Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2110 This greedy master is right

The fourth master smiled and coaxed the two children, telling them to fly the kite as usual, and took Mu Jin's hand to the willow trees and peaches by the lake.

Among the shaded trees, it is most suitable for two lovers to whisper and whisper.

The fourth master's eyes were a little hot, with a gentle smile, Mu Jin made him look a little embarrassed, subconsciously lowered his eyes, and said softly: "Master, slave, let's walk with you, the one in front The hibiscus is blooming just right, and it makes people happy just looking at it.”

Fourth master turned his head to look at her, and said with a smile, "Master's Jin'er is really easy to satisfy."

"That's because you are there," Mu Jin said with a smile: "The slave has you, and looking at others, they don't have such strict requirements, and they are naturally easy to satisfy. To be honest, the slave is too greedy."

She is too greedy, occupying his people and his heart firmly and domineeringly, and refuses to give anything to others. In this world, there is probably no one who is more greedy than her.

The fourth master was quite pleased with these words, put his hands on her shoulders, and said with a light smile: "This greedy master will agree."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and kissed each other naturally, sweet, sweet to the tip of their hearts.

After a long time, the kiss was over, the fourth master held her in his arms, and the two stood by the lake looking at the water. The fourth master casually talked about entering the palace to see Concubine De.

The relationship between him and Concubine De has always been like this, as long as it doesn't conflict with the interests of the old fourteenth, then everything will be fine, and it can barely be called a happy and harmonious relationship.

But when it comes to the old fourteen, it's different. His mother-in-law would always say some hurtful things to him, and she still felt that what she said was right and justified.

In the past, if he was not happy, he would be unhappy, and if he had a reaction, he would also be a response. There is no way to talk about this kind of thing, and it is not suitable for anyone.

The old thirteen can be regarded as his mother who took care of him and grew up, so it was impossible for him to tell him.

Fujin was his wife, but if he said a few words to Fujin, Fujin would only persuade him to respect his mother, and would only think that it was inconceivable how he could think so!

Now that he has Jin'er, he has someone he can confide to without any scruples. It was too uncomfortable to hold back.

Even if he doesn't take it to heart, he still responds in the end.

He didn't say anything about the summer banquet, only about the reward.

Mu Jin expected that something would happen to him when he returned home, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

For a moment, I feel sorry for my fourth master.

"Emiang, she doesn't understand Master, so the judgments she makes are naturally not counted. Master, you can just listen to it, don't take it to heart. In the future, Erniang will definitely not say that again when she understands Master! Be, The future is promising, and one day Er Niang will understand! Except for this, you have everything else, and you are no better than others! Master, you still have slaves."

The fourth master vomited a lot and felt somewhat relieved, leaned over and kissed Mu Jin's face, and said with a smile: "No, master still has Jin'er! Jin'er is master's little lucky star, and also master's interpreter flower!"

As for Er Niang, will she understand one day? Fourth master didn't know, and didn't bother to think about it.

He thinks most likely not.

However, after hearing what Mu Jin said, he felt that there was some hope, and he felt more at ease.

After all, it was his own mother. Although he was past the age of acting like a spoiled child, he still longed for his mother's approval after all.

Just accept it.

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