Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2111 The fourth master is tired and crooked

Mu Jin giggled and turned her eyes lightly. Seeing that there was no one around, she couldn't help wrapping her arms around Si Ye's neck, raised her eyes slightly to look up at him, and said softly, "I can do anything for a slave, as long as I'm with you." Grandpa will be fine."

"Yes," Fourth Master smiled, feeling inexplicably at ease.

Wu Gege, who hadn't been able to meet Fourth Master successfully, wandered around in the garden unwillingly. Now he finally turned to the side of the lake, and finally saw Fourth Master. However, he didn't expect that Mu Fangfujin was also there, and he was with Fourth Master. Grandpa is so affectionate and cuddles each other.

Wu Gege bit his lip, secretly cursing the vixen in his heart!

Is it possible that Mu Fangfujin can pinch and count? Everything good happened to her! It was so hard for me to have a chance encounter with Fourth Master, and she actually made trouble for it!

She has gotten enough, can she leave some for others?

Wu Gege was entangled, and he was unwilling to leave like this, so he stepped forward to salute, "Slave greets master! Good luck, master!"

Fourth master was feeling warm and soft in his heart, whispering private words with Mu Jin, when he suddenly saw Wu Gege coming over, he couldn't help but frowned, feeling displeased.

"Get up!"

"Thank you, master!" Wu Gege regained his energy, with a three-point smile on his face, and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence, I don't think my master, Mu Fang Fujin is also visiting the garden at the moment."

Fourth master is tired and crooked.

He can provide these people with rich clothes and good food, as long as they behave well and don't cause trouble. There was only so much he could do.

If you want to talk about grievances, say you can't help yourself, isn't he the same? They were not what he begged or wanted to come, and they couldn't be shirked.

The person Er Niang pointed out was given by Huang Ama. He couldn't refuse Huang Ama and Er Niang because of not delaying their youth and happiness.

He is the elder brother of the prince, he can do whatever he wants, as for others, that is their fate, he never feels ashamed of anyone.

This Wu family is really unclear. Is it because the life is too comfortable and the food is too good? What are you running around all day? At the beginning, he made troubles, and he still had the guts to humiliate Geng. After two rounds of beatings, he got better, so what do you want to do now?

What are you shaking in front of him?

Mu Jin also disliked Wu Gege the most. Some people are naturally disgusting, and she was talking about her.

Seeing that the fourth master was silent, Mu Jin smiled and said, "We've been strolling around for quite a while, and we're about to go back, Wu Gege, let's take a stroll by ourselves."

Wu Gege's face froze, and he subconsciously looked at Fourth Master.

Fourth Master ignored her, patted Mu Jin on the shoulder and said softly, "Let's go."

Mu Jin nodded and left with him.

Called the two children and went back to Yuping courtyard together.

Wu Gege was so angry that he stared at the back, and when they were far away, he slapped a handful of willow leaves and spat angrily, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Fox spirit, what the hell! I want to see how long she can run rampant! There is no hundred day red, one day she will be unlucky, I can wait!"

Fourth Master rested for a while after lunch, and then went to the yamen, and told Mu Jin with a smile that he might not be able to come back for dinner, and he would be a little late today.

There were a lot of things to do today, and I should have gone to the yamen of the household department after the court. But when he went to the palace, he had a bad time with the Concubine De, and he felt restless and decided to go back to the palace, which was delayed.

Mu Jin was very polite, and immediately smiled and said: "The slave asked someone to deliver meals to the master, do you want to eat anything?"

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