compare to what Alone does for the slaves."

The fourth master couldn't help being a little excited when he asked her to talk, and said with a smile: "Okay, I have some free time, how about slowly drawing some broken branches and flowers, and asking someone to make white porcelain tableware?"

Then she nodded her nose and smiled lightly: "Jin'er can pick and choose, this is for Jin'er alone, and will not be given to others."

Who dares to ask him to draw the patterns and styles of fired porcelain? That's the ignorant person beside him.

But why is he not only not angry, but also a little happy?

Being able to make her happy, seeing her crooked eyebrows and bright eyes smiling at him, he felt joyful and comfortable for no reason.

Mu Jin felt sweet in her heart, and she was really happy: "This gift, the servant likes it very much!"

"As long as you like it," the fourth master said with a smile, "I don't mind Jin'er repaying my master for this. Well, I won't say anything else, just stay in Yuanmingyuan for three or two days, and Jin'er should serve her attentively."

Mu Jin's eyes flickered, and her beautiful lips curled up: "How can the master want a slave to serve you?"

The fourth master held her hand, wrapped her waist tightly with the other hand, kissed her, bent his thin lips, and smiled softly: "You will follow whatever the master says." The deep voice was intimate and ambiguous, hooked heartstrings.

Mu Jin's face became hot, she subconsciously avoided looking, and was defeated.

Shameless than she doesn't seem to have won him.

The fourth master laughed happily, and before she opened her mouth to express her resistance from a little embarrassment, he had leaned over and held her and kissed her

This time, the two of them still live in Shangxiatianguang with their children.

The two lived in the two-story square main building near the water, and there was a small yard at the back. The main room and the left and right side rooms in the yard were complete, enough for the two children and the nanny and maids.

As for the big white geese, the big white geese are really in a paradise when they come here, they can run around and have fun.

Mu Jin mentioned a few things last time, and when he came back this time, there were already a dozen mallard ducks and three pairs of mandarin ducks in the back lake in front of Shangxiatianguang, which made it much more lively.

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